ROFL what brain damaged morons designed this shit?
A place to post your Cybertruck fails! We're here to make fun of this hunk of shit and throw as much shade as we can to that garbage bag of a human elon.
No doxxing No slurs No racism And no fucking nazis!
Yeah but OP doesn't know what "it's" means, so I think this is a tie.
Good for the american criminals, I guess, since the police departments using Teslas might be prone to shorting out on pursuits during heavy rain, I guess.
W Freedom (to commit crimes).
What about if it rains. Or like…you clean it yourself??
Owners are expected to lick their cars.
Most do it without knowing it's mandatory.
Is the entire frame just cast aluminum!? It legitimately looks like he had his rocket engineers build this one.
You can't get more disparate inspection/maintenance schedules than aerospace vs. Automotive.
They're all-in on these large monolithic aluminum castings. He has branded it giga casting. I've always assumed it was to make them non-repairable.
Well you can engineer a fatigue life with aluminum so if your goal is to prevent a second hand market and promote car as a service it's one way to go.
E: I'm aware of the software and other subscription stuff they do.
As an enthusiast, I would never own a second hand Tesla. They have terrible build quality and you just see too many rollers (major power train or battery issues). 10 year old cars mechanically totaled is the opposite of an eco friendly vehicle.
I read the biography of him and yes, it's molded in one piece (or was at the time of the book from memory) it was inspired by the bottom of a toy car. The issue of water ingress was apparently brought up but he didn't think it would be an issue.
I doubt there was significant concern for fretting/fatigue here. These frames look like they're almost intended to last only 5yr.
This car is clearly built to be single-use though.
We've mastered reusable rocketry, can't we apply those findings to the automotive industry? There must be a better way.
I mean if they do make it more than 5mi off the lot, they wouldn't survive more than a winter or two where they salt the roads.
waterproof enough to serve briefly as a ~~boat~~
Features electric massage.
And a toaster, you get two for one really
You can't take those things though car washes? I heard you can only use touchless, but that's probably even more water than a brushy one.
With the older vehicles that were built in California, they had softer paint/clearcoat due to California's environmental laws. They get really bad swirl marks if you take them through an automatic wash with brushes.
It's because everything's computer
What an innovation, it's a smartphone on wheels held together by glue and hopes of disuse.
"We need to cut costs! Why are we spending extra to drill these stupid holes all over the vehicle?"
"Sir, that's a drain h—"
"Yeah, I don't care what they are, I want them gone, or you're fired."
It's the same guy who will get everyone together in a brainstorming session and have the engineers describe the problem and be like, "what if we drilled holes to let the water escape." Some cheeky mf'r will even chime in and say, "what about the cost?" Then the elon will do some napkin math and be like, "Ill have Johnson run the numbers, it should be an insignificant amount of spending. Greg have all your guys work OT to get this all sorted."
And other such great hits like "why are you using six bolts to hold these together? Can't we do it with two? Do it with two." The man is an imbecile.
Hanlon's razor says this is stupidity, but I love the thought of a malicious engineer.
You mean Occam's Razor?
Edit: I've learned there's another variant of the simplicity argument. TIL. Thanks!
Hanlon's Razor is a variant - when human activity can be attributed to malice or stupidity, it is more likely stupidity (or something like that).
Basically most humans are dumb, not evil.
Should have a corollary though that sufficiently advanced malice is indistinguishable from stupidity.
Elon’s Razor: the most likely explanation is that Elon is an asshole.
I'd like to imagine that an engineer or designer got burned for pointing out issue with the CT, and after that they decided to just "yes man" Elon.
Wanna tow stuff with it, but also have a cast Aluminum frame? Sure thing!
You want capacitive sensors on the exterior of the vehicle? GENIUS!
Reduce weakpoints in the frame by not putting in drain holes? We won't worry about rust because it's made of stainless steel and aluminum? Eureka!
Maybe they all designed the swasticar as a joke / training for what not to do
I am work and cannot click this... I sure hope it is Wimp Lo!
The problem is you aren’t thinking like a billionaire. When your Nazi truck catches on fire when it rains and kills your customer, the company gets to sell a new Nazi truck to your customer’s child. That doubles every sale and potentially triples once the grandchildren are of driving age.
*Nazi emotional support vehicle
Actual reason Elon Musk pushes for higher birth rates?
The guy that's developing robots to replace humans wants a higher birthrate.
(Cuz he knows they can't replace humans, they can barely walk)
I guess Musk was too late in buying a company with working robots and pretending he invented them.
They can’t walk, but they can take tax payer dollars and put them in pockets.
Why stop there? Drop the driving age. Get rid of licenses and insurance. Mandatory vehicle ownership? Make it easier to sell to more.