Maybe for an ideal translation, but I think even real-time transliteration would be awesome... and might even start blending grammar patterns across borders.
А странного что такого? Слов порядок тут обычный.
Translation(order preserved): And wierd what's here? Of words the order here is common.
Если бы я услышал такой порядок слов, я бы подумал, что русский - не твой родной язык. Звучит стремно
Seems so bad now, Yoda's fucked up language pattern does not.
我从酒店街对面的店里面看到了一套西装我想试 (I think this is gramatically correct?)
I, from hotel, across the street, store, saw, a suit, I want to try.
Lol, reminds me of my mother saying "I today" for 我今天
Like she always say "I today went to the mall"
好久不见-“long time no see” In 汉语, not 日语 lol
I too have the same problem with German. After 3 years of continuous learning have I still not get the problem, when prefix of verbs comes at the end, over with. When the prefix comes at the end of the sentence, have I always the verb forgotten.
Fremdsprache schwierig ist, Yoda says.
The hotel's neighbor across had a suit I wanted to try on.
You can find less complicated constructions that parallel their order.
Sure, but that sounds clumsier and hides the meaning of the statement at the end which isn't usually how English speakers talk. It may be a less complicated translation but it isn't a better one.
Sure. But if you knew how to construct your scentence to make translation that easy you probably wouldn't need a translator.
Having been a relay operator for a few years, this is true even in English. You might be able to guess what someone is saying (and the floor managers always encouraged trying to) but you'll never have 100% accuracy and it's far less confusing to the person getting the "translation" if you don't have to make any corrections by actually waiting for the person to finish their sentence.
Trying to parse that in that backwards order makes my brain hurt.
Haha, you could also read this as someone speaking in a way where he constantly interrupts himself--like a really excited little kid.
"I--the hotel is across the street from this store, and in there, I saw this suit I want to try on!"
Japanese is a really fun language, I thoroughly enjoyed the classes I took before my depression swallowed me up for a bit. Absolutely reccomend, it's only about half as scary as it looks--the syllabary is not difficult to remember, and Japanese is a decently structured, ordered language. The main challenge is expanding your vocabulary, and keeping track of Kanji.
It would be better to have a layer in between. That layer would consist of concepts.
E. g. "I" <-> self-reference & object <-> "watashi"
or "I" <-> self-reference & subject <-> "watashi wa".
That's how translation software often works.
Lol try slavic languages and hungarian where the word order is extremely flexible. Ive always had a hard time translating between hungarian and english even tho im basically native in both of them. For example "A kutya kergeti a macskat", "A macskat kergeti a kutya", "Kergeti a macskat a kutya", "Kergeti a kutya a macskat", "A macskat a kutya kergeti" and "A kutya a macskat kergeti" are all valid and mean the same thing but the emphasis is on a different part of the sentence. Kinda insane from the perspective of english where "The dog is chasing the cat" and "The cat is being chased by the dog" are the only valid orders and even that is cheating as i would translate the second one a bit different into hungarian because once again the focus changes. Also there are a lot of things in common speach that i dont know how a translator would translate. In hungarian for example we have a ridiculous amount of curse words and combinations that are simply lost when translating. "A ménkű csapjon bele a jó dagadt gecis faszszopó román kurva anyádba" is something(or idk it was similar to this) i have actually heard from a real person in a real conversation. I wont translate it becauase its extremely vulgar but you get the point. The other thing is, returning to japanese for example, there are a few things that can be represented in one language but not in another one like honorifics for example. Last thing is when translating without context pronouns probably get completly lost. How would an ai looking only at the text know who the "you" was aimed at. Especially when translating to languages where even you has different forms depending on gender for example. All things thatll have to be solved i guess.
The only word I recognized is Kurva.
I had thought about learning some Japanese but after seeing this, I'm doubting I could.
You can learn up to early intermediate Japanese pretty easily because you don't have many inflections to worry about--there are no plurals, no verbs changing according to person (I vs he vs they), no articles, etc. And the verb conjugation is very rigid with literally only two irregular verbs. Also the pronunciation is pretty easy coming from English.
If I had to think about the one aspect that makes it so difficult to continue progressing it'd probably be that not being able to read is a huge roadblock to a major form of language acquisition. That plus a limited amount of sounds makes tons of words homophones or similar. For example you've got ko-kyu-u (breathing) vs ko-oh-kyu-u (high quality, high salary, or permanence depending on how you write it). Yeah they have different pitches (kind of like tones but not really), but that's just another thing you've gotta remember.
Spoken Japanese is not insanely difficult for English speakers, although it is more difficult than Romance languages.
If you try to learn to read and write, you're in for a world of pain. Probably 3 years of working on it several hours a day. In fact, even Japanese people are losing the ability to write by hand, because it's easier to type in the phonetic words and have the computer figure out which characters to use.
In fact, even Japanese people are losing the ability to write by hand, because it's easier to type in the phonetic words and have the computer figure out which characters to use.
That does not seem like a healthy thing for a society. Too dependant on technology to do the a basic form of communication.
I think it's an indication that the written language is not reasonable for the modern age. Granted, Japanese has 2000 characters in everyday use, versus the 10,000 in Chinese, but each character could have up to six or seven different pronunciations based on the context, whereas I think Chinese has one or at most two.
The sticking point is that written Japanese can carry a lot of nuance. For a given word, you may be able to use different characters to emphasize certain meanings. Losing that would be traumatic, especially because the culture has a great deal of love and respect for their heritage.
I've often wanted a direct literal translation in the subtitles.
Like, I want my subtitles to read
I hotel from the street across that's a shop I saw a suit on try want to.
Because then at least I can learn to understand "Watashi" is self-reference, and match up the phonetics with the words.
Transliteration of individual characters is a surprising good way to understand/learn Chinese. A colleague of mine once read the whole Tao Te Ching this way.
I love this idea!
The translation isn't as direct as the lines in the image imply though. "Watashi wa" becoming "I" hides that "wa" is a grammatical marker for the topic, kind of, of the sentence. More complete it's like, "I, as the topic of this sentence". You end up with a direct in place translation of "I, as the topic, a hotel's across the street, as a location, a shop, as a setting, exists, saw a suit, to which, wearing as a desire, is true"