Lemmy Fans

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This instance succeeds on one simple mantra: Be kind, and do unto others as you have done to yourself. Consider for a moment that we're ALL on the the same rapidly-spinning, mostly-watery orb, hurtling through space at fantastic speeds, and trading metal and paper for our livelihoods. The unknown will always dwarf the known. Learning never ends. We may be experts in something, but no one person is an expert in all things.

Given that, here our are very simple


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Opinions are great, just be ready to back yours up with a solid foundation of factual information and/or research.

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Lastly, negative behaviors such as trolling, harassment, stalking, brigading, and other offensive behaviors as judged by the instance admin(s) will not be tolerated. Immediate and permanent bans are issued for spammers, trollers, vote brigaders, stalkers, harassers, and those of similar ilk. All decisions will be made by the instance admin(s). Those decisions are final and incontestable.

That's the end of the boring but necessary stuff.

Alternate UIs

Want a reddit-like experience? Check out https://old.lemmy.fan (mlmym)

Alexandrite is a gorgeous, highly-customizable Lemmy frontend. https://a.lemmy.fan (Alexandrite)

Photon UI offers a sleek and responsive Lemmy experience. https://photon.lemmy.fan (Photon)

founded 7 months ago

Tim Walz has said he’s “sick and tired of hearing about thoughts and prayers” following the Apalachee High School shooting in Georgia, which left four dead.

Walz, who was named as Kamala Harris’ running mate in the race for the White House in August, spoke about the Wednesday (4 September) shooting at a campaign rally at the Highmark Amphitheater in Erie, Pennsylvania on Thursday.

He told his supporters: “We believe in the freedom to send our kids to school without being shot dead in the hall.”

“The news cycle moves on within a day,” he commented of the incident, adding that kids had returned to school feeling excited and “now we have four dead”.


Even a majority of Republicans support efforts to hold manufacturers accountable for allegedly deceptive claims

Concern about the fossil fuel and plastics industries’ alleged deception about recycling is growing, with new polling showing a majority of American voters, including 54% of Republicans, support legal efforts to hold the sectors accountable.

The industries have faced increasing scrutiny for their role in the global plastics pollution crisis, including an ongoing California investigation and dozens of suits filed over the last decade against consumer brands that sell plastics.

Research published earlier this year found that plastic producers have known for decades that plastic recycling is too cumbersome and expensive to ever become a feasible waste management solution, but promoted it to the public anyway.


Two women who say they were raped and strangled by the controversial social media influencer Andrew Tate have spoken to the BBC about their experiences.

Another woman has alleged, for the first time, she was raped by Mr Tate’s younger brother, Tristan - also an influencer with millions of followers.

The Tate brothers, aged 37 and 36, currently face charges in Romania of human trafficking and forming an organised group to sexually exploit women. Andrew Tate is also charged with rape.

If found guilty, the two men could be jailed for more than 10 years. They strongly deny the charges against them.


Looking at YOU, Williams Street/Warner Bros.

#goals (mander.xyz)
submitted 7 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 19 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: @Successful_[email protected] solved it. It says "one special character". Not "at least one".

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