Method acting
Creepy Wikipedia
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Uhmm ackshually he was Dr Evil's henchman
Correct. And a parody of Harold Sakatas character Odd Job in Goldfinger. Just for completion.
For more completion, to those that don't know or didn't read the link, the character's name (should have clarified the one in Austin Powers, to be clear) it was Random Task. I always chuckle at it.
He was also the cornerman of Kimo, the guy clearly seen in the prefight trying to get into it with the Gracies. Dude had bad news written all over him.
I do enjoy this. Thanks!
In 2008, he was arrested in connection to a 1990 sexual assault after DNA evidence linked him to the crime. In 2011, he was found guilty and sentenced to seven years to life in prison in California. While incarcerated, he was convicted of beating his cell mate to death and was sentenced to an additional 27 years for voluntary manslaughter.
All of his acting gigs were after the assault. Yikes.
It's Hollywood.
But he wasn't arrested for it until after all of them