Are you trying to gaslight a random person you don't know
I tried that but they always find a way to turn everyone against me. They hate my guts
Idk. Like, interpersonal psychopaths don't scare me as much cause I can always just ghost them for the most part.
My issue is with workplace ones (cause it's hard to find a good job) and also with the ones in my apartment complex. There's no effing way it can be dealt with I'm just screwed.
They do different things. For example if I make zero noise all day then turn the tv on in the evening, they will then knock on my wall but like 30 secs to a min later. Or if I turn my tv on they'll watch their shit too, but it'll be too quiet to pick up so I'd have to turn my tv off, then they will turn theirs off. Etc etc etc
I can’t… because if it’s just a sound recording there’s no way of yelling who is making the noise, and they do it randomly/unpredictably ENOUGH that I can barely ever catch it on video, and my phone can’t just have video on all day.
I can't.. because if it's just a sound recording there's no way of yelling who is making the noise, and they do it randomly/unpredictably ENOUGH that I can barely ever catch it on video, and my phone can't just have video on all day.
I'm scared and idk what colour would work.. maybe like a very dark blue accent wall for the bedroom?
Idk I've literally never had a somewhat normal guy do that.. one was a legit sociopath who was really cruel and evil .. like just ghosting for days I've always had problems with
The other was extremely bipolar and took me through the worst rollercoaster relationship ever where the whole time he was "unsure" about me
I want to but il have to set one up in every room idek how that would work
There's tons of stuff it still gives me anxiety it's wide and open and white
Thanks. Honestly the more I think about it the more ready to move on I am. I can't think of any good reason someone would be this inconsistent.
Well anyway, I messaged him 2 days ago, hey are you the landlord of apartment BLA BLA and he never responded.... Guess he doesn't gaf