Ig it depends on how close Switch 2 is to the original switch and if Nintendo decides to group them together in their reporting numbers like they do for the DS all the way up until the 3DS.
I think if there are no "Switch 2 cartridges" and it's all just Switch Cartridges, with just Cartridges that need a Switch 2 to "unlock full performance" it'll probably be grouped the same. That's how it was with the DS, all DSs could play all DS cartridges with just limited performance or missing features (e.g. a DSi "enhanced" game would work for the most part on a DS Lite). Up until the 3DS, at that point the cartridge format changed and only the 3DS could play 3DS carts and thus Nintendo breaks it away into its own sales numbers
In general, I use apps, mostly because I root every phone (and yes, root ability is a major deciding factor when buying) as soon as I get it so I have tighter control for the tracking BS as well as being able to block ADs, effectively, system-wide. Literally no AD load on my phone (ok leak rate is like <2 % so It does happen, but it's rare lol) be it a webpage or an ad-riddled app
Lemmy I definitely use an app because I find the UI..... distasteful...