
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 13 hours ago

Well anyway, I messaged him 2 days ago, hey are you the landlord of apartment BLA BLA and he never responded.... Guess he doesn't gaf

[–] [email protected] 1 points 13 hours ago

Are you trying to gaslight a random person you don't know

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I tried that but they always find a way to turn everyone against me. They hate my guts

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Idk. Like, interpersonal psychopaths don't scare me as much cause I can always just ghost them for the most part.

My issue is with workplace ones (cause it's hard to find a good job) and also with the ones in my apartment complex. There's no effing way it can be dealt with I'm just screwed.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

They do different things. For example if I make zero noise all day then turn the tv on in the evening, they will then knock on my wall but like 30 secs to a min later. Or if I turn my tv on they'll watch their shit too, but it'll be too quiet to pick up so I'd have to turn my tv off, then they will turn theirs off. Etc etc etc


I genuinely feel like no matter what I do, psychopaths can always pretty much immediately defect me as the perfect victim.

I think it's partly because I'm ugly, partly because I'm sensitive, and they can just tell I'm a weak person.

It's making my life a living hell, no matter how hard I try I just can't blend it, I can't force myself to act a certain way, it's exhausting to me


[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (4 children)

I can’t… because if it’s just a sound recording there’s no way of yelling who is making the noise, and they do it randomly/unpredictably ENOUGH that I can barely ever catch it on video, and my phone can’t just have video on all day.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

I can't.. because if it's just a sound recording there's no way of yelling who is making the noise, and they do it randomly/unpredictably ENOUGH that I can barely ever catch it on video, and my phone can't just have video on all day.


Landlord is renting out his apartment beside mine.

His tenants are knocking shit against my wall and banging on it.

They can make all the noise they want all day but the moment I turn my tv on minimum volume or clear my throat they start imitating me or knocking on my wall.

Now I don't want to claim all this because they'll just deny it and twist it into me being insane or some bs.

So what should I tell the landlord to get the point across?


This guy basically lead me on, was very flirty and then said we should grab a bite to eat sometime and ghosted me.

We didn't have sex or anything. But I still feel like such a moron.

Like I was looking forward to it.... idk why does everyone hate me

Also when he asked me what I do for a living I told him I haven't been working and just focusing on taking a driving exam and he seemed extremely like.. disappointed by that

And I told him I worked accounting before and he also seemed super unimpressed by it

Idk wtf he expects from me like do I need to be an entrepreneur or rocket scientist to be interesting?

And also like in general I felt like he kept firing off conversation topics really fast as though he got bored quickly or something

I guess he's the type that needs to have very engaging and witty conversation the whole time and can't just enjoy the moment for two seconds

Either way I just feel super pissed off and embarrassed. Also, I feel insecure. I don't have many friends here but honestly after the experiences I've had I'm scared to go out and meet people again.

Not to mention my ex was abusive af and made sure to end things on a super bad note and tell me what a joke I am and how no one will ever put up with me for as long as he did and be as generous as he was (monetarily) and like I don't even know why he said that cause he's the one that broke up with me, it's like he just wanted to stomp me when I'm down

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I'm scared and idk what colour would work.. maybe like a very dark blue accent wall for the bedroom?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Idk I've literally never had a somewhat normal guy do that.. one was a legit sociopath who was really cruel and evil .. like just ghosting for days I've always had problems with

The other was extremely bipolar and took me through the worst rollercoaster relationship ever where the whole time he was "unsure" about me

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I want to but il have to set one up in every room idek how that would work

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (4 children)

There's tons of stuff it still gives me anxiety it's wide and open and white


If an apartment has high ceilings and big rooms it gives me anxiety. I'm not sure if it's because I tie it to traumatic experiences of what.

In my big apartment that I rented I felt awful and had anxiety. It also has light colours everywhere.

The little one felt cozier and had darker colours.

Has anyone had a similar experience? I don't know what to do cause I'm stuck in the bigger one until the lease is up

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Thanks. Honestly the more I think about it the more ready to move on I am. I can't think of any good reason someone would be this inconsistent.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Honestly it's a long story but I got a bunch of red flags. It's not that I don't like him but I am just very suspicious.

For me the worst part is that he seems emotionally unavailable. Like he takes so long to respond all the time I honestly think he is seeing other people (if he doesn't have a wife and kids already, lol).

Last time we saw each other he said we should grab a bite to eat sometime but he hasn't messaged me at all since then, and I'm realizing this is kind of a pattern with him.

I feel like either he isn't that interested in me, or .. I mean that's pretty much the only option tbh

So I should just cut him off, right? I mean if he ever does message me I bet it'll be days from now..

Maybe I'm just too clingy but either way, I don't think we're compatible in that case. I'm not used to men being this distant tbh. Usually when I go on a date the guy wants to lock things in really fast and like.. cares about maintaining my interest

Edit: in case he does eventually reach out, how can I decline while letting him know why (not cause I didn't like him but because he doesn't seem present enough)? Or is it better to just not respond or block him?

I'm mostly worried he will catch me when I'm lonely and then I will make the horrible decision of seeing him again


So basically out of the blue decided I need to move out of his apartment and he threatened me with some stuff like that he will get my neighbours to harass me or something.

Police is useless and I'm jobless with minimal savings. I have a place to move back to but nobody to help me move.

I've been trying all day to post in local Facebook groups for help, a few people offered to help me move then ghosted me.

I literally don't have the mental capacity of physical strength to do it alone. He is coming tomorrow to move me out but I know he will abuse me and try to accuse me of something and threaten me.

I don't know what to do. Even this guy I met once before was going to help me move and ghosted me.


I've been in a few situations where I need substantial help from strangers, and some have offered to help (most haven't followed through) but I just can't do it.

For example someone offered to help me move and I just feel super uncomfortable about it to the point where I'd rather risk something bad happening to me. Like I feel super awkward and uncomfortable accepting huge favours from strangers

Someone even offered a place to stay for me with my pets but I can't accept it cause I feel way too awkward and like I owe them or something, like I have a huge fear and anxiety about it

Like I just feel like a disgusting parasite wasting their time and energy and it's also humiliating

Is that normal?


Hello, I got a comment on my previous post recommending I post it here as well.

I had the Philips one but after about a year it's suction changed to the point where it's hard for it to pick up cat litter now..

It must be able to deal with a lot of cat hair and litter.. and preferably be under 500 euros.

Of course I think a corded one is better for my purposes, and I have mostly hard floors with a few small rugs.

The problem is that every year the quality decreases, so it becomes difficult to know which vacuums will still be good. For example, someone may have purchased the same vacuum 5 years ago and think it's great but the one sold today might not compare


I had the Philips one but after about a year it's suction changed to the point where it's hard for it to pick up cat litter now..

It must be able to deal with a lot of cat hair and litter.. and preferably be under 500 euros.

Of course I think a corded one is better for my purposes, and I have mostly hard floors with a few small rugs.

The problem is that every year the quality decreases, so it becomes difficult to know which vacuums will still be good. For example, someone may have purchased the same vacuum 5 years ago and think it's great but the one sold today might not compare


Not a troll post. Why is everything shit?


Is it bad if my apartment doesn't get any drafts in it? I want to block the front door gap, but my dad got mad and said this would cause mold issues.

How and why? I mean I don't live there so why would it become humid?

It's not really an option to keep it open cause I'm allergic to some of the stuff that comes in from the neighbours

Follow up question: is it true that turning the bathroom fan on won't do anything, if there isn't somewhere outside the apartment that air can be drawn from?

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