I'd say worse. In the least, people carrying out orders might be doing so out of fear for their own life. It doesn't excuse it, but on the scale I'd say that's much better than putting people in a position to kill or be killed.
Not any, but you're right, it can be applied to quite a few products unfortunately.
My mom's pastor was accused of being sexual towards a woman. The whole thing sounded a bit sketch, so I'm not entirely convinced he did anything. But given the reputation of religious leaders inalso wouldnt be surprised.
My mom defended him by saying he "showed his chaplains ID for the police department." As if him being thr chaplain that goes in and attempts to convert inmates makes him a good person. It sounded more like a flex, like he was saying "try pursuing this, I have friends in high places."
For MAGA? I don't think there is a number.
That part really confused me with her wanting to go in them. She is very claustrophobic. She can barely stand small tunnels where the exit is behind a slight curve. So, even if she had insisted, I really dount she would have been able to get in the car without a breakdown
This. The only reason to keep it peaceful is the optics of others, not because you'll be branded a law-breaker otherwise. MAGA will excuse unnecessary use of force, but people who might be sitting on the side lines are less likely to ignore it.
Given Trump thinks drawing on Teslas is an act of terrorism, it does it surprise me at all.
Because it allows people's data to be sold off. In other words, we're the product.
Star Wars Galaxies I would leave my character dancing in a cantina and come back to thousands of tips in credits.
I bet he claimed to have founded Twitter. Can't be spreading propaganda on X after all.
My wife wanted to go into the tesla tunnels in Vegas. I told her no way. If one of those randomly caught fire we'd be toast. No getting out of it.
Yea, in the US it lasts less than 4 years.