Wo kriege ich die Samen und ein Aufzuchtset her?
I use a RAID for the data but the backups go to simple single disks. My reasoning is, I already have a RAID and redundancy. And I don't have an unlimited budged. It'd already need 2 disks to fail to wreck the RAID and then also the backup has to fail with that solution. That's probably a fire or ransomware or a deliberate effort. Adding one more disk of redundancy would probably not change much. But It'd cost and add complexity.
Also this way I don't need to care about buying disks of a certain size and go through painful migration processes more than necessary. I can re-use the drives with mismatched sizes and swap them in to the backup pool.
Going brrr since 1984?
I mean it also heavily depends on the exact version of sausage. We already have fake Mortadella made from peas (I think) which I can not (or barely) tell apart from the real thing. And at the other end of the sausage spectrum, Chorizo or Sujuk have enough spices, paprika and/or garlic and cumin in it so you can probably hide a lot of stuff instead of pork in it. Though I haven't yet found a fake version of those which I liked. And sometimes my German nature gets in the way. I've had sausage abroad. And some people put actual ground-up pigs in there and the product still doesn't taste of anything I'd call sausage. I also had those british-style breakfast sausages with a really weird consistency. It's really quite some variety with sausage, already. And I still need a good plant based alternative to Salami and pepperoni on pizza.
Ja, das ist mir schon klar. Was ich nicht so ganz verstehe ist: Ein Linienbus mit 80 Leuten ist ja auch effizienter als 80 PKWs, und hier braucht man für das x-fache was ein großer Atommeiler produzieren kann auch mehr als das x-fache an Abschirmmaterial (Beton) und kostenintensiver Wartung und Inspektion. Atomkraft ist anscheinend sowieso schon nicht die günstigste Energieform und mir erschließt sich auch nicht so ganz warum Massenproduktion hier als Alleinstellungsmerkmal genannt wird, das gilt ja zumindest schonmal auch für alle Erneuerbaren, Windparks und Solarzellen?
Ich dachte die wären ökonomisch ziemlich uninteressant und nur Bill Gates findet die gut?!
Hey, das steht da gar nicht! Die dicke Frau hatte lockige Haare. Und einer der Männer war die Blondine. (Aber nicht der 60 jährige Glatzkopf.)
I mean the great thing about this architecture is, we don't need to abandon ship. I'm deliberately waiting for something that will be compatible with it. And it'll be the same community. Just a different software with a few much needed things on top.
And I'm kind of passionate about it in the first place, because I like this place. And we have to pay attention not to fall out with each other about details. Sometimes it's just not easy.
Sure. I personally am waiting for PieFed to come along. They seem to know what's important to address and also have some good ideas how to tackle it.
I'm 100% ready to support that and focus my engagement there. I'm pretty sure just changing the software codebase isn't changing too much... But I'd like some more independence from the few people currently doing everything.
And that's also what I've done. I haven't recommended Lemmy to friends and family, yet. And I've refrained from running my own instance, too. Despite having the server ready for that.
Well, they're a bit over the top and oversimplifying things in my opinion. But you're also not contributing anything of value. You could instead add your perspective if it's different. I mean I'd probably read it and it'd get us ...anywhere?...
Thanks. I'll delve down a bit more into the world of Drupal and Wordpress plugins. Maybe I can piece something together with that. It's just very annoying to always navigate around all these paid plugins that come with a barely usable open variant...
Hehe. I think my needs are a bit more complicated than that. I could probably put together a Perl script for CGI to collect some signatures 😆 But I'm still missing 85% of the total things I need. I'm glad we have easy deployment methods nowadays. I mean I've started like that. Fighting with CGI and badly organized PHP scripts. And they've all gotten a headache to maintain at some point. But nowadays I can set up an environment with python, flask and a database in about the same time. It's just that that web development isn't fun (to me) anymore. You always need 3 frameworks to do a single task, learn how to use them and maintain the requirements, and spend quite some time implementing javascript popups if an input got accepted, do mandatory email double-opt-in techniques and do lots of theming and responsive design stuff... I'm sorry, I got a bit off track here. But I'd really like to avoid this.
MX Linux.
And don't try using a webbrowser with modern websites on that thing. I mean how much RAM does that Vaio have?
(You can also try more modern distros. Just don't install the latest desktop environment and expect it tr run smoothly. LXQT or LXDE, XFCE or some slim desktop might be better suited for something old.)