
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 hours ago

I wish each point had a footnote pointing to a study. Most of these sound pretty reasonable, but I wonder if any are simply thought to be beneficial with no actual positive effect.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 hours ago

An interesting observation, but I track my sleep with a Garmin smartwatch.

I do have to wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom (not 1 or two hours, but 10 minutes tops), and my heart rate hits the nighttime low right after going back to sleep; my "body battery" ramps up after that point, too.

Anecdotally, this seems like a good thing to be happening.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 hours ago

Literally my first thought, and it wouldn't be the first time that sort of thing happened, either!

If a grant was collected, and a project had not been completed (or started), the company should pay it back with interest.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 17 hours ago

I use a blender and then run everything through a French press!

I don't have experience with an actually nut milk machine, but this method works for us.

Since we've always used unsweetened versions of nondairy milk, it's just water and almonds. Approx. 2tbls of almonds to a little over 1000ml of water.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago

Parker was shot in the cheek, nose, shoulder, thigh, calf, hip, abdomen and foot but survived.

Bro, WTF?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

The extra equipment simply makes it easier, but you don't really need any of it. Bread, pizza dough, pasta, muffins, cookies, tortillas, and anything else that's flour-based can be made without anything but a stove or oven.

I guess it depends on your priorities. For me, it was about saving money, even if that meant a small investment in extra kitchen stuff.

Yes, a blender, bread machine, pasta maker, pressure cooker, microwave, and coffee maker all take up space in my kitchen. But for me, it's totally worth it! They've paid for themselves many, many times over!

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 day ago (4 children)

We bought a $99 bread machine a few years ago, as the price of bread at the store climbed. It takes a minute to assemble the ingredients, then you just walk away. 3 hours later, you have bread that puts store bought to shame, and all for less than $1 per 2lb loaf.

We also started using a pasta maker, which is just as easy to use. Fresh pasta for pennies, instead of $3 a pack.

In addition, we started making out own almond milk too... using fresh almonds and water. Compared to unsweetened store bought, we're saving over $40 a month on almond milk alone.

I'm tired of these companies... all of them... overpricing their products. Make whatever you can; fix whatever you can; reuse and repurpose as much as you can!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

It's like a joke by this point.

I ride on a stretch of road that has a bike lane that transitions (squeezes cyclists) onto a narrow road with no shoulder and poor quality surface. Even the sidewalk ends at this transition, forcing pedestrians onto the road.

This transition happens on an incline, so anyone on foot or bike will be going slower. Naturally, this seems to piss off drivers as if you've insulted their mother.

I always laugh, swear, and shake my head at the "share the road" sign at this section, as if it's been put there as a big FU to anyone not in a motor vehicle.

The municipalities that do this sort of thing really have no idea what cycling or walking alongside aggressive SUV drivers, who refuse to share the road, is like.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

More police funding just means more arrests, not fewer crimes.

You can't blame police when our "justice system" (i.e. our courts) makes it a habit of releasing high-risk offenders.

Every time a violent offender is arrested nearby, I check to see what they were arrested for, and without fail it's multiple failure to comply with court order, and a half dozen breach of probation orders, etc.

And then they are released on a promise to appear... where they re-offend, because, why not?

Until judges are held partially responsible for any crimes committed by people who were released, things will never change.

And I can't imagine how much it costs taxpayers to arrest the same clowns over and over and over again.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

but CCC now has more reliable auto tracking lists (just add to wishlist, it will auto sync and email any drops).

Well, I may give CCC another try. That feature would be HUGE for me.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

And priced for the average human! Wow.

Damn, if I didn't need the fitness tracking support of my Garmin watch, I'd be all over that!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I held onto my Pebble for so long, wearing it from launch until about a year ago, where I got a Garmin Smartwatch.

So many things I loved about it, especially its simplicity and legendary battery life (at that time).


Amazon Prime Days ran on July 16th and 17th (at least here, in Canada).

This price jump happened a day before and ended two days later, but this item was "on sale" during those two Prime Days.

I've been seeing this scam far too often, especially with food items. Why isn't this illegal yet?


I'll start by saying that I really love Tube Archivist. It works flawlessly in doing what it does (archiving YouTube videos), and the UI and UX are great.

