How would it even occur to you to compare climate science to child molestation? Unless you just think that everything you don't like is child molestation.
What do you mean?
Falls das nicht irgendwie anders offensichtlich ist (ich schätze mal, der Zoll wird eher bei neuen, verpackten Geräten einen Nachweis verlangen), kannst du ihn bei der Ausreise registrieren, damit der Zoll bei der Wiedereinreise weiß, dass du ihn nicht neu eingeführt hast.
I don't think C:S is a good example, as Paradox has released lots of repetitive, content-lacking DLC that are just the same district-drawing mechanic recycled over and over again.
In that it is not directly controlled by the state.
Debated, but the things you mentioned qualify as genocide too because they also (slowly) destroy an ethnic group.
Practically reasonable, since they occupy much more space than sensibly sized cars.
Oh oh, My my, and Go(o)d God also work.
European politics are also sometimes quite bad, but we love to dunk on the US, which is mostly really good.
TIL dass die Brandenburger eine Fusion mit Berlin abgelehnt haben, obwohl die Berliner es wollten. Berlin war wohl auch damals schon zu arm/nicht sexy genug.
Whenceforth are you taking the claim from that Putin is a communist?