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[–] [email protected] 8 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Yes, thank you Data

[–] [email protected] 41 points 17 hours ago (15 children)

Someone who's worked their entire life to not only become trained as an astronaut, but actually go on a space mission. What do you think they prefer? Going home today or staying another few months on an actual space station?

[–] [email protected] 13 points 22 hours ago (8 children)

Besides the first all electric train bit, which is nonsense, it also touts the capacity of the train. It has 120 seats, which may be mind blowing to car heads, but for a train is rather on the low side. Regular passenger trains often have over 200 seats and many have more seats for the same length. For busy pieces of track 600 seats per train aren't unusual.

It really is like the author has never heard of trains before and has his mind blown by the concept.

Personally I think putting in batteries is kinda dumb, trains need so much infrastructure already and it's fixed in location. Adding a power delivery system (like overhead power lines like most electric trains have) is really easy. That way a lot of weight is saved, thus making the whole thing more efficient. You also don't need any special materials to make it, compared with huge batteries. And the wear components are a lot less expensive to replace.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

They are getting downvoted because they are making a bad faith argument. They state banning a for profit website for not complying with the laws is somehow equal to censorship, this is obviously not true.

[–] [email protected] 37 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

Who the fuck cares? Once you commit genocide, you are the bad guy. It can be fucking Santa for all I care, if he starts bombing a country to hell, that sleigh is coming down.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

Yeah but this is referencing the movie trope where the person has a fully stopped heart and they shock it back to life. In reality applying cpr is just keeping the blood pumping to supply the brain with oxygen in the hope the body restarts the heart itself. That's why modern defib machines check the nerve impulses to see if shocking it would help. Of there is no heartbeat, it won't help and will refuse to shock. Once the body restarts the heart but the rhythm isn't correct shocking can help. The shocks also aren't huge shocks where the person violently lurches up and putting in more energy won't help either. The machine checks the rhythm and applies a series of shocks to help the nerves regain their normal pattern and thus tell the heart to pump in the right sequence and speed. Just randomly zapping will probably do more harm than good.

It's pretty nice the emergency defib machines we have all over the place these days are smart enough to help without needing to know how it does their thing. Because 80s and 90s TV and movies have muddied the water quite a bit.

[–] [email protected] 181 points 3 days ago (10 children)

People call 911 because they are having a medical issue, cops show up and shoot them and their dog, plus the neighbors dog for good measure. Shitheads actually attempt a coup, try to hang congress people, invade government offices, somehow only one of them gets shot. It makes 0 sense.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Canoodle deez nutz LMAO GOTTEM

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

That's within a solar system, where distance, time lines and energy is relatively low.

Any event with enough energy for something to leave the solar system, destroys all life, even microscopic. And even if somehow it does survive and leave the solar system, space is pretty much empty so it will probably never hit anything. But if it does hit something, 99% of what's out there is stars. So it would end up in a star. And if it does hit a planet, coming in at intergalactic speeds absolutely destroys any life. None of that matters though, because the distance involved is so freaking huge, nothing living can survive that long. Travel times are so long, only fossils would arrive, that's how long we are talking.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 3 days ago (3 children)

If aliens were to visit us it's a miracle not only in space but also in time.

Space is huge, for some aliens to randomly arrive here would mean they are just about everywhere. We would surely see signs of them in other solar systems, even if they haven't visited here. There are so many solar systems out there, you don't just randomly stumble upon ours. And the space in between systems is also so big our brains literally can't fathom it.

But time is huge as well. Humans as a civilization with electricity and technology has only existed for 200-300 years (being generous). Some say aliens have only been interested in us since the atom bomb, which is not even 100 years. However humans as a species has existed for over 100,000 years. And intelligent tool users have been around for about 1,000,000 years. If aliens visited anywhere in that time they would have laughed at the silly monkeys and have been on their way. For them to have randomly stumbled upon us just as we are enjoying our few hundred years of modern civilization is one hell of a coincidence.

Space is mind bogglingly huge, time as well, for both to line up perfectly for aliens to happen upon us is impossible. Even if life is abundant in our galaxy, the separation of time and space pretty much excludes any chance for contact.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I'd go one step further. Not only does our current understanding of the universe not include any possibility for FTL, as far as we understand FTL would completely break reality. Science actively excludes FTL as a thing that can exist.

Wormholes might be an idea, but they aren't even at the theory level yet. More of a conjecture that fell out of some math, but can't exist in the real world.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I fucking hate this modern way of living.

The world is going to shit, for a large part because of terrible wars. So the "economy" and "markets" get unstable and prices rise. This causes companies to hike up prices way beyond any reason, because it's an easy excuse to fill the pocket of the rich shits. All the prices going up is inflation, the price of living for the regular person going up and their money becoming less valuable. So that little bit of money a regular Joe has saved up is becoming less and less valuable by the second.

Then, and this is the real kicker, all the companies start going like "Damn the inflation is so high, we have no choice but to raise prices, sorry not sorry". No shit you dumb fucks, you are inflation, this is your doing.

And thus we are stuck in this endless loop where the rich become richer and the rest of the world just gets fucked one day at a time.

But luckily phones are cheap and we have access to the internet at all times. This way we can watch people die in the wars every day, see the rise of fascism in real time and get a second by second play of how fucked we all are.

I try to be optimistic, but the list of big issues keeps growing and instead of doing something useful about it, the world is falling apart. And this is on a macro and a micro level. The tensions and issues on a global scale are big, but people in day to day have also gotten worse in my experience.


Serious question. I know there are a lot of memes about microservices, both advocating and against it. And jokes from devs who go and turn monoliths into microservices and then back again. For my line of work it isn't all that relevant, but a discussion I heard today made me wonder.

There were two camps in this discussion. One side said microservices are the future, all big companies are moving towards it, the entire industry is moving towards it. In their view, if it wasn't Mach architecture, it wasn't valid software. In their world both software they made themselves and software bought or licensed (SaaS) externally should be all microservices, api first, cloud-native and headless. The other camp said it was foolish to think this is actually what's happening in the industry and depending on where you look microservices are actually abandoned instead of moving towards. By demanding all software to be like this you are limiting what there is on offer. Furthermore the total cost of operation would be higher and connecting everything together in a coherent way is a nightmare. Instead of gaining flexibility, one can actually lose flexibility because changing interfaces could be very hard or even impossible with software not fully under your own control. They argued a lot of the benefits are only slight or even nonexistent and not required in the current age of day.

They asked what I thought and I had to confess I didn't really have an answer for them. I don't know what the industry is doing and I think whether or not to use microservices is highly dependent on the situation. I don't know if there is a universal answer.

Do you guys have any good thoughts on this? Are microservices the future, or just a fad which needs to be forgotten ASAP.

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