Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics
Welcome to Lemmygrad's corner dedicated to anime memes and discussion! (manga/manhua/manhwa/donghua/aeni count too)
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Try to keep it left; memes don't need to be socialist in nature, but it'd be nice if we could keep the discussions that way.
Posts do not necessarily need to be about anime memes, they can also be about other things related to anime, or having an 'anime' art style.
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There's nothing else for now. We hope you have a great time!
Art by ΛHRIMΛN (Dmitry Grozov)
Established 2022-04-04
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Tbf it is mid as a Manhwa. It was carried by its great art and the power fantasy nature of the story. The anime would be shit story wise but as long as they get the animation good, it'll be fine.
Manhwa generally manage to be way ahead of manga art-wise, even if just because of full colour (and many are just plainly superior in every art aspect), i recently tried to read some mangas and noticed black and white makes it way less readable for me.
Is that one a "urban cultivation" genre? I found the genre generally extremely abhorrent due to portraying moden China as something between mafia run kratocracy and lawless wuxia jungle. And for some reason no author of that genre can even keep coherent plot for more than 50 chapters.
I think it handles the whole "game but irl" theme pretty well, the growth of the MC seems pretty balanced as he does work for every power that he gets instead of getting free power ups off screen, and as he gets stronger so do the nature of the threats.
The art is def amazing though like wow.