I'm an AnCap everyone hates me at least 50% of the time (except on Lemmy where it's closer to 90/10).
It's often not worth the grief.
Reminder: The terms of service apply here too.
Logo design credit goes to: tubbadu
I'm an AnCap everyone hates me at least 50% of the time (except on Lemmy where it's closer to 90/10).
It's often not worth the grief.
Some posts are just rage baits, the vast majority of people who click on them don't look to hear different opinions. No point in engaging really.
Replying to a meme criticizing Biden’s pardon of his son that was being commented on by several liberals-are-funding-genocide types.
I would have pointed out trump’s basically saying he was going to take whatever leash remained on Israel off, and trumps pardon of family and criminals, but that never goes well. I get exhausted by the refusal to acknowledge the reality of the situation. So I deleted it.
How is your week going? was the post. My week is going unnaturally well and I decided to just stfu about it.
Yep. Number 1 rule of the internet is that people hate fun.
I just feel bad about sharing financial success when I see so many posts about money troubles.
As a premier member of the Seinfeld cast, I imagine you see a lot of residuals, so I can understood why you'd keep mum.
Funny that, I did exactly that with that post... I probably run about 50% overall on these.
Sometimes I look at what I'm about to post and decide that nobody really needs to see that.
Sometimes I look at the other comments and decide I don't want to interact with the whole thing.
After having just deleted 3 paragraphs… uh. This one, I guess.
I just talk too much. Add too many details. And then realize that I am actually bored with what I’ve written, and it would be awful to subject others to that.
I could have a good ramble about just about anything. Just before this comment I wrote and deleted 3 paragraphs about what temperature I keep the house. Programmable thermostat. Different modes for different seasons. Special seasonal cycles for morning/evening. Old house, renovations done to it, and not a great HVAC system, so some choices made to work around that, etc. Just rambly stuff.
Tell me more!
This house used to be a duplex. It wasn’t built that way, and it’s not that way now, but there’s a patch of siding at the back of the house that’s the shape of a door. When I moved in, I had to pay the local utility company on two bills, because the electricity was being billed to my street address, and the water was billed to my street address, Fl 1. It was a huge pain in the rear, because the utility company just shrugged and said “Oh, you’re the landlord over both those units.” And set me up as a master account holder over them as if the floors of my house were rentals. (IT’s weird they saw that one that doesn’t get water, and one that doesn’t get electricity and just shrugged it off, but whatever.) I had to call the city to have them send a letter to the utility company to tell them that my house was a single family residence. They didn’t do anything, but I called a few months later to ask if they ever got the letter. They said they had, and about 9 more months after that, they started sending me a single bill. Mercifully. The utility company doesn’t bill on the same day each month. I don’t know what math they use, but it seems to shift. Maybe they bill every 4 weeks instead of every month, but as a landlord of the single family home that I solely inhabited, they enrolled me in paperless billing and didn’t send ‘the landlord’ any billing notifications, so paying the bill on time was contingent upon not just checking the site in accordance with the calendar I keep, but also randomly checking it, too, as the billing date moved around. Do you have any idea how hard that is for someone with ADHD?
Anyway - all that is to say this house is totally whack. The furnace is about 3x the size needed for the square footage, so the air coming out of the vents is like 20 degrees hotter than it should be, and the blower struggles to push the appropriate volume of air through the old, hodgepodge, and (in at least one case) improvised ductwork. Instead of cycling and like, circulating air properly, it just blasts the area around the vents with hot air, and leaves cold spots cold.
The plus side is that our HVAC guy says he expects the heat exchanger to burn itself up any time now, and when that happens, I guess I’ll spend the money I’m saving up for a down payment on a new house to deal with it. Or take out a HELOC and hope that when the market turns we don’t lose that much equity. Then we’ll get a nice heat pump or something - you know, for the next person who lives here, because this house’s problems are many.
But for right now we’re just running the thing with the cheapest, crappiest air filters we can find so there isn’t much air impedance, and changing them often.
