
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 58 minutes ago

Other takeaways included “Trump is flustered and lashing out,” “Praised dictators because he wants to be one,” “Trump is clearly worried he made the wrong pick in J.D. Vance,” and “Trump is old and quite weird?”

“This election is about what America we want to live in,” Harris for President Spokesperson James Singer said in a statement. “An erratic Donald Trump offers only chaos, fear, and hate. The dangerous threats of an old man don’t create jobs, protect our rights, or keep us safe. Vice President Kamala Harris offers something different: freedom, lower costs, and opportunity for all.”

Good. Strong. I’d change “flustered”, but overall, good dunking. “Dangerous threats of an old man” is particularly good.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

It’s so weird watching corporate news fish around for an angle when there isn’t one yet.

Weird and wrong.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 hour ago

Low-energy. SAD!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

What’s going on, UK? Suddenly I’m seeing good news happening??

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 hour ago

The orange rapist is looking a little pale. And old. And gross. And stupid.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 hour ago

He appears to be having a, uh, episode. Or something.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 hour ago

It’s a gumbo of cheatin’!

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

Pussy hats are back, dawg

[–] [email protected] 45 points 1 hour ago (4 children)

On May 19, 1992, during a crucial part of the presidential campaign, Vice President Dan Quayle delivered a speech on family values that came to define him nearly as much as his famous “potato” gaffe. During the speech, he criticized Murphy Brown a fictional 40-something, divorced news anchor on a popular situation comedy   for her choice to have a child outside of marriage. Quayle argued: “Bearing babies irresponsibly is simply wrong.

Same Shit Different Decade

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 hour ago (6 children)

A notebook is offline. That’s perfect.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

Some things were great. Some things were not.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago

It’s probably a euphemism.


“In the past, communists marched in the streets waving red flags,” Vance’s endorsement of the book, which came out in July, reads. “Today, they march through HR, college campuses, and courtrooms to wage lawfare against good, honest people. In Unhumans, Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec reveal their plans and show us what to do to fight back.”

. . . It’s not the only Vance publishing story that’s raising eyebrows.

The US Senator from Ohio also wrote the foreword and an endorsementfor a book on Project 2025, the far-right roadmap for a potential Trump administration 2.0 that the former president has denied any connection to. 

“Never before has a figure with Roberts’s depth and stature within the American Right tried to articulate a genuinely new future for conservatism…,” Vance is quoted as saying in press for the book, by Project 2025 head Kevin Robert.

“We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lie ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon.”


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Joe Biden has been one of America’s most consequential presidents, as well as a dear friend and partner to me. Today, we’ve also been reminded — again — that he’s a patriot of the highest order.

Sixteen years ago, when I began my search for a vice president, I knew about Joe’s remarkable career in public service. But what I came to admire even more was his character — his deep empathy and hard-earned resilience; his fundamental decency and belief that everyone counts.

Since taking office, President Biden has displayed that character again and again. He helped end the pandemic, created millions of jobs, lowered the cost of prescription drugs, passed the first major piece of gun safety legislation in 30 years, made the biggest investment to address climate change in history, and fought to ensure the rights of working people to organize for fair wages and benefits. Internationally, he restored America’s standing in the world, revitalized NATO, and mobilized the world to stand up against Russian aggression in Ukraine.

More than that, President Biden pointed us away from the four years of chaos, falsehood, and division that had characterized Donald Trump’s administration. Through his policies and his example, Joe has reminded us of who we are at our best — a country committed to old-fashioned values like trust and honesty, kindness and hard work; a country that believes in democracy, rule of law, and accountability; a country that insists that everyone, no matter who they are, has a voice and deserves a chance at a better life.

This outstanding track record gave President Biden every right to run for re-election and finish the job he started. Joe understands better than anyone the stakes in this election — how everything he has fought for throughout his life, and everything that the Democratic Party stands for, will be at risk if we allow Donald Trump back in the White House and give Republicans control of Congress.

I also know Joe has never backed down from a fight. For him to look at the political landscape and decide that he should pass the torch to a new nominee is surely one of the toughest in his life. But I know he wouldn’t make this decision unless he believed it was right for America. It’s a testament to Joe Biden’s love of country — and a historic example of a genuine public servant once again putting the interests of the American people ahead of his own that future generations of leaders will do well to follow.

We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. I believe that Joe Biden’s vision of a generous, prosperous, and united America that provides opportunity for everyone will be on full display at the Democratic Convention in August. And I expect that every single one of us are prepared to carry that message of hope and progress forward into November and beyond.

For now, Michelle and I just want to express our love and gratitude to Joe and Jill for leading us so ably and courageously during these perilous times — and for their commitment to the ideals of freedom and equality that this country was founded on.


In his Substack titled, "The Convention Spoke and Told Us: The GOP is Dead," Kinzinger explained various examples of how the RNC demonstrated that Trump has succeeded in turning the GOP into a "cult of personality."

From that Substack article:

It was called the Republican National Convention, but in fact, it had nothing to do with the GOP most of us once knew. Gone were the party’s serious policy debates and platform planks. In their place was a celebration of Donald Trump, who has succeeded in converting one of the country’s two major parties into a cult of personality. When it ended, the delegates sent a ticket into the presidential election with no true Republicans on it.

. . . Because it is now the Trump Party, the crowd in Milwaukee lapped up Navarro’s message of fear which, after all, is the gateway to rage. Few noticed that, contrary to tradition, past Republican leaders – former President Bush, past nominee Mitt Romney, and former Vice President Dan Quayle – were all absent.

. . . I won’t hide the fact that I grieve the old GOP and fear the cult of Trump. I am equally concerned, though, by Democrats who are shrinking from the fight, concluding that Trump’s election is inevitable. I would say that given a remnant of traditional Republicans remains, and independents must be turned off by a Trump who wants to be emperor. It's time to gather our courage and energy. The fight against him is not lost.

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