
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 16 hours ago

Porque no los dos? Allowing major corps to put even more downward pressure on workers doesn't help anyone but the rich. LLMs aren't going to save the world or become sentient.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Dear AT&T:


[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

What is making my excited is the potential to use this for indoor position tracking for placing persistent virtual displays.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago (1 children)

To me, the most important role of anarchism is as a "North Star". My ideal society (something like anarcho-syndicalism) is not going to happen in my life. Easier to accept as a full adult. However, that doesn't mean abandoning the ideals. It means examining them and the pre-conditions necessary to achieve them. Things like cultivating community and encouraging pro-social behaviors that are necessary to change culture for the better over time.

Maybe when xers, millennials, zoomers, and alphas are and to finally take the reins and have some semblance of control over their own lives we will be able to see more change but for now, building and support is needed so that we don't repeat things like the failed revolution in Iran that led to a theocracy.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago

I'd say that those "extremists" are more likely people who are young (either biologically or in exposure to anarchic philosophy) and a bit naïve. They may have their heart in the right place from the perspective of those of us who have been about for a while but, likely are lacking in real-world experience with anarchic social circles and challenges that they have (wreckers, narcissists, cliques, etc).

What you're mentioning is more of the shallow view of anarchism that's most frequently portrayed as the alternative to the other popular Mad Max view that right-of-center groups like to use to portray "anarchy". Neither are great at showing the full gamut of anarchic philosophy nor particularly accurate portrayals of extant or historical approaches to non-hierarchical societies.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago

Very fair points and thanks for the acknowledgement that those who think that abolishing political structures will solve everything are not really ideological extremists but, at best, extremely naïve and in need of personal growth.

There are so many flavors but, without some form of non-democratic structure (or, I don't know, high-speed telepathy?), rapid change is indeed not readily possible in most anarchic systems, without a unifying external force like a disaster. I don't think that that's necessarily a bad thing though. In current social structures, the populace has been forced to go faster and be more productive so that the ultra-wealthy and others high in the socioeconomic hierarchy can enjoy their leisure. A lot of people suffering from mental health problems rooted in stress and anxiety would be greatly benefited by this changing.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 day ago (7 children)

Anarchists: Are we a joke to you? Yes? Fair enough. We'll be over listening to folk punk and reminiscing about Dr. King being right in his Letter from Birmingham Jail.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I'm on an extended hiatus from riding motorcycles, after getting sideswiped on the highway by an SUV. My minimal injuries and likely survival, I owe to my gear.

My criteria for selection started with looking at available standards for protective gear. In the case of motorcycle PPE, the EU generally has the best safety requirements, so, I'd generally select gear certified to the highest CE standards. My gear pieces were:

  • HJC modular helmet (performed very well in independent studies). This saved my face, which I used as part of an unconventional breaking technique.
  • Revit ADV-style jacket with CE level 2 armor inserts at joints and spine. This resulted in my only apparent external injury being a small abrasion on my arm, treated with ointment and a bandaid.
  • Dainese short cuff gloves with CE Categoy II EN 13594 Level 2 rating (highest standard at the time). These literally saved my life. The steel sliders allowed me to halt my tumble and steer myself away from traffic.
  • Motoport kevlar mesh overpants. Armor was upgraded as much as possible, exceeding CE standards and including coccyx protection.
  • TCX Infinity boots rated at the highest CE standards at the time. These were heavily worn and near replacement. They did do their job well, resulting in only a sprain or hairline fracture of my ankle (suspect the latter with how much it bugs me these days). If I had been able to replace them with a new pair, my ankle may have been better protected.

Things that I think would have helped more:

  • New boots
  • Abdomen protection/armor (my worst injury was a minor hemorrhage of an adrenal gland from hitting my handlebars but needed no medical intervention).

For your case, I would recommend looking into dirt bike or ADV PPE. The sort of protection that you're looking for should be somewhat similar. An extra bonus is that you can likely wear body armor under your normal horseback gear (might need to size up). The technological advancements for impact armor this century are just amazing.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago

Every time I hear or read Senegal, I think of this gem from the last time that Jim McGuiness was coaching the Donegal GAA team, featuring the amazing Senegal Jimmy who can rattle off more Irish place names than most Irish people that I've met:

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

But they dont actually want the consequences that come with it.

This brings up a potential positive thought. If enough people are cheating with LLMs, the perceived value of a degree may go down. This in turn might put some downward pressure on the costs of higher education, making it practical for those of use who would like to pursue graduate studies for the sake of learning to do so.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

I don’t think billionaires are immune from the same addictions that the rest of us are prone to.

I'd argue that it is likely that they are more prone to addiction but, their drug of choice is power.


I'm ridiculously excited. After being held up in customs for a few days, my FW16 DIY Edition (no GPU) has finally arrived. Unfortunately, I've got the rest of the workday to finish before I can get started.

