You keep getting hung up on conscription as if there aren't thousands of men who went to war in the last 25 years. You don't have to be drafted to get killed or traumatized, and just because you enlisted doesn't mean you deserved everything that happened to you (esp. when most enlist are poor, have no prospects, and get effectively brainwashed as a teenager that the military is an out).
As for the rest, yes have empathy for single parents and wage slaves of any gender. I'm sorry sexual assault is thing that happens to many women.
Wikipedia says from Portuguese, through Persian, back to Sanskrit, being the grand daddy of English, calling it "cina", and/or it has to do with Qin Dynasty that unified China.
Probably better than whatever bullshit they would have gotten from Zhongguo if "Peking" was as good as they could do with "Beijing"