However, no matter what browser I use (Edge, FF, Opera, Samsung mobile, FF mobile, etc...), I run into issues where the video will play, but the interface freezes... I can't do anything on the screen until I refresh.

I don't have it set to any strange codecs, so videos are in vp9. But I also tried a few different codecs to see if the quality/size could be better optimized, and had the same issues with freezing UI then.

If I run the videos through Jellyfin, they work fine. It's only through the TA web interface where things lock up.

Is this normal? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this working better?


I'm seeing fake roads everywhere, and the map looks like a spider's web.

It's like this on every website that displays the cycleOSM layer: the official cycleOSM site, Openstreetmap, brouter, etc.


This has been bothering me long enough that I figured I'd check to see if anyone else is having the same issue, and more importantly, if there's a fix.

Some websites, like Google Earth or various weather radar sites get so slow that they are unusable in Firefox.

When I load the same sites in Edge, it's blazing fast, as I'd expect.

Even Librewolf chugs on these sites.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: First, thanks for all the input, guys.

I wanted to say that I've tried a fresh FF profile, and the same slowness happens in Google Earth.

I also confirmed that hardware acceleration is enabled.

This problem isn't on all websites. For example, playing actually gives a higher framerate on FF than it does on Edge. So it seems to be that certain websites just suck ass.

Some of you have said that Google Earth on FF works perfectly fine... on linux. At least it seems not to be a FF problem. LOL

EDIT: Opera browser is just as smooth as Edge with G Earth.

POSSIBLE SOLUTION?? Ok, so even though I was able to confirm that hardware acceleration was enabled, and the GPU was active while using FF, and the about:support showed that webrender was enabled, I noticed that on about:config the gfx.webrender.all setting was set to false.

So, I enabled it, and tried again. Google Earth seems much smoother (not as good as edge, but better than before), and Tube Archivist no longer seems to freeze while a video is being played.

Could this be the reason for my issues? If so, why was this option set to false by default?


Now that summer is almost here, I'm looking for better ways to protect myself from the sun. I generally dislike sunscreen, but I do wear it while riding.

The helmet visor "Da Brim" (website) caught my attention. Since I wear a huge-ass sombrero-style hat when I'm off the bike, I'm fine with the way Da Brim looks.

For context, some of my summer rides might have me in 8-10+ hours of sun, which isn't good, even with sunscreen on. If Da Brim can make the experience more tolerable, I'm in!

I'm curious to hear from anyone who has one, and what their experience has been.


I've tried a few jellyfin plugins that are supposed to sync metadata and thumbnails from tube archivist, but it's just not working right.

I can see some thumbnails, but then the titles are just random gibberish. Or the titles somewhat work, but no thumbnails.

Any secret I'm missing?

Both are running in docker containers on a synology nas.


PICKERINGTON, Ohio (April 26, 2024) — In the wake of the most recent tragedy involving a fatal collision between a Tesla vehicle in autopilot mode and a motorcyclist in Washington state, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) once again urges the Department of Transportation (DOT) to strengthen Automated Driving System (ADS) regulations.

“Many autonomous vehicles on the road today have not been proven to detect all other road users in all situations before they have been allowed to be used on the road,” Dingman added. “Motorcyclists should not be used as guinea pigs for autonomous vehicle manufacturers. The continued allowance of untested autonomous vehicles on our nation’s roadways is unacceptable. The time for action is now!”

To add to that, you should see how these "accident avoidance systems" plow through dummies during tests. You'd have to have been paid off to allow these vehicles on public roads!


So, I've had a Raspberry Pi 4 sitting brand new in a box for a few years, and decided to install BirdNetPi on it yesterday.

It's working like a champ, but because BirdNetPi needed a legacy version of Raspian, it's got old software on it.

Is there any way to update the software (i.e. RealVNC) without updating the OS? There is no built-in software updater, and I seem to very easily break Linux every time I make an attempt to use it. LOL


I can see far too many privacy issues with copy and pasting text into a website, and/or registering an account which will keep a history of the text checked.

Are there any services available that are noted for being private?

For context, I'm using uBlacklist to manually block website that use AI generated content.


Should I also tip the delivery driver, and the person who made the product?


The literal paperwork involved with not getting paperwork is a little much these days!


The United States seems to always have disproportionately high rates of things that kill people compared to other developed nations. 🤔

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