
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 27 minutes ago

It's the main reason I'm 41, and never even attempted to get a drivers liscense. 12 of them were before I was 10. And that doesn't even include the multiple times my dad drove drunk at 90mph on the highway, going the wrong way, running from the cops. I didn't include those because nobody got hurt, and nothing happened. Although technically, if I did add it, I could add getting shot at by police.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 hours ago

"Do you use twitter?"

wifes friend


looks at her, looks back at the wife

"So do you use twitter?"

wifes friend


"Yeah, ok. You're right, but not for the reasons you think."

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 hours ago

I used to pop my Xits when I was in high school....

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

Ah. Yes. I do stand corrected. Lemmy is home to MULTIPLE subject matters that I equally don't care about.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

In 2020, one state (Georgia) can make or break an election, but in 1963, and 1865, one nutjob with a gun can change the coarse of history all on his own.....

In the 2060s, I sure hope we have better measures in place...

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 hours ago (3 children)

I'm exactly the black horse.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 hours ago (3 children)

I remember as a kid I went to my friends house every sunday.

One sunday, the whole neighborhood of kids was on his front porch.

I had brought my spiderman toys. I had a big box of them. My friend and I liked sharing toys.

As I was approaching his front porch, one of the kids yelled "AAAAHHHH!!!! IT'S LOST_MY_MIND!!! RUN!!!!"

And they all scattered, including my friend. Then that same kid yelled "WAIT!!! HE HAS TOYS!!!" And they all ran up to me.

I can't say thats the lowest I've ever felt in my childhood, but that's only because I've lived through a mother abandoning me, cancer, 17 car crashes, kidney stones, an abusive alchoholic father, being an athiest in a catholic school, 9/11, being cheated on by the woman I thought I was marrying, and losing various other people in my life that I was close to over the years.

But for most people, who haven't had shit lives, it would probably be the worst feeling in the world. Knowing the people around you only care because you have material items they want. (And in the case of that kid, wanted to literally steal from me)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 hours ago

Its the charlottes web universe, with the old yeller ending.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 hours ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 hours ago

To be fair, he might be telling the truth. My dad used to ask me everyday, "what did you learn in school today?" "Nothing." "You MUST have learned SOMETHING!" "........mmmmmm, nope."

And it's true. I used to twirl my pencil and imagine what would happen if the soviet union got invaded with nuclear bomb eating dinosaurs. This was back when we had atomic bomb drills, and the 1980s were full of nuclear war concerns. But what if we could TEACH the dinosaurs to eat the bombs, and invade the soviet union???

And then I remember watching the Berlin wall come crumbling down live on CNN. Remember how I said I didn't learn anything in school? Well, while watching the fall of the Berlin Wall as it happened, live on CNN, I thought it was some ghetto in Milwuakkee. I was like "Damn. Look at all that graffiti. It's not even spelled right! It's like a totally different language!!! Must be Milwuakkee. That's where all the beer is."

So yeah. Ask your kid what he thinks about atomic bomb dinosaurs, and what he thinks happens in Milwuakkee......or maybe your kid ISN'T exactly like me. Still though. Just to be safe, you should probably introduce him to Super Mario Bros, and bet him that he can't save the princess. He's going to love that game!

[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 hours ago

One day forgets mid sentence what he was talking about about

Or his dad forgetting which words in his own sentence he already typed.....

Also, you can't just be forgetting to give the kid a popcycle! Do you even KNOW what being 5 years old is like? Those popcycles are the very foundation of life!!! It's super serious business!!! It's a life or death situation!!!!

.......and by that, I mean if you give a kid GRAPE as the popcycle, he's legally allowed to slit your throat in your sleep while no jury would convict him. Why do they even MAKE grape??? The world would be a better place if all the grape flavor were replaced with the red ones. What flavor even is red? I don't know. It's gone before you get a chance to ask.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago

Hey, c'mon now! You can't be going around saying people with ADHD are unusual. Have you SEEN society lately? Pretty sure everybody has....IS THAT A BUTTERFLY????

gleefully chases a butterfly at age 41


I was going to post this in /c/retropie but it seems they haven't had any activity in 8 months. So I figure here is the next most appropriate place.

I recently brought out my raspberry pi, and started taking care with it. I downloaded some new themes. I put a hell of a lot more roms into it.

One problem is, if I try to connect a controller, I can map every button except LT and RT.

At first I thought it was because I was using the 8 Bitdo Switch arcade stick (which also has the ability to connect to PC/Linux/Raspberry Pi.

