
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

i'm no expert — consensus sounds like putting disused only on the main tag, and when i've encountered this, i haven't marked anything disused at all. i've only looked at the stop/platform to make sure they weren't in any relation (transit line relations may include the passing way but shouldn't include the disused stop/platform). and i make sure route_ref isn't set on the stop/platform. were the stop to be used again, i figure it would have the same ref/stop id and operator, so i don't remove them. listening for better ideas though


I've tried Magic Earth a handful of times, but each time I dumped it because it marked a street as closed or wrong-way, creating a circuitous detour. There's no such issue in OSM; it simply hallucinated something.

I was testing it so I knew where I was going, but I'm reluctant to rely on it when I really need nav. Have I been supremely unlucky?


My primary home is in XMPP for Reasons, but it would occasionally be useful to DM someone in Matrix.

I know there are bridges, through aria-net if I remember correctly, and I know encryption is impossible through a bridge. Aside from encryption, is connection seamless or is it glitchy, and if the latter, are we talking occasional nuisance or Cone of Silence?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

got my tech within the last year, was stunned at how not old-white-guy the class was. all age groups, balanced genders, mixed races. many seemed there for neighborhood emergency teams. the airwaves are dead most of the time i've turned the rig on, except during the net hour. i feared exactly what you've heard but thankfully haven't run into it. yet.

Dino and GNOME 44 EOL (poptalk.scrubbles.tech)

I have Dino 0.4 on Ubuntu. Whenever I upgrade anything in flatpak, it tells me that Dino is using a GNOME 44 runtime and that it’s out of support.

Is Dino under active development, and I should just hold tight? Or should I be looking for a different XMPP client?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

aye, sailors, i see. are the bonus tracks purchasable loose, or do they try to make you buy the whole album?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (2 children)

it seems to me that flying drones into trees would be a massively expensive hobby

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

wth 'taylor's version'? like there was an o.g. eras tour that made money for scooter?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

2m fm, 146.820 (in new orleans)

Global net? (poptalk.scrubbles.tech)

I'm away from home and stumbled onto some kind of global net controlled today by a Scottish guy. It was probably 4pm Chicago time, so 2200 UTC. What is that, how is there a global net? I think they said something about EchoLink but I'm new and really only recognize the name but not how it works.


Organic Maps is available on Linux! It's on flatpak and several package repos (but not apt). I don't know how long it's been there — I just discovered it.

The splash screen cautions that this Linux beta doesn't have parity with the mobile apps yet, but it's still a huge leap over Gnome Maps. Vector rendering, so you can zoom in as far as you want, and free / open source / not shitty (notwithstanding the big scary EULA, which just contains all the OSS licenses for all the pieces).

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago (4 children)

OSM has a lot more data inside than the website shows - in dense shopping areas you can't zoom in far enough to see all the POIs, much less business names.

I've read before that using cached previews was done to stay accessible to less-powerful mobile devices, which would have smaller CPUs that would be taxed by rendering the native vector data. I view it as a branding disadvantage that OSM appears, from desktops, to have less info than alternatives. But that's a battle that's been had many times before, one might as well argue over paper vs plastic.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Welcome! I'm a new amateur in the States. Like you, I peek in here and find that at the moment, it doesn't take long. The frog boil has worked quite well in Reddit; the frogs are staying in their pots even as enshittification becomes obvious (pro tip, it's spelled IPO). Unlike you, I'm new enough that I have nothing worthwhile to contribute yet.

As for Mastodon, I'm on an instance with a 5k character limit. Some instances run modified versions known as glitch or hometown, which allow the admin to set a limit (well) above 500. I didn't find a handy list of these easily, but a little searching in google or r/Mastodon may turn up ideas.


"Americans wondering how on earth all the Taylor Swift fans got to last week’s concert at the Melbourne Cricket Ground when there’s no sea of car parking next to the stadium"

screenshotted by @[email protected], which is quite a clever handle


Who made this? (poptalk.scrubbles.tech)
[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

It's a very heavy building - multiple stories in earthquake country, and I'm not on the top floor. Everything dies when I leave the nook with the windows. NOAA works literally only on the windowsill, TRACON almost never clears the noise floor once I'm not near the window, and I hear some smaller UHF repeaters away from the window but haven't yet heard the 2m (it's not super high traffic, so can't say I haven't just been unlucky).

We're allowed on the roof and I've been up there, everything's peachy. When I'm at the office downtown, I'm on a high floor, so I can pick up the 2m easily even though I'm on the other side of the building.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)



I have a license whose ink is still wet and a shiny Yaesu HT with that new ham smell. I can see my 2m repeater from my window - maybe a couple of miles away - but I have to be in that window to hear anything. I assume actually mashing PTT and saying anything will just sound like static.

That window is attached to an HOA-governed apartment, so outdoor antenna no va. What I've read so far is that my rubber duck might not be terrible by rubber duck standards, but that an N9TAX Slim Jim might be a good deal better, even inside the window. But that's 2m. I also like to listen to aircraft, just below 2m. Will an antenna tuned for 2m make it easier or harder to hear TRACON?

Everywhere at once (poptalk.scrubbles.tech)

As a Truly Casual Taylor Fan Honest™, I've been amused at just how many news categories she's dominating by not even quite being there. Every macho man in the U.S. is wound up about her either for politics (or rather, the fear that she'll say something about politics) or for football (or rather, the idea that she'll be a distraction from Real Football).

I wish I could find some way to twist all this attention and use it for good evil. I will spare you all the Macho Man GIF, which you know I was thinking about.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

The main URL points to this: san francisco map bit


In the web UI, OSM can't be zoomed in far enough to see the names of POIs in reasonably dense areas. I can get around this by going into edit mode, and mobile apps don't have this restriction. But the out-of-the-box experience, for non-insiders just using the web site, doesn't reveal all that OSM has to offer.

Does anyone know what the rationale for this is?

a horrible noise (poptalk.scrubbles.tech)

(i own this in digital format, we are not the same)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago

Our map data is often downloaded and used offline on various devices for several weeks or months. For offline data to be useful, it should at least be expected to remain unchanged in the next few weeks when you map it.

yes, by this blurb, concession for offline users does supersede safety.

i'm an editor active enough to have been granted foundation membership but hadn't known this rule; it indicates a view of osm as analogous to a paper map rather than for real-time navigation. if a change of less than weeks' length is discouraged, i can't in good conscience steer my friends away from google maps, as navigation is not a primary use case.

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