Sometimes I feel like living here is like living on the Serenity.
My realtor really did me dirty with this one. I mean, I still bought in 2019 before the market went insane, but like, it was my first house, and I really needed him to do better.
Next time I house hunt, I have a plan. I already have topographic maps of the whole city saved on my computer to ensure I’m not buying a house at a low spot (water issues). The state government provides maps of noise and environmental pollution, so I won’t be dealing with train tracks I thought I wouldn’t hear, or a metal plating company 3/4 of a mile away that makes the neighborhood smell like hot metal sometimes. I also now have thermal imaging gear, boroscopes, all manner of outlet testing gear, and a ruthless determination to not have to worry about a house that clearly wants to fall down. I’m going to be an unholy terror of a traveling home inspection for any house we’re looking at next.
I think I love you. I feel like this would be exactly what would happen if I were in your situation.
We're renting a house, because, well, reasons. We are looking, and it would be our first home, but the market and availability is bonkers here.
The tankless heater was manufactured before the house was even built and the gas lines are not large enough to accommodate to scale. If the bath's running, pressure is shot. You'll only get reasonably hot water one faucet/utility at a time. If you're in the shower and another tap is called, you're fucked. It's horrendous.
Landlord got a quote about it (squirrel fan when we moved in screamed to hell so they called in service) and they'd have to run larger pipes when the time comes to replace it with new tankless.
The furnace did have a humidistat but the lines are gross and it's some kind of broken. They recommended not replacing till the whole furnace goes too. Fun times right?
The list goes on but it's not my circus, so i restrain myself to small tasks. At least our neighbors are cool. HOA blows though.
It happens all the time, but it's usually because I realize that either:
I didn't know people were allowed to research before commenting! /s
Yeah, I try to limit it, but occasionally there will be some half-ass historical event or fact that I remember as part of my argument and I'll go to look it up and realize the actual facts of the matter contradict whatever point I was trying to make. So then I just delete the comment and move on, "Well... I guess I didn't have anything to say about that after all."
As a serial comment deleter in rehabilitation, I try hard to not post things that I feel likely I could end up deleting. That's why sometimes I don't click submit.
That last one I like to call "spotting the hill I don't wanna die on"
Really well put.
I responded to a "why do Conservatives feel x" sort of of post as I have a few conservative friends and we'd talked about it.
Ended up in a multi day back and forth where I was accused of being everything from Hitler to sociopathic and had one person follow my comments around for a while afterwards.
And in the end? I feel no one was informed and none of it had any reward.
...are you me?
No, you're me.
Ridiculously often. Most of the time, I'll type out most of a comment before realizing I just...don't care to engage and don't want to see replies.
If I'm low on spoons (which is most of the time), that's what'll happen unless I
Okay, just for the sake of giving as authentic an answer to your question as possible, I got bored of trying to organize my thoughts into coherent words at the "---“ and intended to delete. Didn't solely because of the question.
Also goddamn I'm wordy.
I thought you were starting a YAML file.
Also, your post is relatable. I wanted to make a (edit: obviously uncreative) post about how the OP would never know because I'd deleted my post, but couldn't figure out a good way to make it funny.
None because I don’t give a shit about what people online say or think
Anything related to the Gaza war.
There was some article about having more feminist voices at some climate conference. Just seems like bait.
Ha, yeah exactly. That's one of those where you can kinda guess how the comment section is going to go.
I look at usernames. If it's one I recognize, I generally don't engage.
Ha, I have a similar process. I use Connect as my app which has a feature for user notes, so if I've tagged someone with a good note, I try to respond and vice versa.
Hey, that's a cool feature!
I love it! Really made browsing more enjoyable and I feel like it sort of rewards others for being interesting (in as much as a comment or reply from me could be considered a positive.)
Like the last 9 out of 10, honestly. Way too many comment snipers. It's exhausting. You're wise to not bother with it.
Never heard the term comment sniper but damn, I like it!
This one
Hey wait a sec...!
Me too!!