
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago

I cry in American.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 6 days ago

They really mean... "Fossil fuel extraction compatible with ~~climate action~~ our short-term profits."

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wow, that hair.

They're still recovering from the recent explosion in the kitchen?

[–] [email protected] 37 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The first time camping with my girlfriend. We drove 25 miles down a dirt road to get to the campsite but found it was full. (We hadn't realized that it was opening day of hunting season.) So we drove 25 miles back and started looking for a hotel. No luck after multiple tries. It was getting dark and we were tired.

The surprise? We still got along just great! Even with the setbacks we took it easy on each other and still found humor. Eventually we found a hotel room, then the next day a beautiful campsite.

So I married her.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 week ago (1 children)

"The Good Place" - you bet your fudging life!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Doesn't matter, that guy will never see his back anyway.

[–] [email protected] 50 points 1 week ago

Have you met my step ladder? I never knew my real ladder.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago

I can’t drive 55.

[–] [email protected] 35 points 1 week ago (12 children)

And richer rich.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wow... What we used to think was funny. 'Seems cold now.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Of course we believe all oil companies. They've never lied to us before, right?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago

Not sure there's any way to selectively take out Bermuda grass. When I took out our front lawn, lots of Bermuda grass tried to take back the space. It took dousing it with vinegar during sunny days, then digging out the grass at the roots to beat it back. It required weeks of steady effort but now hardly any comes back. Only every couple of months do I need to make a pass through the area to fend off incursions.

Also: why bother with any grass? We're much happier without a big green sponge out front. Our water usage is way down and the local wildlife likes the natives and our raised beds.


Sales of zero-emissions electric cars continue to tick up in California, driving the state on a vastly different trajectory than the rest of the country. Nearly 24% of all new cars sold here during the first three months of the year were zero-emissions electric vehicles, known as ZEVs, according to new data from the California Energy Commission. By comparison, just 7.5% of cars sold nationwide were ZEVs, according to the California New Car Dealers Association, which represents auto dealers.

In the last week, California surpassed both its zero-emissions truck sales and vehicle sales goals — two years ahead of schedule — and surpassed its goal of installing 10,000 fast EV chargers, more than a year ahead of schedule.

Another reason EV sales in California are outpacing sales in other parts of the country is people are keenly aware how the climate crisis uniquely impacts California. In recent decades, California has continued to face significant pollution and climate challenges. In fact, the state includes seven of the 10 worst areas for ozone pollution in the country and six of the 10 worst areas for small particulate matter, according to Newsom’s office. The state also faces increasing risks from record-setting fires, heat waves, storm surges, sea-level rise, water supply shortages and extreme heat. And these conditions are made worse by climate change.


When growing up my parents taught me to stand up to bullies. (We're talking about verbal abuse and manipulation, not physical bullying.) Following that advice as a kid led to mixed results yet it's stuck with me into my adult years.

These days though, using this advice only seems to backfire. When I give them what they've given me, the bullies just get more angry and use that to justify their continued bullying. They see themselves as the victim.

Any suggestions that would be more helpful?


If a mobile (cell, handy) phone is part of your life, do your dreams include reference to it?

The other night I dreamed that I left mine in someone's car. That struck me as odd because it may have been the first time one of my dreams included such a reference - even though I'm constantly on my phone during waking hours.


Small metal object with clip on top. Clip spins around the object body and can be attracted to a magnet (so made of steel probably). Object body does not react to magnet (so made of brass maybe). Cone shaped tip seems to be made of some kind of plastic.

Found this in my back yard, probably from something I was working on, but it doesn't look familiar.

What is this thing? (Identification may help me fix something I don't know is broken!)


Yeah I know these are used for counting vehicles but can they also be used for detecting vehicle speed?

Description: two pneumatic hoses, affixed to a road. They lead to a box that's locked to a telephone pole. Location is southern California. On a minor artery road.

Doubtful that it's to survey if a new stop sign is needed since the next street is minor, dead ends into this one and already has a stop sign. The next intersection with another minor artery already has a stop sign.

Extremely doubtful that a traffic light is being considered since there isn't anywhere near the amount of traffic to justify one.

This is located on a slope. Many cars speed down here. That's why I'm wondering about speed sensing by this device.


Sorry if this is the wrong community or is redundant...

I'm looking for leads as to what's happening to plants in my greenhouse window. It started with my basils. Before I noticed, it spread to my mints. The leaves show these yellow spots, then they turn brown and die. Eventually the entire plant dies.

Any clues as to what I can do to treat/prevent this?


In a spirit of adventure I tried tofu skins the other day. Searching through the numerous options at our large Asian market, it looked like we found one that didn't have the California lead advisory statement on the package - but later found one buried in the fine print.

We ate them anyway, and really like them, but wonder why they have lead. Internet searches so far haven't yielded any answers.

Does anyone here know why they contain lead?

PS / TIL: tofu skins apparently are not be confused with tofu curls.


"Given the importance of the trial schedule, the key practical question is whether the court focuses solely on Trump’s case or endorses immunity in other instances. Smith’s gambit is a fallback that would let the court order the trial to proceed even if its opinion extends to broader principles of immunity."


The Smith team then made its most important and aggressive move by noting that when judges have issued clearly erroneous jury instructions that doom prosecutions, “courts have permitted the government to obtain writs of mandamus.”

Even buried in a parenthetical as it is, the word “mandamus” jumps off the page as a threat to seek an extraordinary intervention by the appellate court. Smith has laid down the gauntlet, telling Cannon in no uncertain terms that if she doesn’t move to resolve Trump’s frivolous arguments well ahead of trial, he will bring a writ of mandamus to the 11th Circuit along with a motion to recuse her from the case. Providing this road map of his intentions puts Smith on firm footing to challenge the judge if she continues to dither.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/11449852

Now, as the Republican front-runner in the race for a California U.S. Senate seat, Garvey has avoided detailed policy positions, instead relying on his name recognition and clean-cut image. His campaign website describes him as a “true role model,” he praised the party’s value of “personal responsibility” in a recent interview, and he called in an op-ed to “restore moral integrity in Congress.”

But the reality of Garvey’s life is more complex. The 75-year-old has struggled with debt, been repeatedly sued, faced a bitter divorce, and got two women pregnant before quickly marrying a third woman, his current wife, in a scandal that briefly made him a national punchline in 1989. He pledged in interviews at the time to take “moral and financial responsibility” for the children.

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