Laser hair removal
Trans Memes
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That's both expensive and not available where I live :P It is the long term goal however.
Rip and tear. Rip and tear until it is done.
(I wouldn't recommend this but I can't stop doing it)
Actually you can! Gently with tweezers or if you like to feel like a thousend bees sting you at once, you can use an epilator.
am I the only one whos facial hair started growing extremely slow after starting hrt?
Mine slowed, then laser did wonders. Then I hit my late 20s and it started coming in again because biology is a dick sometimes
yes :'(
mine's going just as strong as before
how long are you on hrt? it only started to grow slower like 3 months in
1 year a few days ago ! the rest of my body hair has been impacted, but not the beard
I hate it too, facial hair sucks. I wish I could just get rid of it. Sadly it might be a while before I can get electrolysis.