
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago) (1 children)

It's common online slang to translate english words into (nonsense) german translation. "Zuhausys" doesn't exist as a offical word, but it is the direct translation of "homies" (Home + is/ Zuhause + is).

irl the kids would actually use "homies" over Zuhausys

(edit: haven't seen the other explanation comments before answering, sorry 🤡)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

Totally agree. It will be the last move I'll only make if I have to (to give any pet away). But it was good considering it, because I realized what I can do BEFORE it's too late. It's not that bad yet and I hope work things out, so the dog will as long as I can get it's anti-allergic food but the cat (because fit and healthy) will have to make amends like I do. I'm not 100%broke yet and it's my desire to keep both kid and pets okay (in that order). I'll have to get used to a cheaper lifestyle and that's fine by me, just struggling with the adjustment sometimes.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago

bin seit ner Woche dabei für meine Nachbarn einen Termin bei der Ausländerbehörde zu organisieren. Täglich um 7:30 und um 20:00 Uhr werden neue Termine eingestellt - aber es ist einfach unmöglich, einen zu erhalten. Es wird gar nicht erst angezeigt oder wenn ich draufklicke, sind die Termine schon vergeben. Entsprechend denke ich, dass das Ganze noch größere Ausmaße hat

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (3 children)

😭 didn't think about the opportunity that my cat might be end up as snake food 🤯 I'll cancel it's insurance first (it's a young and healthy cat) to save some money for food, maybe I'll figure something out.

you can visit any library (in germany btw) for free, but if you want to take books, dvds or magazines to your own home for a couple weeks, you have to pay an annual fee. price differs from town to town. Since I'm living in a bigger city, I can use my library card in all the departments in different city parts. But the main library is gigantic and a good place to study as well

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (1 children)

did you choose to live frugal or did it just happen at some point? I used to grow up superpoor and we've had a frugal lifestyle. but as I started to have a career I started to spent more on things, food etc. I'm trying to get myself to be really careful with money now, but it's not easy thanks to adhd

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (5 children)

ah i see where the confusion came from. going without buying anything at all seems impossible. only-basic-essentials-buddies doesn't sound as good as no-buy-buddies haha

I rediscovered our library and it's only 25€/year - don't know why I didn't figure this out earlier 😊

ya, the cat. guess I'll have to give it away if nothing else works out.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago

that is such a smart thing to do. I'm going to set myself a daily budget asap. I think that might actually work for me, because I tend to be competetive with myself.

the thing about not spending money I don't have yet is the thing I try to teach my teen, but I guess I have to remind myself as well. thanks for that!

in my country healthcare is free, so I only pay insurance for the pets! it's round about 100€/month for both and all eventual costs are included except food. but it's still a lot of money. getting rid of them isn't easy. I might find someone to help with the dog costs, I have someone in mind. and it's a good idea to give the cat to someone who would give it back. urgh, I hate this situation.

I've stopped eating out and get our food from a discounter/cook it myself, so i hope to save money. realised the snack thing while typing - good idea to ask around and try out to make some myself

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (7 children)

no-buy is an exclamation of me not trying to buy things that aren't essentials (I'm not native english btw if some wording is off). I will need to buy food, I'll have to pay for rent, food, hygiene and transportation i.e., but I won't buy new cleaning/writing/gaming/whatever things if the old ones still work, won't pay for streaming and music (just rediscovered my old mp3 collection) and I won't spent on clothes (except for an outfit for work interviews maybe). So it's more a mindset and not an actual no-buy-story I'm trying to tell - we're still living in capitalism 😑

my city is walkable, actually I bought the car just two years ago (after having none for five years) but couldn't foresee my health issues incoming. we got "good" public transport as well.

snack expensive - we mostly buy brand snacks. with regular food I stopped buying brands and got discounterfood. but we still buy the brand snacks (that's been a realisation while writing my post). trying to replicate things at home is a good idea, I'm gonna try that!

the pet thing breaks my heart in advance. the cat is one thing, but taking my kid's dog away after them sticking together since 7 years seems impossible. gotta think about that.

thanks for your thoughts. glad to find accountability buddies!


about adapting to frugal lifestyle after an incomebreakdown 🫠

my adhd is giving me a hard time not spending for any impulsive ideas but I am left with only round about a quarter of my former income and I can't adapt well. I had enough before and since half a year I don't, but my brain wants to spent money like before.

we don't eat expensive, but we snack expensive. i usually don't buy a lot of clothes but I lost a lot of weight and most doesn't fit anymore (and I'm going to look for a new job soon, so I need at least one proper outfit).

we got a cat and a dog, which had super heavy health scares last year. so I pay for the insurances instead of waiting for the worst. the dog is allergic af and I have to buy expensive special food. i am a single parent and have to take care of the teenagers needs as well.

I'm going to sell my car soon, because I just have to to get by. social aid doesn't pay anything at this point because I was couple of bucks over the limit so far. But they don't consider the high debt I got. So I'm actually pretty concerned right now. i used to be poor before, so I kinda know I will get over this episode, but it terrifies me at this point.

long story short: i need a network of no-buy-buddies that helps keep me from spending too much. anyone out there?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Same. I can't get over that fact at all