if i’m uncertain that god exists because there’s NO PROOF EITHER WAY for me.
This sentence is not grammatically correct.
But I agree with the sentiment.
A place where you can rant to your heart's content.
if i’m uncertain that god exists because there’s NO PROOF EITHER WAY for me.
This sentence is not grammatically correct.
But I agree with the sentiment.
you can't prove that no god exists, but there are a lot of proofs that the christian god cannot possibly exist.
and it's important to remember: a christian is only one god less atheist than you. they need to prove zeus, shiva, quetzocoatl, and loki don't exist or their religion is just nonsense.
you can't prove that no god exists, but there are a lot of proofs that the christian god cannot possibly exist.
I agree 100% with the latter part of that statement.
But it's not up to anyone to prove that something does not exist. It's entirely up to the person making the claim that gods do exist, to provide the evidence.
At that point, you'd be able to either validate the evidence or prove it to be wrong.
The problem with any religion is that it's based on faith. And what is faith? The belief in something without evidence that it exists. 🫢
Don't waste your time even worrying about religion. Life's too short for that nonsense.
well 'god' is a pretty nebulous term. the olympian gods, you can disprove most of them with a satellite photo or a helicopter. the norse gods are a little harder to disprove. the christian god is pretty easy to disprove.
It is true that nobody should have to worry about proving negatives on people's obviously made up fairlytale bullshit. it is sometimes fun to point out that if you define your god sufficiently, it can be and has been done.
and I would love to not worry about religion, but im queer and live in the united states, so I need to be pretty on my toes about that shit if I don't want to be raped to death in a very pretty building/strip mall.
"We can't be friends if you don't pray"
Walk away.
This is my response to any kind of ultimatum. And I say "OK" as dispassionately as possible, as if someone said they prefer vanilla over chocolate ice cream.
Religion exists by virtue of being forced on people. Many gently reject it and many are battered and beaten mentally until they don't. People born into religious families will very very often share their family religion and other beliefs no matter what they are. People who have nothing else to turn to will often choose religion because it gives them hope and a group to belong to. Anybody who likes you will try to get you to do their things with them whether it's praying or playing a specific tabletop RPG. It's a pain in the ass and the people who don't understand "No" aren't worth your time.
OP - If you don't give thanks and praise FSM, you'll find all your vermicelli will break into short pieces, and your macaroni will be mushy. Who would want to dine at your home then?
If a religion doesn't allow its members to be friends with non-members, that religion is a cult.
You probably don't want to engage with cult members anyway, unless it is to help them leave the cult.
My thoughts on religion are about the same as having an invisible friend. Sure, there's nothing wrong with that, up until age 3 or 4 or so when you're supposed to realize the invisible friend doesn't exist.
Christians preach acceptance? That's the farthest thing from truth
we can’t be friends if i don’t pray.
"Bye then."
“all women are for is to complement men and they’re inferior and they should only be with other men for that reason”.
She's in deep. You don't have to save her if you don't want to.
Stay true to your principles. There are many, many others out there who agree with you. One's religion should NEVER motivate one to force it upon others.
In fact I think there is no true "freedom of religion" without "freedom FROM religion" (as in, every individual is free to practice their religion of choice, so long as such practices harm no one else, or to practice NO religion). If only our governments would codify this explicitly into law.