
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago

Which ones kick my ass in math?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago

It was probably more of a general position of doing whatever needed to be done. They likely wanted the prestige of having some one so famous and competitive associated with the shop. That is typical still with high end shops; sponsor a few of the best local racers and your shop gets known quickly within that scene.

Looking at he pic, the hats were the "club" aspect of that shop, like a kit or jersey would be for a shop now.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Protect things you have 1 of the most. If a helmet has MIPS like cycling get it. You're unlikely to crash like me on a bicycle totaling SUV's, but with head/spinal injuries, every fraction of a second is critical. I was a very close fraction from dead in my major crash 10 years ago.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

We have no data for an Earth analog around a G-type star, like absolutely nothing. I highly doubt there is some universal life around such a star, but out of a sample size of 1, who could rule them out? Kepler was barely supposed to be able to survey at this resolution, but totally failed at that objective. They claimed success for politically criminal reasons, but go look at the actual data and you'll see the random noise they cherry picked to make that claim and how they are massive outliers from the rest of the data. None of those data points are remotely scientifically relevant or taken seriously. No other survey to date has come close to an Earth like resolution.

Researching for my book, there several G-type stars within 7 parsecs. I find them most interesting, but I do not believe complex life is likely anywhere in this galaxy at the present point in time.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

There were some talks on Harvard's CfA colloquium that went into the evidence for a prior generation of Jovian moons and that these were likely larger. I've long speculated that this event is by far the most likely to produce a Theia like object on a potential Earth collision course.

Earth's hotspots are from a paper this year on the mantle anomalies and ongoing research that correlates them. I watch a range of qualified academic sources with valid and current credentials. This is like my casual entertainment. I don't care to argue, act like chimps in a zoo throwing party favors, their academic equivalent, or the bottom tier of Dante's Reddit. You can find most of this through Anton Petrov and Fraser Cain in the last few years. Moat of these ideas are published and the rest are abstraction and speculation that fits the more broad strokes of what I have seen.

I really don't care who is right or wrong. I enjoy my abstractions in observation from the sidelines. I do not take sides except those that seem more compelling and place no value on tenure or those that appear to build blind careers on poor intuition that makes no sense outside of a narrow frame of reference.

If you take offense at such a casual interest I apologize. Feel free to block me. I do the same to rudeness online as I do in public to my face.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (7 children)

The only remote chance is panspermia. There is absolutely no chance that complex life exists within 1 astronomical unit of Earth, or within a few parsecs for that matter.

Simple life is likely common, but not complex. The most likely large filter for Earth, appears to be the Theia collision that lead to the moon's formation, Earth's hotspots, a likely source of nitrogen and water of the correct isotopes, and the vital plate tectonics that enable elemental cycles beyond anything seen on other terrestrial worlds.

The real question is not what makes Earth unique; it is what makes Venus and Mars so similar, any why Earth is not an average intermediate. The obvious answer is Luna.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 5 days ago

Sharks regrow their teeth, not their fins.

[–] [email protected] 41 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Why don't they start by cutting the head off of the monster that got them in this position. That should be the first step. Stupid sharks loose their teeth, not their fins that actually do the work. Like, everyone in corporate should be sued and owe back every bit of their pay from the last few years. This is a steering problem. So replace the wheel and fuck up the old one.

[–] [email protected] 41 points 5 days ago

Rule can't work. Where is Saddam hiding his WMD in Bush?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

It's all drugs; the answer for everything.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 days ago

Alone. They both have that raged when angry look.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

You poor kid, You're on a dozen watch lists and the spam email Right wing ring, in addition to the hundred or so ads you were spammed just to make this.


Why YSK is because this is where my ultra detailed intuitive perspective shines and I can tell you how to generate revenue on demand using eBay the old school way that still works.

This was a reply to someone a few days ago about how to sell a large gaming collection. That post was deleted, but this info was popular, so here it is as a post that will stay up.

I ran high end bicycle consignment on eBay professionally. It was a side thing when I was a Buyer for a bike shop chain, and what I did part time for nearly 2 years after disability. In total I sold $139k on that account.

You must be established on eBay in the first place. You need an account with at least 60-100 feedback first. Make purchases to get some of that, sell a few low value (to you) items at a really good deal for others and across different categories. You're trying to show that you are a real person and imply your country of origin. Ship everything you sell the same day that payment clears, and get a receipt from the logistics handler every time.

