
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

In fact I’d argue they’re more free as they don’t have to worry about being involved in a massacre just because some white male incel fuckup is having a bad day.

Fortunately, the only reason to have such fear is media sensationalism and your personal failure to understand the statistics.

Despite the fearmongering, you're still not even close to likely to experience one.


It looks like Iowa DNR - at best - was negligent in reviewing permitting for the water usage of the proposed carbon capture pipeline.

There's certainly something to be said for how this somehow just keeps happening to things on the orbit of ethanol and corn.


Notable excerpts:

OMAHA, Nebraska – A company that planned to build a carbon pipeline through Iowa and four other states is canceling the project.

Navigator CO2 is blaming “the unpredictable nature of the regulatory and government processes involved, particularly in South Dakota and Iowa.”

The rest is various statements from involved organizations.



According to a release from the office of the governor, the Iowa CDL INfrastructure Grant program will award $4,844,092 to ten community colleges in Iowa. The funds go towards building new facilities or adding onto existing ones, as well as purchasing new equipment.

The release states that the investment in CDL programs will help colleges support an increase of 1,305 participants in their annual class size.

The release specified that the grants will be administered as reimbursement and programs must offer competency-based training or a training course that will allow a student to complete training and take the licensing exam within a 30-day window. Additionally, colleges that are part of the program will have agreed to a 5-year tuition freeze for their CDL programs once the project from the award is complete.

I'm particularly excited to see the tuition freeze agreement to help offset the injection of funds.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago

We went from a time where you had to rebuild your fucking kernel to get your graphics card to work and fucking around with Wine to get to a point where you nearly throw your PC out the window until you can get a little app to run to simply running apt install nvidia-driver-xxx and clicking on a button to make a Windows game run in Linux.

I have fond memories of getting World of Warcraft working on Linux back in ~2008 only to realize it had an OpenGL mode that ran better than the DirectX mode I was trying - and failing - to get working.

You aren't wrong about kernel and driver shenanigans.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Oh, hey, how about that - didn't expect to see an r/Iowa refugee over here. Welcome to the greener pastures that are generally just as painfully, unthinkingly liberal but far less cancerous.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

That requires active engagement in one's community beyond vote-shaming and whining on social media - you're not going to see much of this from either party.

Actual community involvement is hard. let's go joe, blue no matter who, if you don't vote blue you enable fascists etc. is easy and still lets them feel good about doing something... even if it's ultimately ineffective.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Unfortunately, you will literally never be able to guarantee that.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I wish you the best of luck with that. Poor taxes were the strategy behind the NFA - its incredible unpopularity guarantees it won't make it through either branch of Congress let alone both.


“Democrats are struggling in Iowa because they’ve totally lost touch with Iowa values and our voters,” said Addie Lavis, Hinson’s campaign manager. “ … Ashley’s record of conservative accomplishments speaks for itself, and she and our team are working every single day to keep Iowa red and fire Joe Biden in 2024 so we can take our country back."

Ironically, Red Team isn't wrong here.

By party registration, Iowa is roughly a three-way split between Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. During the last major election cycle, the IDP ran multiple anti-firearm candidates. That same cycle, Iowa passed a ballot initiative to codify strict scrutiny on firearm restrictions in the state constitution. It passed with an unprecedented ~66% support. Red team wins here by simply not shooting itself in the foot in pushing something Iowans clearly reject. This should have been what one would call a sign, yet... they seem to have not learned from this.

During the 2022 cycle, voters were polled for priorities. Most voters considered reproductive health important but not as important as economy/inflation, wages, and education. The IDP campaigned almost exclusively on reproductive health while Red Team won here by speaking to these priority issues voters highlighted - even where it was misinformation or lies. It was such a shit show the Libertarian Party managed to regain major party status. Specific to my district, we lost Axne (D) to Nunn (R) - and with Axne's throwing in with anti-firearm efforts while also throwing in with police-friendly efforts, it was entirely predictable.

Twitter has been full of prospective candidates happy to criticize red team but fuck-all for those same prospective candidates and plans to actually, say, tangibly address Iowan concerns or make lives better for those Iowans.

Locally, the running commentary is that these are all such obvious shortcomings and failings its as if the IDP is trying to lose - even incompetence should eke out a win here and there but IDP loses consistently.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

If you're interested in cost-effectiveness, hold out for the deals on SaveMyServer. I ended up with a 48TB Dell R720xd for like $500 delivered. 36TB usable in a RAID5 is nothing to sneeze at, plus it's an amazing chassis for, say, GPU accelerated transcode.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ah, the false dichotomy, neat.

Abstaining is always an option. You can always just ignore either shady individual - you aren't required to pick one.


Despite appointing two of the three judges siding in favor of Reynolds' effort to reinstate a 2018 abortion ban, Iowa Supreme Court split on a ruling, leaving the ban blocked.

Upside: This is a solid win for Iowans and their reproductive rights.

Downside: The Iowa Democratic Party was utterly dependent on this as a wedge issue last election cycle and has proven inept at adapting strategy; unless they can find a way to win over voters, they're likely going to get creamed harder.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

You can summarize by thinking of vertical scaling as "make machine bigger / more powerful" with horizontal scaling as "make more machines".