For "vitamins", I grabbed a 1TB SK Hynix P31 Gold m.2 2280 (still deciding what 2230 to get) and 32GB (2x16GB) of G.Skill Ripjaws DDR5 CL40@5600. I haven't had anything so modern in decades and am incredibly excited to see what fun I can get up to with so much RAM.

First order of business, after doing hardware tests to ensure that nothing needs an RMA, and updating any firmware, is to install my NixOS base system and get it setup as a QEMU/KVM hypervisor so that the real fun of trying out the list of recommended and esoteric distros that the Linux community suggested can start. Once I get bored of that, it'll be time to start designing the parts to transform the machine into a hardware hacking/tinkering cyberdeck.

What are you folks doing or planning to do with yours?


Hey folks! I think this request is right up this comm's alley. I'm sure that we all know bogo sort but, what other terrible/terribly inefficient algorithms, software architecture, or design choices have you been horrified/amused by?

I, sadly, lost a great page of competing terrible sorting algorithms, but I'll lead with JDSL as a terrible (and terribly inefficient) software architecture and design. The TL;DR is that a fresh CS guy got an internship at a company that based its software offering around a custom, DSL based on JSON that used a svn repo to store all functions in different commits. The poor intern had a bad time due to attempting to add comments to the code, resulting in customer data loss.


Contemplating getting a K1 or K1C in the nearish future as it looks to be the most cost-effective core-XY platform that allows open-source firmware. All I've found are compensated reviews so far so, figured I'd see if anyone on Lemmy has a less biased experience.

Any thoughts on these or suggestions for alternatives. Would like to move away from bed-slingers.


Here's the carnage! Was running a long print and saw this when I went to check on it. Was running the stock Ender 3 hotend with a Capricorn tube fix for nearly 5 years. Served me well. I haven't yet been able to remove the white PLA. To see the full damage but, I'm pretty sure that the threads are gone.

Guess it's time to upgrade the hotend.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey folks! I'm getting a fresh laptop for the first time in about a decade (Framework 16) in a couple of months and am looking forward to doing some low-level tinkering both on the OS and hardware. I'm planning to convert into a "cyberdeck" with quick-release hinges for the screen since I usually use an HMD, built-in breadboard, and other hardware hacking fun.

On the OS, I'm planning to try NixOS as a baremetal hypervisor (KVM/QEMU) and run my "primary" OSes in VMs with hardware passthrough. If perf is horrible, I'll probably switch back to baremetal after a bit. But, I'm not likely going to be gaming on it so, I'm not likely to have much issue.

Once the hypervisor is working in a manner that I like, I should have an easy time backing up, rolling back, swapping out my "desktop" OS. I've been using Linux as my pretty much my only OS for over a decade (I use MacOS as a glorified SSH client for work). Most of my time has been on distros in the Debian or RHEL families (*buntu, Linux Mint, Crunchbang, CentOS, etc) and I pretty much live in the terminal these days.

With all of this said, I am coming to you folks for help. I would like you folks to share distros, desktop environments, window managers that you think I should give a try, or would like to inflict on me and what makes them noteworthy.

I can't guarantee that I'll get through suggestions, as my ADHD has been playing up lately, but I'll give it an attempt. Seriously. If you want me to try Hannah Montana Linux, I'll do it and report back on the experience.

EDIT: Thank you all for your fantastic suggestions. I'm going to start compiling them into a list this weekend.


Howdy folks!

After letting my dactyl manuform build flounder for awhile, while I try to figure out a good way to reduce the tedium of hand wiring, I got tired of typing on a terrible KB. So, I ordered a Kyria v3 PCB kit and have started the tedium of adding Mill-Max sockets.

Wish me Luck!


Hello folks. I'm a backend guy, mostly using Python, Go, and the like. I've learned a bit of Rust and have enjoyed it for embedded.

With that background I'm curious if any mobile devs can give some feedback on the current state of cross-platform (Android, iOS, Web) for simple apps. What I currently have in mind, despite not owning a uterus, is a FOSS menstrual cycle tracker app, using encrypted local storage only (the regularity of this private information being sold by existing apps is very disturbing to me). This means that my reqs boil down to:

  • UI/UX (I suspect this would require platform-specific code)
  • Storage/DB subsystem (probably just use an encrypted sqlite)
  • Optional extras
  • Minimal third-party library usage to potential minimize data leaks as well as limiting possible vectors for ad injection

So, there's really not much to it complexity-wise. Any suggestions on framework or approaches for keeping the codebase DRY as possible (I would want to minimize required effort to update)?

Freya (

Couldn't find a species-appropriate community for this one but, she's afraid of cats, so, it might be OK. This is Freya. She's a 12 year-old rescue pup.

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