When you package any item, take a picture of the item in the box, and keep a scale on your packaging table to take a picture of the boxed item with the weight on camera after sealing the box. You are going to have 5-10% of customers that are scammers. This combo will save you from their scams. You can use the imaged weight and shipping weight from the logistics carrier receipt to dispute the photo of empty packaging scam.

Shipping insurance is a complete waste of money. The most expensive thing I sold was a $14,900 Felt IA FRD without the Zipp wheels for $9600 on eBay after 1 season of use. That was a major outlier. Most bikes were $1k-$3k, but I was dealing with some pricey stuff that represented substantial risk. I had to deal with major issues a few times despite using better shipping practices than anyone else I have ever encountered. If you own the merch, you own the risk. I didn't have that luxury. I developed the strategy of finding the advertised cost of the cheapest insurance option I had available and I paid this amount of the sale into my insurance account separately. That account went negative once near the beginning, but stayed about even with incidental drains occasionally. The hassle and time it takes to go in circles with the third party shipping insurance companies is the intentional obfuscation built into their scam. You will be able to recover any lost amount simply by working a minimum wage job for the same amount of time it will take you to get money out of these scammers. You could probably panhandle the amount quicker than the amount of time you will spend trying to get them to pay.

It will be nearly impossible for you to keep track of all of the fees and costs of eBay. I tracked everything as fees; taxes, logistics, insurance, supplies, everything. In could not close monthly books until 3-4 months after the sale. The total cost to actually sell items was 39% of the total sale as of April of 2017 with an account in perfect standing ~98% of the time. The lowest I ever got was 37% in a month and never topped 40%.

When you post items, have them boxed in advance and post the last picture of the item boxed. Add a unique number to this box, have it in the picture, and add it in the description of the item so that you know what is in each box to match with the purchase. Don't count on your descriptions or listing. Don't package whatever sold in the last few days after the listing is ended. You WILL screw this up and send the wrong things to the wrong people or forget something no matter how diligent you try to be. It is much better to have a label that prints and includes the listing details with the unique number matching the box; like today I sold: "K4R3N," "IAN123," and "JK1337," and must match these values to boxes that say the same. Like, if you are selling video games, do not do: Brombus Brzezinski bought Final Fantasy VII Special Edition (6/10), Bambi Blowater bought Final Fantasy VIII Special Remastered Edition (7/10), and Blumbus Bluewaters bought Final Fantasy VII (7/10). If you package what sells after the fact, you'll be slow and when problems with logistics happen your delay is only going to make the problems much worse. It does not matter that you have x days to ship items in the system or described in your listing. Ship it the same day that payment clears as a point of pride. When you have real problems, that is the only time to use your shipping window. This is the only way you can keep an account in prefect shape long term.

The price others list items at is a joke. Ignore this nonsense and only look at the sold history for items in the last 60 days. If you can provide better information and images than anyone else in this sold history, you are likely worth 10-15% more than the rest. Keeping a listing up costs money and is a loss that must be accounted for.

Low demand items without substantial sold history are worth less in this market. Emotional attachment is worthless, sold history is everything.

This is the key to doing well with generating revenue on demand: eBay has the most traffic of customers willing to make purchases on Sunday evenings between 9-11pm Eastern time as this will bridge the entire continental USA so that it is 5-8pm in California. The trick is to list your items with ten day auctions and time your listings so that they end in this time window on Sunday. In other words, you schedule ten day auctions that start Thursday evening in this time slot. Stagger your listings around 10-15 minutes apart so that a person can bid on and watch multiple items. Now, this is where the real hack happens and the details matter. You list these items to start for $0.99 with free shipping if possible, and with no reserve. This is not optional. Your conservative fear and desire to list the starting price higher will kill traffic interest and volume of initial views. The item must have an active sold history for this to work. An active sold history means there is demand. The initial traffic of a real no reserve auction on eBay will max out your visibility priority for suggested and relevant cross posts. This is more powerful of a tool than any other form of promotion. You're going to get a several messages from all the crazy stupid people that want you to take their special offer of $2 to end the item. You love this stupidity because these idiots flock to this kind of fantasy listing in droves and are the reason this trick is so effective in the first place. Be nice to them and they'll view the listing hundreds of times. A few might even go crazy with a sub $5 bidding war, which is even better for the listing visibility. I did this with $1k-$4k bikes all the time. I almost always set the max sold history value for similar items, but I also did detailed listings unlike anyone has ever done before or since with high end bikes on eBay. I documented every scratch, bearing, and part, along with detailed wear descriptions where I was downright negative by typical salesperson standards. I also used my automotive painting background to photograph cosmetic issues before and after I did minor touchups and fixes to really high end stuff. You must think like a skeptical buyer that is afraid of getting scammed when you're creating listings and reassure them in a way that would satisfy yourself. Like prove that your games actually work in pictures, etc. There is only a minor element of sales pitch to tell what the item is and its intended use. The majority of your listing should be about telling the informed buyer every detail they are not even aware of questioning and gives them confidence to take the listing serious.

