It’s like arguing with someone who goes into specifics and then overtime pulls them back.
“I only have a problem with hispanic, illegal, transgender immigrants”
“I only have a problem with immigrants”
“I only have a problem with you”
Also feel free to check out [email protected] (also active).
Icon credit C. Brück on Wikimedia Commons.
It’s like arguing with someone who goes into specifics and then overtime pulls them back.
“I only have a problem with hispanic, illegal, transgender immigrants”
“I only have a problem with immigrants”
“I only have a problem with you”
That's a thing I've noticed. Sometimes progressives try too hard while conservatives treat you like everyone else. I've seen people of all types think that means conservatives are fine and not bigoted. Like no, most of them aren't going on bigoted rants to the face of the affected, but that doesn't mean the rants don't happen.
My grandfather voted for Trump three times. Now, part of that movement is calling immigrants like him ‘filthy
This author keeps writing how well they know the world, how they debate politics, yet never ever noticed that magas as a bunch of racist assholes?
This author is an idiot and a liar
Typical conservative, ignores all the warnings and evidence until it negatively affects them. Also I bet her Trump voting grandpa believes in the caste system like almost every conservative Indian in the West. The racism is only bad when it targets them.
"I thought being a collaborator would foster upon me special class that would protect me and make me honorary white. That was proven wrong, and now I'm upset I'm being treated like everyone else"
Liberals warned me about not breathing air. I didn't believe them- until now.
This source is terrible.
A friend of mine was raised Republican; he'd say, fiscal Republican. He was certain that people without healthcare could just get treated for free for whatever they needed and that POC brought it all on themselves. Generally, he thought that people were nice and good and would take care of each other as long as the people in need weren't miscreants.
Then he met a nice black girl, got married, and had some kids.
Now he's seeing how they're treated differently when they're not together, and how he's treated differently when he's with her.
How family is now all at odds as the grandparents are still in the old camp and aren't sympathetic to his findings and struggles.
The propaganda is hard to work around. They want to believe that there's good and evil in the world and good prevails. It's what their churches tell them. It's not until each one of them individually experiences hardship that they realize that something is off, and they still remain confused as to what's real and what's now.
they want to believe their evil is good.
and that good in the world is actually evil.
That's the thing though, that's how they wind up with that evil. It's that and the idea that their discomfort is always justified
I've got an old high school friend whose family migrated from Taiwan when she was a kid. She was dyed-in-the-wool "China Bad / Communism Bad" and quickly adopted the Texas brand of anti-Communist Republicanism. She got a law degree, joined the Federalist Society, started a practice in the Houston suburbs, and even made inroads within the local Republican Party as a team player.
Then she tried to run for an open judicial seat in her neighborhood, during the Republican Primary. Instantly bombarded with crazy racist attacks. Tarred as a Chinese Communist. Smeared as a Manchurian Candidate. Received a ton of hate mail. Got blasted on in the local radio. Came in a distant third place with pretty much only her local friends and neighbors supporting her, in a crazy low-turnout election.
Democrats came and courted her as a possible candidate on their side, because the Democrats in Fort Bend are far more plural with a big East Asian demographic (but just as "business-friendly" neoliberal). She outright rejected the offer and doubled down with the GOP. Now she's hosting dinner parties with Dinesh D'Souz and Charlie Kirk to fund-raise for the same Trump candidates in her neighborhood that smeared her. She's convinced her turn will come. People in the party keep insisting (quietly and in back rooms) that they do actually support her and a seat will open up for her eventually.
Absolutely fucking crazy. I don't understand it at all.
Classic conservative. Doesn't care until it affects them.
Leopards are already stuffed, but the grub is so tasty they'll have just one more bite!
“It’s just a narcissist, sir. It’s narcissist-thin.”
Feeding time for the leopards.
Liberals Warned Me About MAGA’s Racism. I Didn’t Believe Them—Until ~~Now~~ it affected me, personally
A tale as old as time
Let’s just say that deep and systemic thinking is not a conservative voter’s strong point. Every problem is individual and can be solved individually by individuals. Nothing is real until it happens to me.
Well then you're an idiot and deserve whatever MAGA does to you. You literally asked them to do it.
But they voted republican with a soft R
I wish there was a poem about what happens when they start rounding up undesirables while you stand by and do nothing, and then they come for you in the end.
First they came for the socialists, and I said get those fuckers—because socialist hate America. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I said good riddance —because I am a class traitor. Then they came for the Jews, and I said about time —because I am a piece of shit. Then they came for me—and I was as confused as an lamb to the slaughter.
Funny enough, there actually is. A poem by Martin Niemöller. Full thing is:
"Y'all are dumb
Thought you were part of the in crowd, without a doubt
You fucked around
Now you'll find out"
Ngl had me in the first half
Action, I would like you to introduce you to Consequences...
The only desi people MAGA likes are tech bros who bring in the dollars, or insane people who are able to keep themselves off the radar by causing damage to the libs they dislike even more, Kash Patel, Ajit Pai, Vivek Ramaswarmy, and that one maga movie guy Im forgetting the name of, who was either sanctioned or imprisoned, and I believe pardoned by trump the first time.
for everyone else, you're just like everyone else, you're a vote, and then after you've outlived your usefulness by giving them the vote, its back to leopards at my face.
Variations of this narrative are commonplace. Back the spew until it happens to you.
Back the spew until it happens to you.
I want this on a bumper sticker with a cop badge on one side and a trump logo on the other.