Reminds me of a video I saw on some Marvel movie where he discussed a "skill floor" that previously existed. The movies that were considered bad back then were still competent and functional to a basic degree, while the newer ones... weren't. Thus, the bad movies then became good now by contrast. In other words, bad new Trek will become good old Trek by way of the even newer stuff somehow managing to be even worse.
That's just the Life of Boris youtube channel
Amazing! I've been working on a Pokemon-like game, so of course there's going to be a lot of data to manage for mon species and whatnot, so this is going to be very useful... I've actually been using a system similar to the dictionary at the start, but with the key names and other reused stuff (eg type names) pre-defined, so if you typo the variable name it'll complain in the editor. A proper database is definitely a good idea though.
he didn't admit shit
he didn't fake shit
Isn't this literally a plot point in that She-Hulk show?
It chased the tail and it caught it.
I don't think I'd expect political neutrality from the admin of a website literally called "veganism" anyway.
Jokes on you, the reason I don't open source my code is because I never finish writing it
Just release unfinished DLC for $35, release a "definitive version" even though that was only the first half of the DLC, release the even more unfinished second half of the DLC and still leave a bunch of shit from the base game unexplained. Yeah I'm still salty about something, how'd you know?
Minecraft, 100%. You can set it to peaceful mode so no enemies spawn, and even mess with the world settings so more structures generate in your map.