Only start your no reserve auctions to end on a Sunday that follows the 15th of the month, and only when there is not a holiday or major sporting event in the USA. People pay rent/mortgages on the 1st of the month. The largest pool of people with excess funds to spend a little more or get carried away with bidding are the people on the Sunday after the 15th of any given month. Never list items that are competing with themselves in auctions that are ending on the same night. Make your listings Buy it Now for a good price in the interm then convert these to no reserve auctions when you're ready. Avoid giving any excuses that might indicate the person can procrastinate and get the same thing later or for a better price like mentioning you have more of these, or even listing the same item in another listing with Buy it Now while an auction runs.

Overall, this is how you dominate eBay and get your stuff in front of the most people, most often, and that is how you make sales conversions. No matter what you do, you're going to have overburden that will not sell in any single market. This is why I was the Buyer for a bike shop chain that ran eBay and did swap meets too. Pick a number and and strategy for handling this. Like when you have sold $xx,xxx amount you're giving the rest away to N and quitting. You will never experience a day when the last item sells.

Last thing I didn't mention before, if eBay still has 1:1 images in the primary scrolling feed, absolutely make sure to photograph your leading image to make it as large as possible and fill the entire frame. Use a white infinite background or a low light studio photography setup. The background needs to be either 0x00 white or 0xff black, and the item itself needs to look real like it is not a stock photography image. The other images should be professional looking, but can be more flawed. The lead image should be edited using gimp with filters for contrast and saturation to make the thing pretty.


Under the Third Geneva Convention, prisoners of war (POW) must be:

  • Treated humanely with respect for their persons and their honour
  • Able to inform their next of kin and the International Committee of the Red Cross of their capture Allowed to communicate regularly with relatives and receive packages
  • Given adequate food, clothing, housing, and medical attention
  • Paid for work done and not forced to do work that is dangerous, unhealthy, or degrading
  • Released quickly after conflicts end
  • Not compelled to give any information except for name, age, rank, and service number

Just a thought. I'd rather be a POW than a homeless disabled person in the USA. I'd have more rights, respect, better support, and better care.



Something feels different about people's reactions to an OP in comments IMO. It is not always a thing, but more of a broad pattern. How do you personally view this? Do you see it too? Do you have some clear picture in mind as to why this difference exists? I have a few ideas, but don't want to taint your takes on the subject.


Science is "empirically complete" when it is well funded, all unknowns are constrained in scope, and (n+1) generations of scientists produce no breakthroughs of any kind.

If a hypothetical entity could encompass every aspect of science into reasoning and ground that understanding in every aspect of the events in question, free from bias, what is this epistemological theory?

I've been reading wiki articles on epistemology all afternoon and feel no closer to the answer in the word salad in this space. It appears my favorite LLM's responses reflect a similar understanding. Maybe someone here has a better grasp on the subject?


Is there some intuitive menu mode that is simple to initiate? The packaged setup with dnf on F40 only has the colon help menu enabled. I don't care about mouse Luddites or the remarkableness of people with total recall. I need something like gedit level tools to just work without Planck scale resolution help, or learning career to make a useful hobby tool that is free from stalkerware nonsense like an electron based IDE.


