A curse is a condition that bestows a disadvantage. Being black is not a curse in and of itself, but being black + being in any one of many places around the world today is definitely a curse-esque combination due to racism.
My point was simply that there are a lot of things we do "better than nature", though we are a part of nature anyways so the distinction is arbitrary.
Yeah, natural immunity is much better than antibiotics and vaccines, which is why we invented them in the first... Oh no wait, that's actually incredibly wrong.
+1 for Syncthing
It's not ok to insult anyone. Why do you feel the need to do so, and why are you asking for permission?
Palhaçada. Torcer para time de futebol deveria ser uma coisa divertida que cria comunidade, não uma desculpa para cometer crimes e gerar animosidade.
More like going into a church and complaining that there are too many pedophiles.
+1 for Dropout, - 1000 for YouTube Premium
But muh piracy!
Congratulations. I give you a 9/10 in condescension.
You didn't read the article, did you? It's not about reading tomes but books. Doesn't matter if it's an e-book or a really long slideshow on TikTok. These kids have never read the entirety of the text which is ordinarily contained in a single tome regardless of the format in which they didn't read it. If you don't understand why this is alarming, odds are you haven't either. And considering you didn't even read the article...
I have a friend who works at a major bank and they use Blockchain technology to keep track of something or other internally, though I don't remember exactly what. In this case at keast we can bet that it has found a problem wirth using it to sokve. Banks are nothing if not efficient.
I find it funny that it was touted as an alternative to the current banking system and ended up being absorved into it though