
joined 7 months ago
[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 day ago

I think you got to start somewhere and then scale it up over time. If we wait until we have piles of batteries at hand, people will criticise that no one addressed the issue early enough. Furthermore, I see a potential feedback loop. If we start deconstructing and recycling the batteries now, we learn early what the biggest issues are and can potentially tweak the next generation of cells to make them easier recycable.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago

Why do you think his whole neighborhood is on ketamines?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

Their mymic is anyhow way too positive for Halloween. Separate them to get two villains full of bitterness und anger!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 days ago

If you don't see any insects on the leaves or the soil, I'd just give it some time. Water it every 2-4 weeks. If it's a large pot of soil do it every 4 weeks with ~0,5 liters, in a smaller pot do it more often with a smaller quantity.

In general, it's better to water rarely, so the top layer of soil is dry most of the time. That way, you're making the life harder for small flys to lay eggs and nurish from the roots.

If it keeps losing leaves, don't panic. Mine had a severe sunburn once and dropped all the leaves. After some weeks it started to recover and grew new leaves.

I would say, the worst thing you can do is overwater. Mine is in a pretty huge pot (80 liters) and I give it (round about) 1,7 liters of water every 6 weeks in summer and 2-3 months in winter. That way the plant has to grow deep roots to the very bottom to reach the bottom and the top layers are rather dry.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 1 week ago

I guess if we as humanity focused on producing only high quality and essential, basic products (food, housing, clothing) + the tools and processes that we need in the supply chain, we could massively reduce labor and reduce our ecological footprint at the same time. But our current economical system is depending on everyone doing something, everlasting growth and consumption.

[–] [email protected] 47 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I agree. Many companies have shady practices but very few of them have CEOs that show their shitty character as open as Elon Musk. One important reason of buying an electric car instead of a ICE car is causing less harm / negative impact to the world. And people who make their buying decision based on that in many cases don't appreciate people constantly lying and promoting fachism. I personally won't buy a Tesla as long as he is involved.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (2 children)

If I drive home from the supermarkt with some baby leafs in the trunk, does that qualify as a human-car-salad? And would that be still be legal or count as attempted (self-)cannibalism?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago

Maybe it got cold on the way home or reacts to the change of light / temperature between the store and your place. I would recommend to not water it too much and don't use too much fertilizer. I have one that already survives for more than 10 years and it's still pretty healthy despite that I don't pamper it at all.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 weeks ago

Somehow, I feel a sudden and uncontrollable urge to toss my credit card into that pool.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Sounds a bit random but overall not too bad. Sign me up for that!

[–] [email protected] 18 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I go for option 1.

In all programming languages that I know, integers have a maximum number. E.g., in C that'd be 2,147,483,647. After that, you would run into an overflow, resulting in either...

  • a crash (train stops, no more deaths),
  • death count suddenly turns negative (all people previously killed are suddenly alive again and even new people are generated out of nowhere) - until we reach the next overflow when people disappear and start dying again
  • or - if it's an unsigned integer - death count resets everytime we reach the maximum limit

So compared to option 2, we have a chance of stopping the death count. And even if the train keeps running, we have essentially option 2 but the same people only die very rarely. If we assume a cycle of 1 death per second and an integer boundary of 2,147,483,647, that's just one death every 68 years per person involved. Seems more fair to me compared to 100 people constantly dying over and over again.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 weeks ago

Next day: Why are there so many homeless people sleeping in entrances and public buildings out of a sudden?


Hallo zusammen,

als ich eben auf der Seite der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung unterwegs war, bin ich auf die verlinkte Stellenanzeige gestoßen. Das gesuchte Profil fand ich dabei ziemlich verwunderlich:

Momentan suchen wir junge Menschen, die zu den Landtagswahl in Thüringen oder Brandenburg wahlberechtigt sind, am Wahltag nicht älter als 26 Jahre sind und Lust haben in einem dreitägigen Workshop die Thesen für den Wahl-O-Mat zur entwickeln.

Der Wahl-O-Mat ist aus meiner Erfahrung im Bekanntenkreis ein wichtiges Instrument zum Treffen einer Wahlentscheidung. Wenn in der Redaktion dieses öffentlichen Tools jetzt vornehmlich junge Leute sitzen, führt dies nicht automatisch zu einem gewissen Bias? Wäre es nicht wichtig, bei einem Tool, das von verschiedensten Altersgruppen genutzt wird, auch Perspektiven aus allen Teilen der Gesellschaft einfließen zu lassen? Bei U26 sind Themen wie Bildung, Klimawandel usw. sicher näher am eigenen Leben als bspw. Rente, Barrierefreiheit oder Immobilienthemen. Werden dann nicht schon unbewusst entsprechende Schwerpunkte auf die eigenen Themenbereiche gesetzt?

Ich bin selbst noch recht jung und würde mich auch politisch als ziemlich links einstufen. Eine überproportional junge Redaktion arbeitet also höchstwahrscheinlich zu meinen Gunsten. So wirklich demokratisch erscheint mir das aber ehrlich gesagt nicht.

Und selbst abgesehen von demokratischen Bedenken, finde ich das auch in Bezug auf das allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (Altersdiskriminierung) schwierig.

Wie sehr ihr das? Kennt jemand Hintergründe oder war sogar schon mal in der Redaktion dabei?

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