While I don't want to discourage anyone from contacting their representatives, mine refused to show up to a rather large town hall meeting. Went so far as to refuse to respond to all inquiries from multiple parties and news media whether or not he would attend. Over a thousand people showed up by my estimates to address their grievances to an empty chair.
There are sweetened cream products, just harder to find. Coffee mate does have a "natural" line that I think uses half'n'half, but I stopped using their products years ago. I make lattes at home and use a sweetened cream and whole milk (both lactose free) at a 1:3 ratio, and foam it.
When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different.
- Donald Trump
I'm not even joking.
The cream always rises to the top!
One of the main ingredients in those is vegetable/soybean oil! 🤮 Water, Sugar, oil. It's disgusting.
Hilariously ineffective for my very coarse hair. 🤣 Don't get me wrong, I really do appreciate the tip, and I'm happy it works for you. 💕 I do plan on giving it another go, but there was no noticeable impact on my facial hair after using it the first time.
I tried on about 1mm stubble. It felt like a cooling agent on my skin. I waited near 7 minutes (the max according to instructions), and while I could see bits of hair on the towel after wiping, there was no noticeable result on my face.
Thank you! That happens to be what I decided on trying! (I'm impatient so had already started researching :P)
Would you mind sharing the name of the product you're using? Thanks!!
I'm convinced he's trying to incite riots for martial law, and force an economic collpase so he and his cronies can buy up the bankrupt companies and assets.
To a lot people, the analogy is that the dangerous criminal with a gun has already broken in and is aiming the gun at them, they're in survival mode, and are not looking for non-violent solutions. I get your perspective, just trying to show you why so many are saying to "shoot the Nazis".
I forgot exactly how expensive they were when I posted. Sorry
I often recall Howard Dean's promising presidential run coming to a screaching halt with one excited and slightly awkward "yyEAH" on stage.