This is something that perplexed me a few years ago with Flash Forth on a PIC18/PIC24/Arduino Uno. I was using the Python serial emulator S-Term because it is simple in the source code and worked. I really wanted a way to load more structured Words into the FF dictionary with bookmarks in a way that made sense structurally. That lead to a desire to execute code from the uC on the host system, but I never wrapped my head around how to do this in practice.

As a random simple example, let's say I set up an interrupt based on the internal temperature sensor of the PIC18. Once triggered the uC must call a Python script on the host system and this script defines a new FF word on the uC by defining the Word in the interpreter.

How do you connect these dots to make this work at the simplest 'hello world' level? I tried modifying S-Term at one point, but I didn't get anywhere useful with my efforts.


This is a deep meta question; not the response you give others. When you ask yourself, "how do I feel," is that answer you synthesize, the answer you draw from the edge of your conscious and unconscious self; is this answer a reference to the immediately preceding past of your inner experience, or is the answer from some self aware inner entity that exists in the ever changing experience of right now?


Very nice practical example of printed test jigs for PCB assembly testing. Newpipe is down ATM, so if you're looking for something to watch, this might burn 32 minutes. I found it mildly inspirational to get making/designing some stuff again.


I'm curious what it takes to do furniture upholstery. And in a completely different scope, what it takes to sew Lycra in clothing like cycling bib shorts.

I mean the secret to doing it right.

For instance, if you want to paint cars, I can tell you all kinds of levels, but the secret sauce is sticking to a single paint system from primers to clear, 3m imperial sandpaper used wet with a drop of dish soap, block sanding with guide coats, degreaser for reflections tests, a reliable air drying system for compressed air using an oilless compressor and very large tank, a full set of Sata spray guns, the best pneumatic DA sander your paint jobber sells. Then you'll also need a variable speed buffer, fresh cut/medium/finish pads, 3m Perfect-it 2 and whatever fine finisher they sell now that does not contain oil fillers. Tape, paper, all all that is a given. Perfect automotive class paint is 99.9% prep and sanding, and only 0.1% painting. The number one rule is: when you think you should be done, step away for a break, when you get back acknowledge that you are only halfway done and get back to work. Your emotional state is irrelevant; the only truth that matters is in sanding guide coats and degreaser reflection tests.

All that said, with all of my experience, I can mix paint systems to get cheaper combinations between systems, I can spray with a $20 harbor freight gun, and polish with a sock and toothpaste in a zombie apocalypse pinch.

Does anyone here know sewing on this level? In a (coco) nutshell, what are the machines and standards to do it right?



Nice example of real reverse engineering at a low level in a ten minute dense summary, including die level comments on structures. Also, why Broadcom sucks in engineering terms (NDA nonsense).


I'm old-naughties internet café crew from around the era of the original Counter Strike through CoD MWF3 and Battlefield 2042. I wouldn't mind reliving the nostalgia of that era, and have more than enough machine to do it now. I have zero tolerance for micro transactions, gatekeeping, or software as a service business models. I have little interest in Steam as anything more than a single banking transaction, and I will only connect to something online that is documented and strait forward when it comes to multiplayer networking stuff.

My networking is about like a locked down corporate connection. I can play something like 0 A.D. that has a few required and documented connections needed for multiplayer, but won't connect to discord when it requires around a dozen raw IP addresses on random ports with no documentation.

Do any of you know of games that fit those requirements and are worth spending money on?

::: spoiler I probably seem annoyingly specific...

...or even paranoid, but I've both downloaded a PDF in the past that wrecked a machine with malware from a 3rd party datasheet on vintage computing hardware, and I find that isolating myself from ads and data mining at this level is best for my mental health with isolation from disability; i.e. it is not just arbitrary pedantism in my mind.

I ask because the casual camaraderie could be good for me while pressure to be a consumer at the expense of my family is harmful. Plus I view subscriptions for anything like software as a criminal skimming scam I am not interested in at all. Hopefully you can understand the specificity, and slight excentricity, even if it seems silly at first. I'm not judging anyone for their practices, trying to make a statement about my standards by comparison, or expect anyone to adopt my practices. I don't think like that at all. I'm curious, exploring what I've assumed is not possible for me, and stating the needed info only. I'm also on Fedora WS, with the NVDK kernel module, and can't change my UEFI secure boot keys in the OEM bootloader, so I can't alter kernel space unless I figure out Keytool to boot into UEFI directly.

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