Bottom left, because they're versatile and look like they wouldn't be terribly uncomfortable. I like top left, but I've already got something similar.
joined 1 year ago
Different strokes for different folks!
Magnesium can cause diarrhea so, as someone with IBS, no fucking thanks.
Thank you! I hate when I ask for a burger rare and they say "oh, we only do smash burgers here." Then I know it's gonna be a gross fucking burger.
Go rare or go home!
Good luck with your meeting!
Awww those weasel hands
Oh great, good luck getting that outta my head!
OMG you're inviting me over right? Because that is almost my ideal pizza!
Ah I love a light chores day :) Have fun at lunch!
Let me live vicariously - what toppings?
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Man I loved Myst, this is cool!