
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 hours ago (2 children)


I just killed my back for the day making a barbeque bath for their little fingers...

Wicked Barbie Srirachasaur

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

That guy is such a wiener; the wurst kind of shit sack.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 7 hours ago

Someone that takes abstract statements personally and responds in anger. It shows a lack of self awareness and depth. It also implies that they have a limited binary view of the world around them; a bipolar me versus others perspective outlook.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 hours ago

Hello serfs. Welcome to 1984. Fuck this dystopia.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 hours ago

So, you could almost call me a rocket boy. My grandfather was in Huntsville as a technical writer for the Saturn V, now I watch Vandenberg launches from my roof, with the second stage of Falcon 9 lighting off almost directly overhead from my perspective.

I lived in Tennessee/Alabama/Georgia up until my late teens, have family in the Orlando area, and my immediate family took vacations in Florida regularly when I was growing up. I've spent time in most of the tourist spots and stayed with family for awhile down there. In my teen my father traveled for work doing electrical retrofits of industrial controls that each took a few weeks to complete. I traveled with him for a little more than a year where we drove through or stayed in almost every state in the contiguous USA.

Indeed California is very different. I found it frustrating at first. After living here for a long time, things start making a lot more sense. There is a focus on avoiding a lot of the corporate abuses in the local community. Like Walmart and similar big box stores are largely hated here because people have tried to maintain local business culture. It is more broadly recognized how Walmart and similar ilk destroy local economies and create a dependency on artificially low price goods from a company with no ethics. There is more social awareness and political awareness here. There also seem to be more rich people that see a problem, get involved in some political niche, and tend to get things done. At least, when I looked into why some areas have really good cycling infrastructure versus others that do not, this was often the case.

Growing up in the South, people seemed to be very headlines hot takes culture. Like few people really cared or thought about the news or political headlines. I moved back to Georgia for a couple of years in my twenties and noticed the way information is tinted to the Right, and how many parts of life are just accepted as normal when in reality, it is all of those normals causing people the majority of socioeconomic problems in the first place. The big box brand corporate culture is essentially an export trade deficiency in the community and region. They export wealth and offer nothing in return, often they pay poverty wages and cost the local economy even more when they subsidize the wages of these workers. Corrupt governments will often give these institutions low or tax free status just for building in their jurisdiction. This is one of the largest reasons the South is so poor by comparison.

As far as weather here, this may seem odd, I know it did for me at first, but SoCal has micro climates. The weather where I live, a couple of blocks from the cliffs above the ocean, is very different than the weather just one mile away going inland. It can rain here and be sunny a mile away. The cold ocean upwelling is pretty strong here and the angle if the coast is south so there are no prevailing issues. When the sun is most intense and there are no major fronts passing from some distant equatorial storm tracking into the Pacific, this area gets marine layer clouds. Most homes here do not have air conditioning because they do not need them. It stays ~70F year round. A mile away gets hotter and colder by 10-20 degrees, but it remains stable here.

The waves are dependant on the ocean floor, winds at sea, and orientation of the coast line. Where I am at, there are never really big waves because the ocean shelf is like a hill side going down over 100 feet within 100 yards of the beach. There are some spots around with waves, but I've seen bigger on the Atlantic coast of Florida. I've been to some places, like this one spot in a secluded cove in Laguna Beach where the waves break right up against the sand. Someone lost a body board that was like 10 feet away. I went in to get it as I was the strongest swimmer there, with a divers license and all. Just past the breakers it went from mid thigh depth to well over my head in a single step, and the current pulling straight down HARD. I had never felt anything like that before. It took everything I had to get out away from it into deeper water, and then everything I had to get on the board and get back to the beach as it tried to pull me out of the cove.

In Florida, I've been pulled along the beach while playing in the waves where I end up some distance away from where I started, but deep water does some really unusual things.

It takes awhile to get to know this place. It took me 10+ years to really feel at home. There is a lot of subtlety that takes time to pick up on and understand why things are the way they are. A lot of it is an attempt at a more egalitarian society. It fails in some ways. A lot is from not-in-my-back-yard asshats, but overall it is a place that has more opportunity because people have fought to make it that way, and I find that endearing. After growing up half aware of they political eristic's sophism, then moving back for awhile and noting the spurious nonsense, there is no comparable spin from here. The narrative has a Democratic focus, but it is not an equivalent spin or bowdlerized story like it is in the South. There is a certain freedom here that is nice, like it should be, even with its other flaws. At least that is my take.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 21 hours ago

There is no way for advertisers to know that their ads are actually shown. That is why an ad is a link to the advertiser's website. If there is one thing I have learned from uploading to YT and watching, it's that YT is terrible at transparency and this kind of logistics. I doubt this will work at all.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 22 hours ago

I have not dug deeply either, but have noticed that Civitai has shifted their wording and hosting in ways that indicated a change was coming. In practice, the changes will come from the model hosting sites for open source tools limiting their liability and not hosting content related to real humans.

