
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago

That's some really neat context. I wasn't overly concerned with Jeb at the time, since I had no interest in any of the R candidates, but the 'please clap :(' sure did the rounds.

I can see now, though, that Kamala Harris was certainly aware and trying to not hit the same landmine during the DNC. Watching her try to politely tell the crowd to shut up for what felt like an hour got quite painful.

Crowds: You need to let your speakers speak!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I don't mind the taste of the "healthy" tortillas. I generally prefer the taste of whole grain bread and pasta over white flour variants. My largest complaint is that they all seem to disintegrate when you look at them -- probably a gluten thing, but they all just break or shred instead of hold together, which defeats the purpose of wrapping your food in them.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 weeks ago

It does indeed. Thanks for sharing this, and I'm now a fan. Sadly, they seem to have split up after rebranding as 'Twin Beasts'. I found the album for this on bandcamp: https://thetoottoottoots.bandcamp.com/album/outlaws ; and the rest of the album is great too after sampling a few tracks.

That lead vocalist is mostly incomprehensible, but his voice is awesome.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

don't trust polls.

This isn't telling you to not be confident or to be scared, this is telling you to not assume victory is assured. Vote regardless of polling. Polling can be accurate or not. If the polling is accurate, and a majority would vote for A, but A is so far ahead of B that A-voters sit out the race, B can still win if enough voters choose to stay home.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

This is a really interesting question. If I were a researcher, I'd try to go chase this topic, since it seems to be fairly quantifiable.

Like Mudskipper, I can replay music in my head but it has a few caveats: I don't really process the instruments.... I remember the pitch/volume/etc but primarily of vocals. I also replay with the original singer's voice and not my own. Replaying a few songs in my head now and I can't even focus on the instruments if there were vocals unless they are critical to how the song works, like a bass drop. If I try to replay music that is instrumental, I get verbal recreations, like someone performing the song acapella. If i focus hard, I can hear instruments instead, but that requires thinking about it. This matches how I 'sing along' with instrumental pieces in otherwise verbal songs. It might just be that the backing music isn't retained, so I can remember the melody, but not, say, a bass line unless the bass is being highlighted.

Are there people who CAN'T replay music in their heads? Are they immune to 'ear-worms' or do they just perceive it differently?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

I've combined these headphones with earplugs for a plane trip. Engine roar overpowers the sound for bone conducting headphones the same way it does for earbuds or headphones that don't isolate. You might still need to crank the volume up, though. Planes are loud. No issue of other people overhearing it at that point though.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago

Don't just identify places vacuumed vs not, but include places vacuumed multiple times. Provide a score. Goal is a perfect 0, negative score implies missed areas, positive is over-vacuumed... Positive score only counted if the whole area is vacuumed to avoid just cleaning the same tiny area until the over-vacuum score counts for the whole rug.

Now, make this an AR game, with leaderboards based on rug dimensions.