Lemmy Fans

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This instance succeeds on one simple mantra: Be kind, and do unto others as you have done to yourself. Consider for a moment that we're ALL on the the same rapidly-spinning, mostly-watery orb, hurtling through space at fantastic speeds, and trading metal and paper for our livelihoods. The unknown will always dwarf the known. Learning never ends. We may be experts in something, but no one person is an expert in all things.

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founded 6 months ago
Bait - Lasca // Denial (baitdubstep.bandcamp.com)
submitted 45 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is one amazing blog post. I don't think I've ever identified so much with what they are saying here.

Some quotes from the beginning of the article:

Instead, the tech industry has evolved into an absolute mess. And it’s getting worse instead of better! Our tower of complexity is now so tall that we seriously consider slathering LLMs on top to write the incomprehensible code in the incomprehensible frameworks so we don’t have to.

Programmers today are impatient for success. They start planning for a billion users before they write their first line of code. In fact, nowadays, we train them to do this without even knowing they’re doing it. Everything they’ve ever been taught revolves around scaling.

In modern computing, we tolerate long builds, and then docker builds, and uploading to container stores, and multi-minute deploy times before the program runs, and even longer times before the log output gets uploaded to somewhere you can see it, all because we’ve been tricked into this idea that everything has to scale.

Thelem - Minus 5 EP (chapters-music.bandcamp.com)
submitted 44 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A supplement to typical tutorials that caters to C programmers interested in learning how to be unsafe upfront.

Seems good from a quick skim. Also seems that the final lesson is that starting on the safe/happy path in rust doesn’t have to cost performance if you know what you’re doing.


My primary home is in XMPP for Reasons, but it would occasionally be useful to DM someone in Matrix.

I know there are bridges, through aria-net if I remember correctly, and I know encryption is impossible through a bridge. Aside from encryption, is connection seamless or is it glitchy, and if the latter, are we talking occasional nuisance or Cone of Silence?


‘The Boys’ prequel series, titled ‘Vought Rising’ will premiere on Amazon Prime Video with Jensen Ackles and Aya Cash starring.


I was reading about Dungeon Meshi and Kuro, the "kobold".

Kobolds are usually depicted as canine humanoids in Japanese media compared to the more reptilian humanoids that kobolds are depicted as in western media[4] such as Dungeons and Dragons. The reason for this is credited as either a mistranslation of the first Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual[5] or because of the lack of reference art in said Monster Manual, but a picture of a jackalwere being present on the opposite page[6], which was then used as reference art for the anime, The Record of the Lodoss War. That anime is credited for solidifying the trope of canine kobolds in Japanese media.

From https://delicious-in-dungeon.fandom.com/wiki/Kobolds#cite_note-5

And the supporting youtube video https://m.youtube.com/shorts/rUntTZ6spOc

Bonus fact: piglike orcs.


[alt text: a photo of a street intersection sign. The two streets listed on the sign are "Inyo Street" and "Butte Street".]


Douglas Tuman will grocery shop live at NYC store that is listed on xmrbazaar.com as accepting Monero!! 🚨 Join us at a LATER TIME 🚨TMRW (07/27/24) at 3PM-EDT/9PM-CEST + Price 📈, News 🗞 & more!

JOIN US ON STAGE HERE ➡️: streamyard.com/xzyvczziu7

WATCH THE SHOW HERE via YOUTUBE ➡️: https://www.youtube.com/live/K_DnXriJGMY?si=qqseO0MT_ogifcNf

WATCH THE SHOW LIVE HERE via TWITCH ➡️: https://www.twitch.tv/monerotalk

(The videos will be synced onto Odysee (https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8) about an 1/2 hour or so after it premieres LIVE for those who want to watch there afterwards ;))

FOLLOW US ON https://monero.town/u/monerotopia & https://mastodon.social/@monerotopia

Guest segment, Report & News segment sponsored by 🍰 u/cakelabs, u/Localmoneroco & wizardswap.io


Today’s Game is Assassins Creed Black Flag. Honestly I’m kind of impressed I made it too 10 days. I totally expected myself to miss a day on my streak. Also. A few people in the past have asked about posting screenshots in the comments or stealing the idea for their own posts. Assuming the mods are chill with it I have no issues with people doing either of those things. I just want people to have fun


Like this is hitting me real hard. I can feel the sadness and the fight. They're good boys and and don't deserve what's coming down. They have some good religion. I'd like to be like these men. We fight for the ones we love.

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/funny by /u/Cognizant_Ghost on 2024-07-27 04:34:17+00:00.

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/funny by /u/Insightful23blue on 2024-07-27 04:14:42+00:00.

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