I’m sorry what?!
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The state’s Psychiatric Security Review Board granted Smith conditional release from the hospital on Friday after hearing from a psychiatrist, who said Smith’s schizophrenia and alcohol and drug disorders were in full remission as a result of medication and other treatment.
Addiction sucks, and compounding it with schizophrenia... yeah, I could see how this would happen. It's tragic and awful that it did, and gives us all the knee-jerk "what the fuck why would they release that psycho" reaction, I get all that, but as long as they remain on their prescribed medications and sober from other mind-altering substances, they should have the opportunity to be part of society again. When your brain chemistry is that fucked up, you are not in the drivers seat.
now on the other hand, if in the future he decides to stop taking his meds like a fucking dumbass, yeah, put him in a padded room and keep him there since that's a conscious decision to live in Hannibal Lecter Land.
Addiction is a slippery slope. All it takes is one time and you're back at it. Not worth the risk in my opinion. Yes he deserves to live his life, but he also took that opportunity away from another human. Way too big of a liability to be free
I’m just shocked by the fact that they ate human brains. The idea of eating that makes me gag. If that was a fear factor challenge, I would give up without trying.
Some folk used to eat human hearts, thinking they would consume the courage of their enemies.
Maybe this guy was trying to absorb the intelligence of his victim
Waste not want not
Well he only ate part so he wasted some of the brain.