
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

this is nuanced. in the UK after ww2 our army's returned without housing, without long term health care which we did fight for and Britain had an NHS and housing within 5 years but we had to struggle to get it. now in current, we've slowly been selling our NHS, council housing isn't built at the necessary speeds. our towns and cities as well as education are on the brink of bankruptcy. capitalists are far better at small incremental changes then we are.

where incremental action does work is strike action, anti war movements as they empower the working class to fight but we wont get the world we want without a revolution. speaking of cause a classless society.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

do you know anyone with a serious gambling addiction? its hard to witness, total self destruction. most higher earners CEO's have much higher risk tolerance which is what makes a gambler. beyond that, tests done on business students showed higher level of sociopath, and 1 in 3 high level corporate employees/inverter/CEO's are psychopath. these aren't normal people.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

the conversation had mentioned the US, western powers and derailed to an extent from the original post.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago

sadly there are many stalinists and moaists. the Russian revolution ended when stallin took power.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago (2 children)

calling something whataboutism is such a cop-out. what has the user said that distracts from the greater debate?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The world was deeply afraid of Marxism. When Russia experienced a workers-led revolution in 1917, Western powers were terrified of the spread of Marxist ideas and the potential threat they posed to the capitalist world order. In response, several Western states, along with their client states, sent their armies into Russia, aiming to overthrow the newly established worker-run government under the Bolsheviks. We attacked first, in an effort to suppress a system we feared.

This antagonism continued and evolved over the decades, culminating in the Cold War, where tensions between the Soviet Union and the West defined global politics. The Cuban Missile Crisis stands out as a key moment in this conflict. In fact, it was the United States that, in violation of international norms and against the Geneva Convention, installed nuclear launch sites along Russia's borders in Turkey, heightening the threat and contributing to the Soviet response of placing missiles in Cuba.

Historically, it's clear that we have been antagonistic towards Russia, driven by a fear of communism and a desire to maintain Western dominance. This pattern of confrontation has had long-lasting effects on the geopolitical landscape, contributing to the strained relations that persist today.

Dont take my word for this stuff, you can easily find information online, in text books.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

sorry to interrupt but do you believe in climate change and if you do do you understand that since the Paris Agreement the oil companies have been pull more oil out of the ground? if each of these are yes's then what is it your saying? chop of ones noise to spite ones face.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

no they get a free pass /s

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Like I said, we had the lowest voter turnout since 1918. We've been under a Conservative government for 17 years, and now we have a Labour government that's sticking to the same austerity measures—removing rent caps on social housing, increasing utility prices. Essentially, nothing has changed, and in some ways, things are getting worse.

I'm not a liberal so there isn't much rope for me to pull.

I want real change, so I organize with a socialist party. I've gone door-to-door with TUSC candidates in the run up to the general election, spoken at counter-demonstrations, shown up at pickets, and helped set up community outreach throughout my local area. Just last month, I attended an international meeting in Germany, so it’s not like I’m some ill-informed internet loony. I'm more than happy for people to vote how they like, and I wouldn’t discourage anyone from doing so, but I also won’t use vapid slogans like “not voting is a vote for Trump.”

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 days ago (3 children)

seems as if the United States electoral system has become systematized where using ones democratic right to not vote or vote third party is now an attack. in the UK where i am based we had a push to spoil ballot papers, this was a democratic protest against an unchanging system which many see as failing them. this election spoke for itself with the lowest voter turn out since 1918. how have we gone the Orwellion rout of framing democracy in such an undemocratic way.
either way good luck in your election i hope the Democrats neither the orange man gets in.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (6 children)

So third party are okay?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 days ago

many parties are active in this, the party i am a member of are having a push towards "fight bosses not migrants" we do need unity of the working class and calling working class people fascists will only push them deeper into their corners.
the other day i spoke to someone about politics, he complained of housing prices, stagnating wages then exclaimed "its socialism" bottom line: he isn't a fascist but where he gets his information from is fascist.


tell me the most ass over backward shit you do to keep your system chugging?
here's mine:
sway struggles with my dual monitors, when my screen powers off and back on it causes sway to crash.
system service 'switch-to-tty1.service'

Description=Switch to tty1 on resume



'switch-to-tty1.service' executes '/usr/local/bin/switch-to-tty1.sh' and send user to tty1

# Switch to tty1
chvt 1

.bashrc login from tty1 then kicks user to tty2 and logs out tty1.

if [[ "$(tty)" == "/dev/tty1" ]]; then
    chvt 2

also tty2 is blocked from keyboard inputs (Alt+Ctrl+F2) so its a somewhat secure lock-screen which on sway lock-screen aren't great.


Noticed these strange looking balls that may pass for an art installation but imagine maybe temperature control?


Screen on event crashes PC and corrupts journalctl, seems to be an issue with edid.

Currently solution has been moving to TTY1 then moving back to sway (tty2) as TTY seems to have no issue handling these events.

Where can I start trouble shooting this?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

ultrawade oled, lots of custom scripts.


I wanted to share a setup I’ve been using to maintain a clean desktop while using Firefox in fake fullscreen mode. This setup allows Firefox to run fullscreen with auto-hiding tabs and search elements that only show when hovered over, without pushing the webpage content down.

  • Install cage, can be found for most distros
  • Run and test application -d removes desktop decorations, firefox command 'firefox -somecommand' cage 'firefox' -d
  • If running correctly edit launch options in de or .desktop file Exec=cage 'firefox' -d then install auto-fullscreen extension

its a long work around especially when its possible to get a similar result from editing about:config but this way the tab and searchbar act as a seperate element meaning no misclicking. if anyone has cleaner solution chime in please.


I made this community as a reaction to the July 4th general election taking place in the United Kingdoms, to mobilize my fellow comrades in the lead-up to the general elections, the group is party agnostic though there is an obvious bias due in part to my political affiliation but all leftest parties that fight for dignity and the working class are very much welcome.

By all means feel free to join where ever you may come from whether for information or solidarity.

In solidarity.



A few great talking points came up.

If your interested in voting for a socialist candidate in the elections then keep an eye out for TUSC candidates. Tusc is the trade union socialist coalition. Also there maybe other socialist standing, Corban being one.

If you are unaffiliated to a socialist party but would like to join a revolutionary party with plenty of active members across the country then feel free to contact me through DM or visit the hyper link. We are having a membership push with upcoming elections.



Will I see any Lemmy comrades at the event?


Account is two months old, picture downscaled to 499kb.


Mine is insidious as it sounds cool and is apt in our modern world of fast news


i avoid hype but as a massive fan of the original kcd and the honesty of this reveal, im hyped! wont be pre-ordering though, never pre-order its bad for the industry and consumers.

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