That's too kind. I'd like to read about him in an orange jump suit.
Philosophically, restrictions on trans in sports is the one issue I will concede to conservatives.
That being said, we've got sooooo many other bigger problems to deal with. A government passing laws on transgenders in sports signifies a government that is more concerned with appearances and scoring cheap points than actually helping people.
In a democracy, you only get a voice if you vote. Voting IS the protest. When you don't vote, or spoil your vote, you abdicate your voice.
can't tell if pun intended
flame removedants
facepalm. Censorship absurdity.
In an alternate universe, conmen Trump and Musk used their sole talent of convincing fools to wear masks.
What's really tiresome, and frankly depressing, is the amount of people who get conned by this shit. And they are so entrenched, it's impossible to either reason or even empathize with them. It's a brain disease. A cancer on our society, and we are all going to pay the price because of it.
Missed opportunity to fine Google $1 googol.
Protest voting doesn't work when the candidate you are protesting is the least worst option. Democrats that will not vote out of principle have been conned as badly as MAGA republicans. End of story.
A lot of comments here suggest people didn't read the article. It's pretty clear he intends to increase tarifs, and that would substitute income tax. Hey even MAGAS as demented as trump still gotta fund that war machine somehow.
As for how effective it could be? Well it's at least interesting, as it will effectively be a 75% consumption tax on manufactured goods as a replacement. This would probably reduce consumption (great), crash manufacturing (bad), and boost white collar sectors (especially finance).
Basically this will negatively impact blue collars, and benefit white collars and the rich. Oh look, the big con continues.
Selfish and dumb people may as well just be (involuntary) Russian puppets.
Not voting is an act of renouncing your voice and your rights. It's not a protest. It's at best complicity with the status quo, and at worst going to support a candidate that will be far far worse for the issues you are "protesting". You don't get to complain when you don't vote. All you get to do is sit down, shut up, and continue your inaction.