
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Time for Admins to make the doge bonk emoji

[–] [email protected] 0 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Would actually make the cyber truck able to go up hills.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 23 hours ago

It's not about targeting "terrorists" it's about targeting medical staff, and other innocent people. Pagers are very widely used by medical staff. Especially in the ER. Isn'treal has shown time and time again they specifically target medical and care staff. It's like their snub at the world. They know that it is universally accepted that medical staff is not to be targeted in wars and conflicts by most all nations. It no difference when they target people from the UN, NATO, other allied forces, etc. it's than declaring they will be as shitty and despicable as they want, that they don't answer to anyway, and can get away with anything.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Because they don't CALL themselves fascists. Using that word is an obvious bad thing and most people aren't going to support it. So they don't call themselves that. Even fucking Hitler was smart enough to co-opt naming that they knew people supported. The National SOCIALIST party.

The call themselves moderates, conservatives, liberals, etc. And because of that, people are fine with them coming in and sending bombs to genocide other nations, making speeches where immigrants are labeled as animals, making policies to jail poor people, etc. etc.

I made this comment elsewhere here but, it's not going to ever be "choose between communism and fascism." It's going to be a spectrum of people that mostly do nother while the actual fascists, that don't call themselves fascists, start killing communists, that DO call themselves communists. And most people will be ok with it for the same reasons they have always been ok with it. "Well they are extremists and should have been more reasonable." "Well I'm not a communist so I will be ok." ...

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago

The thing is, it's not going to be "communism vs fascism" because those in power know people don't like that word "fascist." Change this to communism vs capitalism and see how those views change. What it will be is actual fascists, not calling themselves fascists, attacking actual communists, that DO call themselves communists. And people will mostly just let it happen because all those "support communism" people are mostly a mix of what? Liberals, Soc Dems, Dem Socs, moderates, etc, etc.

They will sit by and do nothing cause they will think "well the communists are being too extreme. We should compromise. The government isn't actual fascism or anything. I mean, I'M not a communist." Ect. Ect.

I'm not trying to be pessimistic. I'm just being logical and not letting myself get into some false sense that the UK is someone on the cusp of going communist.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

They weren't hacked. A Li-ion battery doesn't explode like that. It might flash and burn and injure you but those explosions are... explosive in nature. I had read some comments elsewhere saying these pagers were manufactured by some shell company in Taiwan. Idk how true that is but in one way or another, these pagers very likely had actual explosives put in them. It's way easier to rig up a small explosive to go off at the ring of a certain number then to "hack" it to cause the battery to somehow explode in a way those batteries don't actually explode.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 2 days ago

The US also has WAAAAAAAYYYY more train wrecks despite drastically fewer trains. lol

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago






"Good goshamolly Batman!"

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 days ago

Lol. Average FBI intern be like...

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Liberals will literally eat dirt in mud huts kept outside of the golden walled palaces of the oligarchy and still scream about how China is worse somehow. Because the want it to be, because they NEED it to be. As long as they can smugly go "well, it's still better that China," and actual believe it to be true. That's all that matters to them.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)


"Hello fellow comrades. I am from [obvious glowtrap site]. I have noticed that site is a glowtrap. I think you site may also be a glowtrap. Please begin to doubt everything said and start infighting more please. Thank you fellow comrades. I am also a comrade and support things like communism.”

Do you think they keep a puke bucket next to their desks when they have to say things about liking communism or bad things about capitalism? Like the cube farms there work at all smell like puke and boot leather?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The U.S. ~~Navy~~ Looks Like Its in Serious Decline


thread thread fed ban hammer


Shamelessly stolen from The Deprogram reddit.


All sources are linked in the video description. I think I've posted before but the instance has grown significantly and the issue is relevant now given Yogthos's post. Suggest downloading it if you can.


So I had a buddy I started hanging out with a while back. A friend of one of my other friends. Knew him but never really did much hanging out. Well the original mutual friend turned into a pretty hardcore incel fascist so I broke off contact and one day reached out and other guy had stopped hanging out with him too so we just started chatting and started hanging out.

I slowly started showing the seeds of communism in him. We started talking more and more. He invited me into his discord with a few of his other friends. Over the next several months I got them listening to some left podcasts and the deprogram. They went hardcore into it. I only listen when I walk/jog so I only get through an episode or two a week. I recently got them into more "China not bad, NK not bad, Tiananmen square was a lie" kind of stuff.

I recently was in chat ranting about this older lady I have acquaintance with and how I hate trying to talk to boomers about unions and shit and how I can't really share a lot of my best resources cause as soon as these people here " US bad" they loose their fucking minds. He starts pointing out specific episodes of the Deprogram to listen to to learn how to talk to these people and other, less radical, videos to start people off on... All I could feel was a deep sense of pride. The student has become the master. My job is all but done. There's not really much left to teach them that they won't soon discover themselves. It's... Nice.

That's all comrades. Just wanted to share. Regardless of what else is going on, there are at least a few more communists among us now.


Libs on Reddit are worshiping this right now.

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