I didn't understand it, but I thought "Ok. Maybe something about it being an arcade stick means I can't use those two buttons on THIS stick. Whatever. I'll just use a different controller.

So I pull out my WiiU Pro Controller......SAME EXACT ISSUE.

So now I don't know WHAT to think. I WAS going to connect it to my switch, and see if I could do a button test on that, to see if it registers the inputs for those two buttons, but now I'm not sure that's needed if it's had the same issue with two unrelated controllers with two different form factors, made by two different companies.

Is this a common issue with an easy fix, or has life once again said "FUCK YOU Lost_My_Mind!!!" ?


I've not had playstation plus for close to 10 years at this point. Last night I looked at it again, and see it's totally changed.

When I had PS+ on PS3, it was $60 for a year, you got 3 games per month, and if you weren't subscribed when a game came out on PS+ then you missed out.

Last night I looked it up, and there's 3 different tiers, with the cheapest one being $80, still gives you 3 games like before, and you get to play online.

This month, they got a sports game (which lets face it will be dramatically cheaper to buy in 3 years), a game called little creatures 2, and some harry potter game. So to me it sounds like this month would be totally skippable.

But that's not the worst part. The worst part is just value per dollar.

I like old retro games, and the new way they set all this up, is that there is a list of always available games to download, which are retro. If you get this, you can play from about 200ish games. Many of which I saw and thought "I want to play that!"

But when you look at the cost, it goes from being must-have, to being a real thought provoker on if it's even worth it. It costs $155 per year.

I just looked at the list of 3 games per month that you get in the lowest tier, which costs $80 per year, dating all the way back to June 2022. I saw ONE game in that amount of time that I would have otherwise bought. ONE. In a little over 2 years. Which means one year I would have gotten ONE game that I'd play, and the other year I'd have gotten exactly ZERO games I'd play.

So you look back to that highest tier which allows you to play retro games. And granted, yes, there are quite a few I'd actually play, but here's the problem. I'm not going to play all of these at once. I don't have time to play 12 different games at the same time anymore. These games are clearly aimed at my generation, as they mostly came out in the 90s, and early to mid 2000s. As good of a game as Worms Armegeddon is, I don't see many teenagers today even trying it. Which is a real shame, because they're right at the age where saying "I got worms!" is still hilarious everytime you say it.

But they're not going to play it. I'M going to play it.

But you price the damn game in a tier that lets me play the game for 12 months. for $155.

Now, for a moment, let's ignore the fact that I could EASILY emulate this game right now, on any modern hardware with emulators, for free. Let's ignore that for a second, and try to do things the legal way. I just checked ebay, and if I never found my copy of Worms Armegeddon on PS1, I could buy it right now, complete in box with free shipping for $12.50. Plus tax I assume. That game will still work in my PS3. It might even work in my PS5. I've never tried a PS1 game in a PS5, but maybe it works? If not, I still have my PS3, which I KNOW works.

So for this $12.50, I own the game forever, and can still play it just fine in 13 months.

And I'm sure there's many other PS1 and PS2 games in that retro list which fit similar situations. Now, considering I'm NOT going to be playing this massive list of games they provide all at once, it would stand to reason that you should stay on this service so that when you're done with one, you can start the next. Great! One problem.

If PS1/PS2 games range from $5.00-$30.00 complete, how many of those games I was going to play can just be bought outright on ebay for $155?

At some point, I could just OWN the majority of those retro games, plus not be bound by an arbitrary list based on liscense agreements that may and do run out at any time.

So my point is, the value for these tiers starts to become less about the games themselves, and more about the ability to play online.....which can be done in the lowest tier.

I agree that Sony needs money to run these online servers, but I disagree that current costs make sense. I'd rather skip the extras, and just say "Alright, let me pay $10 a year, and I'll just get access to online play."

Because to me, online play, and nothing more, is NOT worth $80 a year, especially considering I might go online once a month? There were times where I didn't even turn on my PS4 for months/years at a time. Sony wants to make the concept of going online to be some big premium expense, and then wonders why over half their PS4 market never bought a PS5. It just stops being worth it at a certain age.


So this news may be a bit old, but DC has announced that the new Superman will be bisexual.

And just to clarify, The Riddler has stated he's always been down for whatever.


So as you can see in the picture, I threw a party last year. AEW is a pro wrestling company, much like WWE. They had this big outdoor show at Wembley Stadium in London. Sold something like 80,000 tickets. We watched live on PPV.

