Fcuk Labor, Vote Green!
I started my working life as a Trainee Surveyor back in the 80s and 90s with The Main Roads Dept of Qld. I walked 1000s of kms of roads doing surveys, and encountered many many thousands of dead animals, not just on the road, but the verge, the table drains etc. It was a constant stench of dead animal as I walked and cars roared past...
They greatest ecological crime we have ever commited as a species is the road.
Haha this is one of those i didn't know i needed this umtil I read it, thanks for that.
But seriously I'd kind of thought it would be nice but didn't even think to investigate getting it to work.
That's just an argument that democracy cant work. Because voyers are too feeble minded to discern the wheat from the chaff.
I'd give this some credence if it was a "fool me once" but that's not what this is.
If voters are gullible fools that we can be easily misled then that does explain why we're here and why it can never be anything else.
As Orwell opined in an essay in 1937, democracies always tend to fascism if times are tough. Even relatively tough, with the poorest American being better off then the poorest 50% of the planet.
Right behind you my dude.
Grumpy young boomers
Get off my internet!
How are you finding the 13? I keep flip flopping between the 13 and the 16 and then do nothing.
Same, it's what I use on my desktop.
How heavy is it ? I have been thinking about one but have a desktop, so thought maybe a 13 and ditch the desktop and add a dock ? If ibtrabek ia tyw 16 going t be too bulky?
Im on Australia thiigh, so supoort will be worse I imagine.
Maybe the buses are trees and they plan to put seating under as they grow ?
I counted 8, i think you're rigging the polls/s
Well, the Italins just pressure the Swiss Government like the Fench did.