Lemmy Fans

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This instance succeeds on one simple mantra: Be kind, and do unto others as you have done to yourself. Consider for a moment that we're ALL on the the same rapidly-spinning, mostly-watery orb, hurtling through space at fantastic speeds, and trading metal and paper for our livelihoods. The unknown will always dwarf the known. Learning never ends. We may be experts in something, but no one person is an expert in all things.

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founded 6 months ago
submitted 1 hour ago* (last edited 46 minutes ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

How to update BIOS on a system that only use Linux as OS.

Asking this because some clowns at Acer decided that they will only provide BIOS updates through Windows Update.

Edit: I'm not talking about installing the BIOS file. They don't even provide BIOS file in the first place.


cross-posted from: https://lemmit.online/post/3524209

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/technology by /u/wish-u-well on 2024-07-27 02:37:53+00:00.


Very interesting article!


GPT tldr: Chaos erupted at the offices of the e-commerce platform TMON in Seoul as thousands of angry customers swarmed the building demanding refunds amid the company's liquidity crisis. With no clear protocol in place, the crowds grew unruly as they tried to register for refunds, with many leaving empty-handed. TMON and its sister company WeMakePrice have been unable to pay their sellers since May, leading to a flood of canceled purchases and refund requests that the companies have struggled to process. Customers whose travel packages were canceled expressed frustration at the lack of progress, with one saying the waiting numbers and registration forms seemed meaningless. Despite TMON's efforts to process 1,000 refunds on-site, the massive crowds far exceeded that number, leaving many customers still waiting to get their money back.

Fun fact: TMON's parent company, Qoo10, owns wish.com.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.sdf.org/post/20106974

I recently created a handful of scripts for polybar, to add some missing functionality that I wanted.

  • VPN status
  • dual battery info
  • connected bluetooth devices
  • available package updates

Thought I might share, in case anyone finds them useful or wants to modify them for other use cases.



Det er egentlig en pæl jeg har villet lave i et stykke tid, efter jeg sidste år lærte om Project 2025. Efter begivenhederne i USA i løbet af de sidste ~~uger~~ måneder, virker det langt mere relevant at diskutere projektet. Project 2025 er en plan udarbejdet af tænketanken The Heritage Foundation, der har til formål at omforme den amerikanske regering radikalt, hvis Donald Trump bliver præsident i 2024. Hvis det ikke lykkes, så ligger den vel klar til næste gang en republikaner bliver præsident. Den dækker mange forskellige områder, er tilgængelig til download, og er på over 900 sider.

Mange af bidragsyderne til projektet, er tidligere regeringsansatte under Trump da han var præsident.

Der er meget at tage fat på, men vi kan jo starte med at diskutere Schedule F. Schedule F bekendtgørelsen havde til formål at skabe en ny kategori af føderale ansatte kaldet "Schedule F". Hovedpunkterne i Schedule F er:

  • Det skulle gøre det lettere at afskedige visse føderale embedsmænd, især dem i politisk følsomme eller policy-relaterede stillinger.
  • Det ville have fjernet nogle af de beskyttelser, som mange karriere-embedsmænd har mod politisk motiverede afskedigelser.
  • Det ville potentielt have påvirket titusindvis af føderale ansatte, der kunne være blevet omklassificeret under denne nye kategori.

Schedule F blev forsøgt indført i 2020 af Trump, og blev ophævet i januar 2021, da Biden tiltrådte. Wikipedia har en udmærket artikel om dens tilblivelse dengang.

Jeg havde forestillet mig vi kunne diskutere:

  • Hvad er godt ved schedule f?
  • Hvad er dårligt ved schedule f?
  • Hvis man forsøgte at indføre lignende bekendtgørelser i Danmark, hvordan ville det så se ud?

Den sidste øvelse er der for at prøve at se forslaget i en dansk kontekst.

Det står også frit at diskutere andre aspekter af Schedule F her i pælen.

Der er ikke noget fællesskab for politik, så derfor har jeg oprettet dette i roden af feddit.dk. Det er vel mest passende.

Rule (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 58 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Today’s Game is Assassins Creed Black Flag. Honestly I’m kind of impressed I made it too 10 days. I totally expected myself to miss a day on my streak. Also. A few people in the past have asked about posting screenshots in the comments or stealing the idea for their own posts. Assuming the mods are chill with it I have no issues with people doing either of those things. I just want people to have fun


Google is now the only search engine that can surface results from Reddit, making one of the web’s most valuable repositories of user generated content exclusive to the internet’s already dominant search engine.

If you use Bing, DuckDuckGo, Mojeek, Qwant or any other alternative search engine that doesn’t rely on Google’s indexing and search Reddit by using “site:reddit.com,” you will not see any results from the last week.


[alt text: a photo of a street intersection sign. The two streets listed on the sign are "Inyo Street" and "Butte Street".]


‘The Boys’ prequel series, titled ‘Vought Rising’ will premiere on Amazon Prime Video with Jensen Ackles and Aya Cash starring.


Coming from a district court, I think this ruling could be appealed, but it's welcome news nevertheless.


So yesterday I tested WiFi Direct against Quick Share and to my surprise (kinda) WiFi Direct was much faster than the latter

Tried sending a 1.21GB video file from a Galaxy S6 to a galaxy note 9

  • WiFi Direct: 54.71 MB/s
  • Quick Share: ~33 MB/s

OneUI can show network speed in real-time in the notification panel, that's how I captured these numbers and they were very stable and I did it multiple times just to confirm.

Unfortunately samsung and all other OEMs have basically killed WiFi Direct, I can only receive files, they removed the option to send files through WiFi Direct on newer versions of android (I think A11 and later) a long time ago that's why I can't do this test in reverse (from N9 to S6)

I tried looking up for an app on Google play store, galaxy store, F-Droid that can send files using WiFi Direct but found nothing, that's really puzzling for me, like why?! This standard is very old by now, it's been on our phones for more than a decade and yet no way to fully utilize it?!

For the ones who don't know WiFi Direct is a P2P connection.

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