I really dislike the current use of red flag. Seems it's used for any personality trait one doesn't like instead of being an actual red flag. I think people who freely use the term red flag are judgmental and thats a big...red flag...
All posts need to have the same title: me_irl it is allowed to use an emoji instead of the underscore _
What do you think red flag means other than incompatability? It's not like the usage has changed, it's always been meant to signify "I don't like this about you".
I don't disagree with you about judgemental people overusing it, though. But that's just judgemental behavior in general, I think you might just not like judgy people - which is fair.
I use to think a red flag was a telling sign that someone isn't who they say they are, borderline psycho or have other underlying issues such as being abusive or manipulative.
That makes no sense though, so a green flag is 'thing I like about you' and a red flag is 'you are a lying manipulative and abusive sociopath'??
I think this may just be your interpretation, I'm 30 and I've literally never heard it used to mean this.
I met the new intern who's going to deal with my meds prescriptions for the next 6 months, omg she's so cute it hurts. So here I am, explaining to her everything that is wrong with and why I'm a train wreck... It hurts
She can fix you.
That's my secret cap, I'm always red flags.
I'm a white flag because I have given up.
That's how I got into the majority of my relationships! I realized that I had like no game whatsoever and I just stopped trying, and weirdly enough that seemed to work okay.
Nothing is less attractive than desperation
'Please, ma'am, might I have a crumb of pussy? Just a speck, please!'
The key here is that people can practically smell strong emotions like anger, hunger, fear, anxiety, and lust. Free yourself from those - basically run out of fucks - and you can pass for someone that just oozes strength and confidence.
Oh dear.. the dejected warp core is oozing fucks
I can't relate b/c I am nowhere close to being this hot irl :-P
I found that hot people tend to be as deep as a kiddie pool. You may have lucked out
Personally, I found that it's all too easy to mistake a differently shaped pool for a kiddie pool. Most of them are as hot as they are, because they've got some deep cuts, always thinking of themselves as ugly. Most will also have stories of sexual harassment to tell.
Doing all the sports, makeup etc. does bind time, which they cannot spend pursuing interests that you share. And if you dismiss them for that reason, then of course, they will never tell of their darkest waters, which will make them look all the more like a kiddie pool.
I didn't mean to dismiss good looking people with great personalities. Sure, sometimes their interests don't line up with mine or they may be interested in things commonly viewed as basic but that doesn't dismiss the complexity of their character and I didn't mean to insinuate as such. I've just noticed a trend of people who think that their looks will take them everywhere in life and have willful ignorance towards the intricacies of life
Hehe, no wonder I'm so smart then!? :-P
Let's be honest, I think 90% of people are truly undateable. We just let our sex drive distract us from that.
If I've learned anything, it's that "date-able" is never to be confused with "sex-able". Of course, like all good advice, this is easier said than done.
Yeah me n u r in th 10%
Yeah, the bottom 10%
Fat chicks need love too
Maybe we're all just Angry people, with financial problems, making evil babies..
Lemon Demon is still around? Crazy
Well, spirit phone was 8 years ago. Neil hasn't done much under the Lemon Demon name since then
That was ... better than I expected. Nice.
Must be 18, too old for him.
Sounds boring. But probably correct.