It's the first time I ever threw a wrestling watch party. I invited 4 people. I bought cheese, soft pretzels, bought chips/queso. I had vodka, whiskey, beer, and 3 different THC vape pens along with edible gummies. I also had coke (the soda), barqs root beer, and one of the special novelty mountain dew flavors.

I cooked chicken, and cut the cheese into cubes with individual toothpicks. I got out my good plates. And used the projector to make the screen 90 inches.

Only 2 people showed up. Nobody ate hardly anything. Nobody drank anything. Hardly anything was said. This picture was taken AFTER the party. We went through 1 bag of chips, and 1 1/2 jars of queso.

I literally could have just bought 1 bag of chips, 2 jars of queso, and saved $100 and 2 days of prep work.

I even had 2 different styles of BBQ sauce for the chicken.

Yes, it's a year later, and I'm still mildly infuriated over it!


So, I was told you can take any distro, pair it with any desktop environment, and badda bing, badda boom, unique linux in the room!

And a few years ago I tried getting into linux, and it didn't work. I didn't like ubuntu. I want something that's basically like Windows 98.

Closest thing I found was TwisterOS. Well, I had some issue with one program, and I'm an idiot on linux. Have no clue what I'm doing. So the guides tell me to update the thing. So I do that, and the fan in my case stops working. Aye-yi-yi!

I never got it to start working again, and I just said screw it, I'm not dealing with this. Put it in a drawer, and haven't touched it in about a year.

Well, now I'm think I'll just start fresh. Install a new distro, and since Ubuntu seems to be the one with the most support, I'll use that. Then I find out that LXDE visually is more in line with what I want.

So I figure I'll slap on ubuntu, slap on LXDE, and then install retropie. And hopefully the fan will work again. So I start researching this LXDE, and the home page wants you to download the desktop environment already baked into a DIFFERENT distro! Wait, hold on. Am I wrong in thinging you can just download a desktop environment, and slap it on any distro? Because it might be me. I have no clue what I'm doing. And even though this is lemmy, when I searched for "Ubuntu Help", there's no community named that. There's also no community named "Linux help". Which I find very very odd. Lemmy of all places you'd think would have a linux help community! This place loves linux. Does everyone just always know what they're doing at all all times? Or am I just going crazy? I feel like I'm walking blind into a forest and bear traps line the ground. I have no idea how to even start this process....


My dad tells this story of how he met my mom....and he thinks it's supposed to be endearing. It just comes off as cringeworthy to me.

Essentially my dad went to a bar. Started talking to a drunk woman, and then he left. Got to his car, realized he didn't have his car keys, and realized they must have been on the tray when he threw out his garbage/food reminants.

So he goes back into the bar, digs around in their garbage until he finds his keys, makes out with my mom, and they spend the night drinking together. Then he drives them to his house drunk, and that's how he met my mom.

Now I don't know if that's the night I was concieved. They did stay together for another 6 years. They got married. But the implication seems to be that I was the result of a bar hookup because my dad is an idiot and threw away his car keys. Then my mom was somehow turned on by the sight of a man digging through the trash, that she starts making out with him.

And based on my dads age, and my age, I can conclude he was 35 years old when I was born. Which means this story likely took place when he was 34.

My mom has never told me her version of the story, and likes to pretend history never happened. She recently told me she never liked Phil Hartman, which I know for a fact isn't true because I can remember her enjoying him not only on NewsRadio, but also when I was a kid and watching Pee Wee's Playhouse. Then to hear her a few weeks ago say she never liked him makes me question anything she says about the past. So I wouldn't even trust her version of the events. Not that she's exactly willing to tell them anyways.

I'm 41 now, and hate being alive every single day. Every once in a while I think about how I wouldn't exist if my dad were just not an idiot that one night. Just ONE NIGHT for him to be a well functioning human, and he doesn't throw away his keys. I never get born, and how much better that would be for everybody. It just frustrates me that something SO SIMPLE could have saved me 41 years of daily agony. And then people wonder why I don't want kids.

gestures to the entire world


Does anyone else feel this way?


Because let's say you're Tom Hanks. And you get [email protected]

Well, what's stopping someone else from adopting [email protected]?

And some platforms minimize the text size of platform, or hide it entirely. So you just might see TomHanks, and think it's him. But it's actually a 7 year old Chinese boy with a broken leg in Arizona.

Because anyone can grab the same name, on a different platform.


With everything coming out of the debate, this is like being thrown a softball. I'm almost certain that it won't even live up to my expectations, because honestly....how could it???

How do you make a comedy show based on real life, which in itself has become a comedy show?

I'm sure they'll knock it out of the park though.

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