Vähän oli suurpiirteinen. Onko kahva alhaalla vai ylhäällä kun ovi suljetaan käännähdyksen jälkeen? Miten huoneen perimmäiseen nurkkaan ylettyy, kun käsi on edelleen kahvassa kiinni?
According to my dad, considering something as 'lovely'. Even if it's the exhaust note of a motorcycle.
They generally leave the shitty bits to more advanced learners.
I wouldn't recommend skipping the offering, but purely from a technical standpoint it is unnecessary.
It's awesome. Seeing aerc getting an update always makes me smile.
Finished my 'try and see' cider batch. Three kinds of apples from the yard, juiced at the juicers, plus a homeopathic 22 g/L pale ale malt. Fermented to fully dry in 17 days at 14 C and 1,8 bar. After that a couple days at 2,5 C to clear it out. Plenty of forced carbonation. Came out a bit mild, like a dry white wine, but that made it easy to drink. Gave most of it away in 3 L bags, because I want to get the vessel empty and get a beer going.
Lesson learned: much more acidic apples next time, and the malt wort needs to be as concentrated as possible so it doesn't dilute the apple juice.
Now is proper.
Oon ollut Loviisassa turbiinia purkamassa. Roottori ei ole mikään pikkuosa, oon yllättynyt että tässä edes kehdataan muotoilla asia, että 'varaston viimeistä viedään' XD
My hot tip: initial capital so that your aliases are just a capital letter + tab away. Cache cleanup, update and Bleachbit:
alias Päivi='sudo pacman -Suy --noconfirm'
alias Siivous='sudo pacman -Sc --noconfirm;sudo pacman -Rns --noconfirm $(sudo pacman -Qtdq)'
alias SuurSiivous='sudo bleachbit -c system.trash system.ro tated_logs system.localizations java.cache journald.clean b ash.history'
Read other people's mods. Worked for me back in the day :)
You might like this thing. It's a tool for self-massage, invented by a Finnish wheelchair-bound person to quite literally scratch an itch :) I have one in the sauna and love it!