The first good videogame movie was Wreck It Ralph.
It's nice that the recent Sonic and Mario movies didn't suck, although there's always a good chance they'll return to form.
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The first good videogame movie was Wreck It Ralph.
It's nice that the recent Sonic and Mario movies didn't suck, although there's always a good chance they'll return to form.
Considering how Spielberg butchered Ready Player One, I hope they find someone more respectful.
It might have worked around the era of Twilight Princess; there was enough continuity in the series that it had consistent lore, the games were trending toward cinematic, lots of cut scenes and character arcs and such. Not sure a movie is going to play well in the "We physically cannot care about this story" era represented by BotW and TotK.
I love Zelda but a movie would be too weird. I like the "voiceless" Link. It puts the players thoughts as the response instead of a script.
This Summer Chris Pratt Is....
He's so cool
God Don't. Just. Don't
The Legend of Zelda: The Monkey's Paw
A Zelda movie goes against the core concept of Zelda games
How so?
Miyamoto created Zelda to fulfill a childhood fantasy of being a hero wandering the woods, going on adventures, collecting treasures, and rescuing a princess. It was intended to allow every player to be able to experience and fulfill that same fantasy. As a lifelong Zelda player, I’ve always felt that I become link and embody that hero that we dream of while playing in our backyards. I think that’s why link never had dialogue. He’s not a character, he’s us. I think it’s also why the franchise has always been titled Zelda, not link (for the most part). To give him a voice, and a character that we the player isn’t in control of, destroys that gift of fantasy embodiment that Miyamoto gave to us. Link instead becomes a super hero lost to a world saturated by marvel characters
Sigh. Just don’t. Please. It’s gonna be slop like the Mario movie, or Minecraft or doom or resident evil or alone in the dark… etc
Nothing but greed and profit fuelling this project.
The mario movie was great. The animation was really good and it was funny
It could be slop. It also could be fantastic. Some video game adaptions have turned out well.
Wasn't the Mario movie pretty well-received among fans, though? The Resident Evil films were also very successful, despite not being popular with the game's original audience.
I think it was well received with children? Most adults I know who saw it basically shrugged, said it was fine, and then eagerly awaited Super Mario Bros Wonder instead.
Fine is high praise for videogame adaptations.
After decades of stuff like Bob Hoskins Mario Bros, a million Resident Evil movies, and whatever Uwe Boll was making, it's honestly the best we can hope for.
Based on the trailers I legitimately think the Minecraft movie was written by AI
You thought the Mario movie was slop?? The target audience (kids) really liked it and it was faithful to the games…
My kid and I watched it when it first released.
He barely remembers it, except Rainbow Road and "Mario characters". And he loves Nintendo stuff.
It wasn't "slop", but it was not very memorable. The worst thing a film can be is forgettable.
What? The movie NEVER got close to the source material! I mean since when is Toad a street musician, and just one guy? Since when does Big Bertha have massive tits? Why did they treat Spike as one of the koopa kids? Where were the other 6 koopa kids? You just took Iggy, and paired him with Spike (for some reason) and said fuck off to the other 6? And why is King Koopa clearly a parody of donald trump? And why did he destroy the world trade center towers???
I would certainly hope if you've read this far that you get what I'm doing here....
Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder!
Anything with Jack Black in it is corporate slop and I respect our kids enough to not want to expose their developing brains to that kind of garbage.
The movie was okayish at best, but at least Jack Black was the best part of it.
Also, anything with Jack Black is slop? Even School of Rock? Tenacious D? Weird: The Al Yankovic Story?
After making Jumanji, yes his work has become absolutely shallow and artistically void of anything to say but give me money.
School of rock is a classic but he fucking killed Tenatious D after not liking a joke about a killing a dictator. Yes he’s become corporate slop.
Tenacious D is not dead. Jack Black has confirmed that they will be back someday, they're just taking a break.
It's one thing to make those kinds of jokes here on Lemmy where the audience is almost all leftists who will cheer. But for a celebrity with a platform, you have to be aware that saying things like that will get them in trouble. It was honestly a shitty no-win situation all around and I don't blame Jack Black for needing to distance himself for a bit. At least the band is not dead, this will blow over in due time and they'll come back when it's died down.
The Sonic movies were pretty decent. Not super amazing, but the bar is so low for video game movies you might as well consider them masterpieces.
However, I do not trust Nintendo to make a good Zelda movie.
Is Zelda going to say anything? Unless I’m mistaken, if he does you’ll get nerd fans just as upset as Dredd or Master Chief taking off their helmets.
He'll speak.
As a huge Halo fan, I wasn’t even upset that Master Chief took his helmet off. No one ever said he’s supposed to be treated like Mohammed or something. I think people were more upset about the fact he spent the majority of the show not wearing any armor at all, because the writers thought a Halo soap opera was a good idea
I didn't even watch season 2. Season 1 was so colossally bad.
Season 2 was a bit better and the last couple episodes were unironically great, which is why it was kinda surprising they cancelled it. It was just starting to get good
Or that he… ‘slept with’ (raped*) a prisoner?
Edit: redundant grammar
But... You just... You know that... You know that Zelda is the princess and Link is the guy right? Or was this on purpose since you mentioned upset nerds?
You cheeky cunt. 😘