My main concern is the stupid public reacting to some right wing fake and lacking appropriate skepticism. Like expecting detection tools to be magical and understanding the full spectrum of possibilities.

[–] [email protected] 40 points 22 hours ago (4 children)

Southern California is the main homeless destination in the country. The Los Angeles basin is unusual. It is a bowl of surrounding mountains against a rare deep ocean upwelling current. We actually have fewer really hot Summer days near the coast than you might think. There needs to be a pattern that pulls the desert out over the cold ocean to make the signature SoCal beach days. The rest of the time, within a few miles of the ocean, the temperatures stay quite mild. San Diego gets hot, and just north of LA it gets cold enough to freeze in winter, but not within the basin. It also only rains for a few weeks total every year, and all of that will pretty much happen a week at a time. Up near the center, Sierra mountains are the likely cause.

No joke there are 100k homeless people in the LA basin right now.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 23 hours ago

Right. Killer eyes say she is sharp and skilled; knows herself, her tools, and executes very well. Smart is hottest.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

This might make the path to generating slightly harder, but it won't do anything to stop an intelligent person. I haven't seen a ton of info from people talking about this stuff, but exploring on my own, especially with Stable Diffusion 3, diffusion models are very different than LLM's. The filtering for safety type alignment is happening external to the model using CLIP, and in the case of SD3, 2× CLIP models and a T5xxl LLM model. The alignment filters are done with these and some trickery. Screwing with these can enable all kinds of capabilities. It is just hard to understand the effect of some tricks, like SD3 swaps an entire layer in the T5 manually. When these mechanisms are defeated, models can generate freely, which essentially means everything is a deepfake. This is open source. So it can never be extinguished. There was a concerted effort to remove the rogue 4chanGPT. It does not have the ChatGPT derived alignment like all other models. The 4chanGPT is still readily available if you know where to look.

This bill just raises the barrier of entry and makes such content less familiar and more powerful in the end. In reality, we would be socially stigmatizing while accepting the new reality IMO. This is like an weapons arms race. You may not like that the enemy created cannons, but banning the casting of cannons within your realm will do nothing to help you in the end. Everyone in the realm may understandably hate cannons, but you really need everyone familiar with casting, making the and everyone in your realm to learn how to deal with them and what to expect. The last thing you need is a lot of ignorant people on a battlefield bunching up together because they do not understand their opponents.

These tools are also weapons. Everyone needs to understand what is truly possible, regardless of how unpleasant that may seem. They can not have a healthy skepticism without familiarity. If they do not have familiarity, they will bunch up on a battlefield facing cannons loaded with grapeshot.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 23 hours ago

Erase yo face!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 23 hours ago

I'm in social isolation from disability. On a full day of testing for cognitive effects from a massive head injury with a psychologist, I'm well above average in every category tested. I'm an outlier for functional thought with an abstract focus based on intuitive thinking skills. It is not ASD. I can seem odd to some opposing personalities, but these seem just as odd to me.


Very nice practical example of printed test jigs for PCB assembly testing. Newpipe is down ATM, so if you're looking for something to watch, this might burn 32 minutes. I found it mildly inspirational to get making/designing some stuff again.


I'm curious what it takes to do furniture upholstery. And in a completely different scope, what it takes to sew Lycra in clothing like cycling bib shorts.

I mean the secret to doing it right.

For instance, if you want to paint cars, I can tell you all kinds of levels, but the secret sauce is sticking to a single paint system from primers to clear, 3m imperial sandpaper used wet with a drop of dish soap, block sanding with guide coats, degreaser for reflections tests, a reliable air drying system for compressed air using an oilless compressor and very large tank, a full set of Sata spray guns, the best pneumatic DA sander your paint jobber sells. Then you'll also need a variable speed buffer, fresh cut/medium/finish pads, 3m Perfect-it 2 and whatever fine finisher they sell now that does not contain oil fillers. Tape, paper, all all that is a given. Perfect automotive class paint is 99.9% prep and sanding, and only 0.1% painting. The number one rule is: when you think you should be done, step away for a break, when you get back acknowledge that you are only halfway done and get back to work. Your emotional state is irrelevant; the only truth that matters is in sanding guide coats and degreaser reflection tests.

