Na, I just found the acronym funny, so no idea how it's actually supposed to work. but there are lot's of different well-cited papers that propose PAWGs.
I was a strong e-reader user for a few years around 2012, but have gone back to paper books. I like the feel of them and also like having books as physical objects in my big book shelfs in my living room. It's a bit of the decoration and signaling aspect of it too. Yet from pure practicality the e-reader was way more convenient.
Bigfoot is real. The only problem is he's no cryptid monkey or something but only a very unkempt hairy and fat Reddit mod. He also has a post history about his cum tree.
Shitty-Drawing LoRA enters the chat
Comes with "prime sameday delivery" of certain nuclear annihilation
Wie heißt den die Kohlmeise eigentlich nochmal auf angelschächsisch? Da könnte man auch ein Bildwitz über ein schönes Paar Kohlmeisen machen.
In Grimm-Märchen wird der despotische Adel leider eher selten auf diese drastische Weise von seinem Posten abgelöst. Der klare französische Schnitt mit der Geschichte ist also scheinbar noch nicht in den Grimm-Märchen angekommen.
Oh wunderbar! Kirschlorbeer ist eine ekelhafte Scheißpflanze und ich bin froh, dass die Schweizer die verbieten. Ich habe vor Jahren mal bei meinen Eltern eine große Kirschlorbeerhecke herausgerissen um da andere Pflanzen stattdessen zu setzen. Dabei sind zwei Spaten zu Bruch gegangen. Seitdem hasse ich diese schädliche Neophyte mit dem widerlichen Wurzelwerk.
Yep, I was one of only roughly 15% of men in my cohort that had to do conscription or civilian service after leaving high school. The rest did gap years or did go to university directly. This was generally considered to be unfair. This is why now a "Allgemeine Dienstpflicht" is discussed by politicians, where everyone has to do some service to society for a year, but can freely decide whether it is military os civilian service.
Wacken ist vorbei du Spast!
The Buddhas of Bamiyan are the extreme case, where the local rulers destroyed cultural heritage. There are also some items that can not reasonably been repatriated. But there are hundereds of items from Greece, Turkey, Egypt or reltively stable former colonies in museums in Western Europe. And then even famous institutions like the British museum manage to loose precious items.