no I don't
Budweiser Budvar > Carlsberg > Budweiser (US)
Ah, the regular larger, from Carlsberg I always buy
So they want Greenland AND eggs?
Whats next? B&O? Volbeat? Carlsberg? (Although anyone that tried their pide known as budweiser know the won't be able to handle Carlsberg)
The world does not need (should not have) billionaires. When you have a couple of millions, it's enough to last you a lifetime.
We have the best sun. No one has better sunshine than florida. I highly doubt any other country has sunshine, and if they do, they stole it from the USA !! I promise you even more sunshine before this weekend for i'll get it back from those countries. I'll make them bringing it back and they are gonna pay. /s
But the snowbirds will just take their business and money some place else, some place they are welcome. In less than four years they get used and there will be no returning to florida.
If you don't like the rules, change them of leave the game. But do not break the rules. Do not become like him.
Only in the USA ... the president is doing product advertisement. In a democracy the president would be sent home and banned for life from any government function. How much more before the USA citizens notice something is very wrong with having him as POTUS
My answer to everything is taking a walk in the forest with my dog. (Just step out the door and we are there) Just me and him. Tired? Walk my dog in the forest. Got stuck in a project? Walk my dog in the forest. Bad mood? Walk my dog in the forest. Solved my problem? Walk my dog in the forest. Is it ten past some thing? Walk my dog in the forest.
Like we needed another reason not to buy tesla
My suggestion, try variouse live distro's from an USB. Alternatively install debian from it's ISO and select ALL desktop environments. Then on login you can select which on to use for the current session. Once you made your choice you can do use tasksel to remove the others (although I'd do a re-install with just the one I want)
Depends, how tight is the spring? At high velocity i'd guess a marble will penetrate the body, where at low velocity a marbel would be easier to stop