All that said, with all of my experience, I can mix paint systems to get cheaper combinations between systems, I can spray with a $20 harbor freight gun, and polish with a sock and toothpaste in a zombie apocalypse pinch.

Does anyone here know sewing on this level? In a (coco) nutshell, what are the machines and standards to do it right?



Nice example of real reverse engineering at a low level in a ten minute dense summary, including die level comments on structures. Also, why Broadcom sucks in engineering terms (NDA nonsense).


I'm old-naughties internet café crew from around the era of the original Counter Strike through CoD MWF3 and Battlefield 2042. I wouldn't mind reliving the nostalgia of that era, and have more than enough machine to do it now. I have zero tolerance for micro transactions, gatekeeping, or software as a service business models. I have little interest in Steam as anything more than a single banking transaction, and I will only connect to something online that is documented and strait forward when it comes to multiplayer networking stuff.

My networking is about like a locked down corporate connection. I can play something like 0 A.D. that has a few required and documented connections needed for multiplayer, but won't connect to discord when it requires around a dozen raw IP addresses on random ports with no documentation.

Do any of you know of games that fit those requirements and are worth spending money on?

::: spoiler I probably seem annoyingly specific...

...or even paranoid, but I've both downloaded a PDF in the past that wrecked a machine with malware from a 3rd party datasheet on vintage computing hardware, and I find that isolating myself from ads and data mining at this level is best for my mental health with isolation from disability; i.e. it is not just arbitrary pedantism in my mind.

I ask because the casual camaraderie could be good for me while pressure to be a consumer at the expense of my family is harmful. Plus I view subscriptions for anything like software as a criminal skimming scam I am not interested in at all. Hopefully you can understand the specificity, and slight excentricity, even if it seems silly at first. I'm not judging anyone for their practices, trying to make a statement about my standards by comparison, or expect anyone to adopt my practices. I don't think like that at all. I'm curious, exploring what I've assumed is not possible for me, and stating the needed info only. I'm also on Fedora WS, with the NVDK kernel module, and can't change my UEFI secure boot keys in the OEM bootloader, so I can't alter kernel space unless I figure out Keytool to boot into UEFI directly.


I've encountered this many times where I simply don't understand the context and use of an API based of the API documentation unless I can find an example that already utilizes it in a working project. The first thing that comes to mind is Py Torch. I've tried to figure out how some API features work, or what they are doing in model loader code related to checkpoint caching but failed to contextualize. What harebrain details are obviously missing from someone who asks such a silly question?


I got sent a bunch of lenses that are too small for the old frames I have. I thought it might be fun to try 3d printing my own frame arms out of ABS.

Modeling a lens is a bit challenging, or I'm just a bit rusty with freecad. I need a way to wrap/unwrap/flatten the curve to create the contours. For my purpose here I can get away with a rough lens shape that is simply mirrored and lacks some of the complex curves. It just bugs me when I can't model it properly...

The lens is not uniform thickness. The center is 1.8mm thick while the edges where the arms mount are 1.4mm. I want to try and make a nose piece because this is the one part that fails on these cheap glasses.

Anyways, sharing just because I can.


I know it is not a post process thing. Is it stuff applied to the mold or stuff inside the plastic itself? I mean things like buttons, toys, phone parts before the back glass phase; things that are super thin with a finished surface that is durable and bonded to the part.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I had a 1971 Toyota FJ40, and built a 1992 supercharged Camaro with a mini blower. Those were my coolest, but also a couple Fiero's, a Z32, and an E30.

...also the guy that rode a bicycle everywhere '09-'14 got hit 7 times, with the last one disabling me. So don't get too bent over car stuff. I've put in over 170k miles on a bicycle since '09.



This was a screenshot I took months ago while watching a Geology Hub upload on YT. It was a lightbulb moment for my understanding of mass extinction events, (the largest was 250ma). I've referenced this multiple times, so thought I might share. Perhaps you find it as interesting as I do.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The ComfyUI prompt and workflow is attached to the image: https://files.catbox.moe/s3qufb.png

You can't copy pasta this prompt. There are a few nodes that are specific to SD3 and required.

::: spoiler EDIT: more proof of the chain that lead to this image. They were not all this good. I'm cherry picking for sure and these are just webp's without workflows attached:

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