We would be a lot better off if Canada were to take over. I'm not sure it would do much for Canada though they don't want our crazy.
I'm thankful they're getting some relief. I don't understand why anyone thinks trans bans are good. It's more likely trans youth would die from medical issues and having their literal identity stripped away. We simply don't have the bandwidth to decide all factors of people's lives. We have to let people choose for themselves, for better or for worse. The best thing we can do is give them all the facts so moreso than not people are making informed choices.
My job has been impacted by Trumpas well. Stock prices falling and tariffs have caused them to do layoff of 2500 people. I fucking hate this so much. I work with many international customers and Trump/Musk has been brought up constantly and in my line of work people typically avoid political discussions but it's kinda nice to hear our allies don't actually hate Americans and know what the real problem is.
The whole point of judiciary is to resolve damages and it's actually really important that they can issue orders quickly to prevent "irreversible damages", courts use injunctions all the time even before coming to any kind of decision in order to give time for due process to happen. Especially when there is possibility of harm coming to an individual.
I was holding hope for the US Marshalls taking action without the AG calling on them based on what they represent, but they have been helping the Trump with his illegal takeovers of DOGE even assisting with breaking and entering... So it's probably unlikely they will do anything to assist with reigning in the president.
Damn totally ate the onion, hilarious! Probably the only way that's gonna become "true"
Why would somebody want a truck load of eggs?? Who would buy them even.
Yeah get bent stupid Nazis you're not welcome anywhere. You're only friends are cockroaches in the dark corners of the room you have to use to spread your hate.
I used to think conservatism was cool because it meant less government interference in the people and more efficient smaller government. But instead they want to waste time purging the "woke", telling women they can do with their bodies and stealing the children of immigrants instead of focusing on things that matter like foreign policy, security and trade.
I stopped using gnome after they removed the ability to edit the menu without going through a bunch of hoops. Their idea of removing complexity involved removing choice and customization. KDE has had superior multi monitor support for a long time.
It doesn't matter if what he was thinking because a Nazi salute is a Nazi salute. It doesn't matter if he didn't mean to do a Nazi salute. Anyways, that's just speculation. Normal people know not to do Nazi salutes.. and frankly if he did this on the street he would have his brains bashed in already...
Fucking pigs. Just let them make their damn calls. It's already hard enough to get calls out to lawyers and family, who have to have credit card in hand when answering the phone just to talk to you. It's really messed up. It's hard enough just to have the opportunity to use one of these pay phones. And that's if the damn thing actually works...