
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago

Is there a bigger societal waste day-in-day-out than people sitting in traffic jams? Any measure that reduces car journeys taken is a good measure in my books.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 days ago (4 children)

The number of arsehole men is too damn high. Whenever I see or hear these stories my blood boils.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

Trump playing ‘the wisdom and experience angle’ seems like a great strategy. I wish he goes for it!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

You love what you love. If others don’t, that’s cool. I quite like some songs by Nickelback, but they aren’t quite my favourite. I find myself listening to Creed from time to time and I think they are great.

As for AB, the best band ever as far as I’m concerned. There is not a single AB album I haven’t played again and again. I’ve seen them live ten times or so, and will go see them every time I get the opportunity. And Myles could sing the phonebook and I’d still love it.

[–] [email protected] 90 points 1 week ago (33 children)

Remember when email was useful? I remember when it was magical!

Time for a story from the ancient times. I had this idea and asked my professor for advice. He said he knew a person on the other side of the world who would know all about it. “This is his ‘email’ address.”

I had never heard about ‘email’ so I needed to learn what it was and how to send one. I wrote my message and off it went. The very next morning I had a reply. One of the best experts on a topic I was keen about had shared their thoughts from the other side of the world, just like that.

In that time, a long time ago as you’ll appreciate, that interaction was magical.

In an instant I understood the power of the Usenet. A while later and with a couple of additional protocols they started calling that the Internet.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago

Toot-toot, moog got the boot!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago

I root for the moog to get the boot.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago

How about the whole Cabinet?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

A number of major forces (e.g longer lifespan and that Russian twat waging war) will continue to increase pressure on public finances like an ever tightening screw. Pretending that economic growth will solve the problem is wishful thinking, to put it mildly. Either one substantially cuts some publics service or increases taxes to a whole new level. Quite possibly both at the same time.

I’m deeply disappointed that the UK political parties wishing to have power seem only able to obfuscate things. “Let me be very clear, yadi-yadi-ya” - bullshit! It is tiring to hear only media optimised, content void word salad.

I’ve been a sceptical old git for quite some time, but perhaps I’ve still held a glimmer of optimism somewhere deep down. This election campaign has only pushed me deeper into cynicism.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I made couple of bass tramps tuned to the room’s main resonant frequencies, which I measured. I followed instructions from the book.

I added sound absorber panels to the walls and ceiling to kill immediate reflections from the main speakers plus a sprinkling of additional panels to kill reflections and also act as decoration. I also needed to move one radiator because it was in the worst possible location for my setup.

The room got thick curtains to improve absorption, and they also darken the room as it is dual use music listening and home cinema room. A few defraction elements went into the ceiling for a good measure. The ceiling is made of custom panels that I made myself from wood and fabric to allow sound energy through to the various acoustic elements behind them.

I also spent a fair amount of time with subwoofer placement, but in the end it became a bit of a compromise between sound and placement of furniture. Nothing a bit of signal processing can’t deal with, mind.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

The rivers have already been turned into streams of shit, so all we need is a bit of pipework and we have arrived at the Tory dream, known as nightmare for the rest of us.


Let me describe an idea I heard from a very innovative person, which I think would be really useful right now in midst of the general election campaign.

The basic idea is to interpret politician’s or basically any talking head’s speech realtime and check the semantics against the Internet. Imagine a banner at the bottom of a TV screen with a line being drawn as the person talks.

If what the person says correlates positively with what can be found in reputable Internet sources, the line goes up and is green. There is evidence they are speaking the truth.

If what the person says correlates negatively with the sources, the line goes down and is red. There is evidence they are lying.

If what the person says does not correlate with the sources, the line is flat and brown, because they are spewing unadulterated bullshit.

I’d pay for this service.


Sunak comes across like the prat he is. “Labor will raise taxes by £2,000 for everybody” regardless of the question. Talking over all the time, not listening to the moderator. Appalling creature. Starmer sympathises a lot with people asking questions without answering them. Skating around or just plainly ignoring questions all the time. I can’t watch this shit a minute longer.


I’ve been watching the Rugby Cup Final this evening and fuming. They have this fancy new traveling side camera and they can’t help but use it. STOP IT!!! You are making everybody seasick. Which made me think, might you good people have examples of when somebody badly overplayed their new toy? On a completely unrelated note, do we already have a community for rants?


…how bloody old are you?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

On Friday we got our annual treat: half a lamb from a farm near us. We made rosemary, chilli and garlic butter, roast potatoes, cavolo nero, cauliflower and carrots with lamb chops. The chops are as fresh and tasty as can be, simply great!


We’ve all seen the JSO protests in various events. I’d like to think a good number of people here agree with the point they are making while being uncomfortable about the way they make the point.

I for one would not run into the field in Twickenham in the middle of the final. There is no cause in the world that would make me run into a professional Rugby front row.

Putting that to one side, how would you protest to make people really stop and think without annoying them to a point where your message suffers.

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