
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago

Lol. Average FBI intern be like...

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Liberals will literally eat dirt in mud huts kept outside of the golden walled palaces of the oligarchy and still scream about how China is worse somehow. Because the want it to be, because they NEED it to be. As long as they can smugly go "well, it's still better that China," and actual believe it to be true. That's all that matters to them.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)


"Hello fellow comrades. I am from [obvious glowtrap site]. I have noticed that site is a glowtrap. I think you site may also be a glowtrap. Please begin to doubt everything said and start infighting more please. Thank you fellow comrades. I am also a comrade and support things like communism.”

Do you think they keep a puke bucket next to their desks when they have to say things about liking communism or bad things about capitalism? Like the cube farms there work at all smell like puke and boot leather?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

The U.S. ~~Navy~~ Looks Like Its in Serious Decline

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 days ago

Reading the top then thinking "this seems like and exaggeration" then actually reading the bottom and yeah, I laughed pretty good.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

If not the world war then climate catastrophe. Honestly I don't really have any expectations that human civilization will look anything remotely like is does now in a few more decades.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

"We still run our power grids on fossil fuels because they lobby the governemnet to not convert to renewables. Here why that's your fault because you like entertainment. "

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

A lot of bad countries out there listed that are doing bad things. Personally, I'd have to say India. Their government is Fascist, there is a ton of support for Isn'treal, but the big one for me is the sheer amount of rape that happens and they just get away with it. The fact that women just should never travel there because of the dangers of being gang raped and murdered is so extreme is insane to me. But then you see how it's practically supported by the government and it's like, this shit is broken. A hyper racists/sexist caste system intertwined with capitalism/fascism.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

I cannot wait till the US collapses and we can stop hearing about mother fucking freedom ever 5 God damn seconds.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Idk, you probably would put forth way more effort than Sanders. It's the results that will be the same.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

He really is very autistic with his obsession with the truth. Watching videos of him and reading his books it becomes pretty apparent. He's just pure on about the facts and evidence. His books are such a hard read because of how factual and dry they are. Spends the first chapter in the few I have read just describing his methods of review he used. Such a fantastical slog to get through.

One big thing for me is, people who are frauds usually are doing it for some real, tangible gain. For money, to get in good with the right people, etc. Furr, makes no money off his books. All the money goes to the publisher just so they can print the books. He makes no material gains from his work. He doesn't get in good with anyone cause he's going against the narrative of those with all the power. All he gets from his work is ridicule. So why then would he be lying. Why would he make any of it up? He doesn't have a fan club. He isn't even a communist so I'm his support from the left is tempered. So what then is his driving force besides just an obsession with the truth? There isn't one. The man just wants to report the truth from what the evidence shows.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

When the Soviet archives were opened to the public he was one of many who delved I to it, but one of the very few that actually reported the findings because everything they found dispelled all of the western talking points. Most were in it for the money of selling a narrative. When the archives proved fruitless to them they went back to their typical bullshit smear campaigns. Furr was one of the few who's only desire was to the truth. He makes no money off any of his books. All the funds from the go to the publisher so they can keep printing them. So if he is this big "fraud" that the libs cry about.... What is his motivation? What's he getting out of it other than ridicule from the main stream narratives? He's not getting wealth, or fame. Hell, most leftists don't even know who he is or have read his works. If you've ever taken the time to read his works, or watch lectures from him, it becomes evident he is probably a bit autistic with his obsession about combating the western lies about Stalin and the USSR. On top of all that, he repeatedly claims he isn't actually a communist. He just wants to report the facts and evidence as truthfully as he can.


thread thread fed ban hammer


Shamelessly stolen from The Deprogram reddit.


All sources are linked in the video description. I think I've posted before but the instance has grown significantly and the issue is relevant now given Yogthos's post. Suggest downloading it if you can.


So I had a buddy I started hanging out with a while back. A friend of one of my other friends. Knew him but never really did much hanging out. Well the original mutual friend turned into a pretty hardcore incel fascist so I broke off contact and one day reached out and other guy had stopped hanging out with him too so we just started chatting and started hanging out.

I slowly started showing the seeds of communism in him. We started talking more and more. He invited me into his discord with a few of his other friends. Over the next several months I got them listening to some left podcasts and the deprogram. They went hardcore into it. I only listen when I walk/jog so I only get through an episode or two a week. I recently got them into more "China not bad, NK not bad, Tiananmen square was a lie" kind of stuff.

I recently was in chat ranting about this older lady I have acquaintance with and how I hate trying to talk to boomers about unions and shit and how I can't really share a lot of my best resources cause as soon as these people here " US bad" they loose their fucking minds. He starts pointing out specific episodes of the Deprogram to listen to to learn how to talk to these people and other, less radical, videos to start people off on... All I could feel was a deep sense of pride. The student has become the master. My job is all but done. There's not really much left to teach them that they won't soon discover themselves. It's... Nice.

That's all comrades. Just wanted to share. Regardless of what else is going on, there are at least a few more communists among us now.


Libs on Reddit are worshiping this right now.

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