
joined 3 months ago

Screen on event crashes PC and corrupts journalctl, seems to be an issue with edid.

Currently solution has been moving to TTY1 then moving back to sway (tty2) as TTY seems to have no issue handling these events.

Where can I start trouble shooting this?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago

Build and fund a Marxist think tank, think tank of the Proletariat

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago

I've seen wayland related names that are much less eloquent

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

ultrawade oled, lots of custom scripts.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

you think that once the AR-15 is made illegal that'll be the end of this battle? think-tanks have spent millions to find an entry point to take arms out of the hands of workers the AR-15 is just the meanest sounding and looking one that can capture the medias attention and thus turn the minds of civilians. its all a manipulation.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Marx warned against this. without armed workers the dismantling of the state machine will be much harder.


I wanted to share a setup I’ve been using to maintain a clean desktop while using Firefox in fake fullscreen mode. This setup allows Firefox to run fullscreen with auto-hiding tabs and search elements that only show when hovered over, without pushing the webpage content down.

  • Install cage, can be found for most distros
  • Run and test application -d removes desktop decorations, firefox command 'firefox -somecommand' cage 'firefox' -d
  • If running correctly edit launch options in de or .desktop file Exec=cage 'firefox' -d then install auto-fullscreen extension

its a long work around especially when its possible to get a similar result from editing about:config but this way the tab and searchbar act as a seperate element meaning no misclicking. if anyone has cleaner solution chime in please.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago

yes but also how reactionary people are with reading only the title, completely ignoring the correspondence corrections although credit where credits due

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)
[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago

I must say, my fellow Tories, John Deere is doing an excellent job. As a board member, I've watched my profits skyrocket with absolute haste. It gave me the same exhilaration as the intimate acts we used to perform with deceased pigs. Truly, capitalism at its finest!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

well i say if we can go from feudalism to mercantilism to capitalism then why not capitalism to socialism to communism? its again distributing power from the top to the lower status classes, we saw similar in feudalism to mercantilism.

Wealth distribution is not equal under communism. Most is owned by the state, the privileged class still exists. The underprivileged class also exists.

  • wealth distribution should be equal under communism, wealth not being equal means we must do better. we don't look at corrupt corporations and think "to bad its fucked best not make any more"
  • under socialism most would be owned and redistributed by the state. communism is worker lead and not state lead at least in my school of socialism.
  • under socialism the unprivileged class gets lifted through the transitional period. class distinctions are to be removed through the transitional period leading to a classless communist society.

Communism tends to be inefficient and less productive than capitalism, so a lot less is produced. This is demonstrated time and again. People just don’t have a personal motivation to increases production for the state. Distribution is also inefficient. Historically it leads to hunger because central planning is less effective than a decentralized system where individuals are able to make decisions.

  • i cant argue communism and its efficiency as i have yet to see it but i am sure socialism can be made to be more efficient. being from the UK and having the carcass of what was once our publicly owned NHS i know that after WW2 under a Labour government we saw the NHS rise from nothing within 3 years, Labour at the time were socialist. the NHS was revolutionary at the time. we also mass built affordable housing. these are all things we struggle to achieve now.

So while I agree that the current level of wealth inequality is not good, communism is certainly not the solution. All it does is change where the lines of inequality are drawn. It usually kills a few million people for no good reason, too.

so your a reformist?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

Depending entirely on the form of communism. Right now the worlds richest 400 have a combined wealth amounting near 7 trillion. In a communist society world wide we could distribute that wealth globally to install water infrastructure, food infrastructure, vaccinate everyone and still have change in the bank to support other large projects.

And this is speaking purely finance. Here in the UK we have more than enough empty home to house all of our homeless.

The amount we work to the resources produced are wildly high, we could work a lot less if not for the bosses ever demanding more.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

are you talking about climate change? or a jab at my enthusiastic post, or is this just a genuine message of sincerity? either way i spend most days out either campaigning or hiking, working.


I made this community as a reaction to the July 4th general election taking place in the United Kingdoms, to mobilize my fellow comrades in the lead-up to the general elections, the group is party agnostic though there is an obvious bias due in part to my political affiliation but all leftest parties that fight for dignity and the working class are very much welcome.

By all means feel free to join where ever you may come from whether for information or solidarity.

In solidarity.



A few great talking points came up.

If your interested in voting for a socialist candidate in the elections then keep an eye out for TUSC candidates. Tusc is the trade union socialist coalition. Also there maybe other socialist standing, Corban being one.

If you are unaffiliated to a socialist party but would like to join a revolutionary party with plenty of active members across the country then feel free to contact me through DM or visit the hyper link. We are having a membership push with upcoming elections.



Will I see any Lemmy comrades at the event?


Account is two months old, picture downscaled to 499kb.


Mine is insidious as it sounds cool and is apt in our modern world of fast news


i avoid hype but as a massive fan of the original kcd and the honesty of this reveal, im hyped! wont be pre-ordering though, never pre-order its bad for the industry and consumers.


Web browsers were very limited compared to today's offerings but still very extensive when compared to other applications. Now, browsers on desktop are at a point where they're equivalent to an OS in scope.

This frustrates me as it's led to stagnation, where very few companies can hold their position. Firefox can only keep up due to preexisting groundwork and the large amount of funding from Google. Chrome had billions thrown at it to quickly enter the market.

The thing that kills it the most for me is there is no way to fix the massive amount of effort needed for a web browser. It's extensive because it has to deal with thousands of situations: image rendering, video rendering, markup language support (HTML), CSS support, JavaScript support, HTML5 support, security features, tabbed browsing, bookmarking and history, search engine integration, cross-platform compatibility, performance optimisation, developer tools, accessibility features, privacy controls, codec support, to name a few.

Now, for my unpopular opinion: stripping back a general-purpose browser to its core, forcing web redesign, and modularising the browser. Rather than watching videos in the browser, an instance of VLC would be started where the video will be streamed. Instead of an integrated password manager and bookmarks, we have something akin to KeepassXC with better integration. Markup documents and articles automatically open in word processing applications. I know this idea seems wholly impossible now, but it often crosses my mind.


I am going to request arch and the greater linux community replace xz with winrar.exe

This is a community effort.

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