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Meanwhile the US alternates having a climate-change denier hold its highest office. Also it's military is currently the world's largest polluter.
Do you have any sources on this aria sea and three gorges dam business?
Wikipedia is one click away:
And there is this….
So instead of learning from previous mistakes, the communists repeated it themselves.
you are aware we didn't have the same complete view of climate change 80-100 years ago like we have now, right?
Climate change has been and always been known more than 100 years ago.
and has not been prioritized.
if you want a fair assessment of how socialism deals with climate change in the 21st century, take a small look at china.
Probably also unaware of the dust bowl and of what’s happening to the Great Salt Lake right now.
And yet the Soviet authorities repeated the same mistakes themselves.
Yes, they took a time machine and repeated the same mistakes in the past 🙄
It is we who are repeating now-understood, known mistakes now.
What does the Aral sea have to do with climate change? The point is that communism doesn’t have any kind of inherent conservationist tendency to it.