I literally just came to this sub to find out if i could turn ON swipe to go back because i'm a righty and i can't reach the left side of the screen. turns out it's already on but i can't reach! they should expand the range and make it configurable
in the same way that a child of two goldendoodles is a purebred goldendoodle i guess lol
you're not imagining a wide enough ass kicking here. i want them take over by the state lol
the bigger thing right now is people being purposefully obtuse and treating "punk" as the same thing as "counter culture."
conservatives are using this argument to state that they are the REAL punks because they are anti-establishment (while somehow holding all branches of the government but whatever)
in their mind punk people change their political ideologies to whatever is the opposite of who is in power, and so clearly all existing punks had to flip to the other side the second obama was elected or something.
(I'm a second generation punk on both sides and my whole family would curb stomp these asshats)
i'm also new here and i am looking for a specific voyager setting and am gonna ask here to see if anyone can help
is there a way to turn the left->right swipe action into a "back" button? on apollo i was able to turn off all swipe actions in that direction and replace it with a back feature, and that's also the default functionality of that swipe on bluesky. I keep getting tripped up having to reach up to the back button but i can't find a setting for that in voyager yet
i think the second we open up the avenue for certain character traits to be banned from public office, it opens up a new avenue and mechanism for oppressive government bodies to prevent their opponents from gaining power against them. Who gets to decide what traits count as disqualifying? what measures do we use to identify who has met this threshold? where and how could someone be treated for these in order to gain back eligibility? how difficult would it be to change these rules if they were incorrect? how hard would it be for a bad actor to change these rules for their own gain? how much money would be spent on this and the lawsuits that return from it?
if you're into RSS feeds, i've found one for iOS called feeeed that will let you subscribe to subreddits (or lemmy communities, apologies i'm new here) and when you click on them it starts with the article and you have to tab over to the comments. it's been nice.
i don't love the implication here that politicians are corrupt due to mental illness. they can be perfectly average mentally and still be corrupt because corruption is an innate and ever-present exploit of human psychology. empathetic people can be mistaken of where to place their empathy. mentally ill people can be a better option for a public office than someone else who is neurotypical, it all comes down to their platform and record of reliability. disability should not be mutually exclusive with ability to govern.
at least everyone sees the same thing when they click that button. tiktok will literally send you so far down a niche that you'll try to talk to your friend about some huge trend you've been seeing for a week with millions of views and they'll have never heard of it before because their feed was giving them an entirely different trend
i've actually moved over to feeeed on ios recently and i've really liked it. it has a ton of granular customizations down to even editing the navigation bar itself. would recommend!
i think it would be infinitely simpler to just ban the actions you don't want people to do and a better mechanism to enforce it than to try and police the amorphous qualities of their character and behavior. Like, our problem here is that the executive branch has been granted too much power by congress, corporations are treated like people and can vote with their dollars, and congress + the supreme court have no mechanism to enforce laws against the executive branch. If the system was actually segregated enough in duties and insulated from capital, it would be immune to the effects of someone even as bad as trump. It would also prevent all of the false positives and the mechanisms for abuse that would open when we start calling people ineligible for innate and immeasurable qualities.